Spells for smoking weed..?

Smoking is a very powerful shamanic technique very old, powerful and effective. To ignore that is of course a big mistake. But yes you can do spells through cigarettes.


I love how you post as the sensible, responsible one. We’re all goofy over her and you just came in and Mom’d us Maulbeere. Lol

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Yes, if you’re a shaman trained how to do it with well-built relationships and respect for the plant spirits… That’s not what’s going on here.


You can put the 8 yr old who think she’s 15 to take care of her little baby sis. Then you can have a little vacation. She can prove that she’s 15 . lol. tell her it’s family bonding time. cuz she can’t be cute 2 yr old forever. haha. she’s gonna miss the fun time with babies.


You can get that drunk for cheap in Poland where a bottle of vodka is $3 Canadian $2 American


I smoke often before ritual. I’ve never felt clouded or had any negative effects from it. Its different for everyone but for me it’s a straight shot into the astral. If you smoke high quality bud you will see what I mean, it takes you places.


Golden goat and sour lemon diesel. Still my favorites.


Lemon haze, Wonder Woman, Sour Diesel and Girl Scout Cookies. :face_with_hand_over_mouth: :joy:

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Isn’t it though! When I stopped smoking all the time and just during my meditations it’s like instant projection.


Hmmmm im gonna have to try that. Right now all my bud is suspect as home grown till proven otherwise as I’m in a nono state and cant just get what I want :sob: but I got plans for moving to the country side and getting acrage and a nice little descreete under ground geothermal GREENhouse someday.

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@Lucy88 You need to get high on your backup books your working on. =o) Or teach your 2 yr old to cast spells on you. Like … Feed Me Now!! plant spell from little shop of horror movie musical

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Purple space cookies. Black tuna. And MK ultra are my top :ok_hand:


For me it was the edibles that took me out my body. Good bud for sure takes you places. I def need to lower my usage and do a T bee
Ah but… f it. Lol.


Blue dream is where its at lmao.

Good to know im not the only one whos spirits tell them to smoke lol. I also smoke everyday (praise snoop), and its only served to make my rituals more intense. It puts me in the flow of things so to speak.

Take a fat rip and try to talk with a spirit. If you can’t, take another. It can really help the right type of person.


I would like to point out that there are Native American rituals which include the use of smoke, not just tobacco and cannabis, but other herbs like Mullein, St. John’s Wort, and Uva Ursi are used to impart spiritual and medicinal benefits. It marries into Hedge witchcraft nicely, as the herbs can also be used as tinctures, teas and incense. A little research will turn up some interesting results.


Yes I already make my on herb mix to smoke of Mullein. Lungwort. Skullcap. Mugwort. And Rose :rose:
It’s my favourite smoke blend to mix with the weed. Especially mullein!
I love using herbs. I found mullein on my property and harvested some as well as coltsfoot which is also good for the lungs :slight_smile:

Highly recommend everyone making a herb mix for smoking.


Hehe. Nice! Make sure to get a good air/ion filter for the aroma. :nose:

I’ve been growing off and on for 15 years. One year me and my ex had like 7 different plants/strains in the back yard and 4 auto flowers in the closet with a dehumidifier, green light, the works. I’ve made wax, oil, pixie sticks… I am truly a connoisseur. :stuck_out_tongue:

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I see. And the name MK Ultra sounds right up my alley for some reason. Lolol. Yeah edibles fuck me up (in an awesome way) but too much so for any productive workings. I can’t control the intake and I get too high. So for me, any kind of spirit work is done when I haven’t smoked for the day and I take one hit and it’s away we go to the spirit plane.


I got to thinking about this and a bong does use all 5 elements. Water for filtration, weed/glass for earth, air which moves the smoke, fire that makes the smoke and lastly the spirit is the actual user completing all 5. I often do a hail Satan after taking hits and invite demons into me to experience it. I often use the term “dancing in the weed smoke”.


That is a lovely strain. And I have some seeds of it lmao. Don’t know if they will grow cause they are 7 years old but i gots em