This is an alcohol purification spell I was taught during a pathworking that I describe in further detail here. Results from 80,000 repetitions of the Grand Invocation of the Pact; Seasonal Depression Cured
Outcomes from use
I use this spell multiple times a week to purify my alcohol and remove all negative effects from drinking it.
-I do not get hangovers when I use this spell, if I do not use the spell, I suffer the hangover.
-Alcohol not only dehydrates the body, it flushes out electrolytes too. I used to wake up dehydrated after drinking; I would to have to drink a bunch of water and electrolyte drink the next morning to fix it. Applying this magick removes that side effect for me.
-Heavy drinking weighs on the liver. and can cause the liver to ache or feel slightly swolen. I do not suffer any complaint from any of my internal organs after drinking purified alcohol.
-Alcohol collects and remains in the bloodstream, and can be tasted in the bloodstream even after one has sobered up (shout out to internal alchemy). In my experience, this magick removes this taste.
-At the very time when I otherwise would have hangover symptoms, I instead experience an extremely pleasant fluttering sensation in my body, like the flapping of many butterfly wings, or if you have ever been in a hot tub/jacuzzi and felt a water jet- it feels like that. There is a distinct emotional joy that accompanies this sensation.
-I do all my drinking straight up, I donât mix drinks or chase hard liquors. I find that purified alcohols taste, while still not great, doesnât really bother me, I also donât get the visceral rejection response from my body. Itâs not that the bad taste goes away, rather that it stops effecting me.
-I do not experience withdrawal symptoms if I have only drunk purified alcohol.
I have not tested purified alcohol with a breathalyzer to see if it effects blood alcohol content. My guess would be that it does not effect BAC, but if I ever do that testing I will do an update.
Amulet Construction
This magick hinges on the development of a magickal object etched with this gate taken from The Book of Azazel
The material it is made of is irrelevant, just make sure itâs durable. I also strongly recommend four things:
-Small enough to be held comfortably in the mouth, and completely covered if clenched in your fist
-Gate is carved or etched into object rather than painted on
-Object is made to hang from the neck with a cord or chain
-Object is flat so it can be placed easily underneath bottles or boxes
When I personally did this, I found a business that did trophy and award engraving, and had them engrave a keychain fob.
Once the amulet is constructed, take it during a full moon and do a ritual of evocation using the universal circle; summon Azazel, evoke Azazel. Ask him to consecrate the magickal object. Ask that he transform it into a powerful relic of physical magick.
Place three drops of blood from your left index finger on the gate etched into the object. The left index finger is the left handed finger of Saturn, though I do recognize and respect that some traditions hold otherwise.
I used diabetic lancets to prick my finger, rather than a ritual knife.
Gaze into the gate, your blood will have already opened it. Recite the Grand Invocation of the Pact: Alash tad al-ash tal ashtu. Repeat this incantation many times, pay attention to the spirits within and without the gate; look to them for when to stop. If you are unconfident in your astral senses, trust your intuition.
Put the amulet on and ensure it is against your bare skin, and not visible to anyone, hidden under your shirt.
Conclude the evocation, thanking Azazel and his legions.
You will repeat the above consecration ritual each day until the new moon.
Until the new moon, the amulet should only be brought into visibility during this ritual, and be covered and against your skin at all other times.
From that new moon to the next full moon you will not do any rituals of consecration, but you will keep the amulet non-visible and against your skin.
And I truly mean at all times. If you like low cut shirts, or shirts with thin fabric, you can instead hang the amulet from a belt loop within your pants/shorts/skirt against your leg.
If you are changing, reach within your garment and clench the amulet in your fist, so that it is completely covered. Hold it until you are changed and then replace it with care.
Alternatively, the amulet can be held in the mouth, so both hands are free (yes, even with all the dried blood on it). I found this useful while bathing.
It is imperative that you do not tell anyone you are doing this! Donât even mention it. If people ask, donât tell. Donât show it to anyone. This can create some awkward or frustrating situations for romantic partners, such as holding some object in your mouth during sex that you cannot discuss with them or even show them.
This secrecy is only vital during the consecration process, once it is complete you are free to discuss it.
At the full moon, take your amulet out and look at the gate etched on it. Bring it forth into observation.
