Rather than doing a journal and updating it from time to time, I chose to complete this path-working prior to making any substantial post on it. A number of months have also passed since its completion.
I determined to recite the Grand Invocation of the Pact: “Alash tad al’ash tal ashtu” 80,000 times. Initially it was going to be 100,000 to 125,000 times, as the Tantrics hold that many repititons of a mantra are required to attain first level mantra siddhi. I stopped at 80,000 on the instructions of the demons I was working with. I kept track with a mala of 109 beads. (I counted the control bead and did not flip the mala as per instructions from Azazel) This took me multiple months to complete, as my progress was not steady, but varied.
The initial recitations were performed during a partial solar eclipse. Tantrics also hold that japa done during a solar eclipse is 100 times more potent. This may explain why I was directed to cut the pathworking short, I may have attained the equivalent of 100,000 repetitions with only 80,000. Any eclipse or blood moon is very good for doing magick, and will supercharge whatever you do magickally during it.
I was pathworking with Azazel at the time, and worked with him and his demons for the majority of this pathworking.
The first fruits that arose as I progressed in number of recitations was extremely close connection with Azazel and demons under him. This developed into the ability to conjure or summon them by simply thinking it, rather than relying upon sigils and incantations. Eventually I realized I could just imagine myself conversing with a demon of this current, ask questions and receive accurate answers without even having to engage in ritual process. Formally structured work performed later validated the gnosis from these interactions.
Admittedly this is a grey area for many magicians, as there is risk of imposter spirits, or recieving imprecise information. However, I determined that I must be able to use my discernment and psychic senses, and rely on that.
One principle that was drilled into me early in this practice by my guides was never to give empty recitations- anytime I was reciting I must direct the power that arose.
Remember! Power without purpose tends toward self-destruction.
Familiar Spirits and Servitors
I received a number of familiar spirits and servitors during this process.
Abyssal Energy
I was directed to make a post on this months ago. Basically reciting the incant can open a portal to some sort of abyss, I share my findings here: Azazelian Abyssal Energy Work Method
Instant Raising of Kundalini
In the past I spent a few years of my life away from black magick training energy work and kundalini. I like to think I became proficient during this time. I reached the point where I could raise kundalini within five minutes of beginning meditation. After this incantation pathworking I could do it with only three repetitions of the Grand Invocation of the Pact. I also had a massive amount of spontaneous kundalini phenomena (when not meditating or doing anything magickal) during this pathworking. Yes it fucked up my sleep.
The Universal Circle
This magick circle has the Grand Invocation of the Pact incribed within it in demonic script. It’s literally a circle that says ‘Alash tad al-ash tal ashtu’. If kundalini is raised while seated in the circle, it will be black, rather than its usual manifestation. This works even if the circle is drawn in the dirt and unconsecrated.
Curing seasonal depression
I held off a while from posting about this pathworking because I thought it was too good to be true. I wanted to determine if this really was a cure for my seasonal depression rather than a treatment or alleviation of symptoms. It would be disingenuous of me to post something so sensational only to hit a depressive wall in a week or two. Because the results have endured, I share it now.
When I began this pathworking I was already in mental decline, it was late Autumn. In earlier months I had evoked both Glas’yos and Hent’yos to cure or alleviate symptoms and had considered the operations failed.
Initially when I began reciting the incantation daily, I simply had a week where I did not further decline. Assuredly, week after week I improved, and so did my discipline. I multiplied my daily incantations tenfold, then a hundredfold, completing thousands a day. I experienced an emotional lift