Applied Magick
Once the lunar cycle and the consecration phase is complete you can now use the amulet. Alcohol purification is not its only application.
I have been counseled to not put any more blood on the amulet ever, and extend that counsel to the reader. Holding it, open the gate using traditional methods of gazing, projecting energy into it, ect. While not needed, I have found superb results from lighting a stick of incense and wafting it under the amulet for three seconds.
Say the following while gazing into the open gate:
Alash tad al-ash tal ashtu
Alash tad al-ash tal ashtu
Alash tad al-ash tal ashtu
Purify this alcohol
Alash tad al-ash tal ashtu
Remove all negative effects from drinking it
Alash tad al-ash tal ashtu
Alash tad al-ash tal ashtu
Alash tad al-ash tal ashtu
You are asking the powers residing within the gate to work and act in this physical world.
Place the amulet under a bottle or box of alcohol with the gate facing up. If you have multiple containers put them all next to each other, but know that they will all be purified.
Set a timer for 15 minutes, after the time has elapsed your alcohol will have been purified.
This alcohol will be good for the next 12 hours, but if you dont finish a bottle, and want to drink more the next day, I recommend you re-purify it.
Belial gets involved
After I had used this magick a number of times, I was doing an evocation of King Belial and had some alcohol I planned on purifying afterward in the same room. After the main business was conducted, he motioned to the bottles and said he could purify it for me. He was flippand about it, dismissive almost, and described it as a light task. Intrigued, I readily accepted. When I inquired as to what I needed to do to facilitate this, Belial told me that I needed to do nothing further, he would take care of it.
Indeed, he came through. While the fluttering-butterfly-joyous side effect was not present, all other effects of alcohol purification were present.
The really wierd part of this is that the evocation was done without any tool, circle, manifesation base- nothing. It was an âastralâ evocation yet the results were material.
Before making this post, I repeated the experiment, evoking King Belial âwithout anythingâ and asking him to purify some alcohol. The operation was again a success. Based on this it may be unnecessary to even make the relic amulet to purify alcohol, though the results from it are more pleasant.
Testing with various alcohols
I have tested this magick with alcohol ranging from 5% alcohol by volume all the way up to 50% alcohol by volume, of various sorts. Stronger alcohols dont dampen the effect. The only anomaly I have encountered is with rum specifically, which left me with a minor headache both times I tested it.
Further observations
In Aghora 1&2, the Aghori Vimalananda teaches author Robert Svoboda that Kali is the godess of wine, but that alcohol is thrice cursed by Bramha, Vishnu, and Shiva. He mentions that there is a Kali mantra that removes the curses from alcohol, so that the good effects are retained, but that the negatives are removed. He goes on to describe Aghoris drinking enough alcohol to kill a man, but remaining unaffected.
I have not at this time stress tested this magick to see if it prevents alcohol poisioning.
In Path notes of an American ninja master, author Glenn Morris mentions that having alot of chi allows one to drink alot of alcohol, but that the poison and detoxing alway catch up and give a person a bad time.
I have not found that much total energy is required to purify alcohol, and after months of doing this practice, I have yet to experience any purge of toxins.
If you have not yet read The Book of Azazel by E.A. Koetting, I strongly recommend it. The magickal technologies applied in this spell come from that text.
A word of warning
I had a significant other who picked up one of these amulets and rubbed it, jokingly asking me if doing so would summon a demon. She was just having a bit of fun, but that night she called me and asked me to come over to her place because there was a demon in her room. She told me the demon had moved her phone when she was not looking. When I got there she was sleeping on her couch, and too afraid to enter her room. I walked in that room, and the entity there was not scary, but really chill. The demon explained it had come to initiate her into the current, and that when she kept ignoring, it moved her phone to emphasize: âYes, I really am hereâ!
I explained that there was a misunderstanding, that she was not interested in initiation. The demon understood, and agreed to go back from whence it came. She was still creeped out for some time, a lingering energy persisted in that space too. A mutual friend of ours who is Native American did one of their purification rituals for her in that room.
Please be careful who you show this technology to. At this time I do not allow anyone else to touch my relics, and would suggest the reader consider doing likewise.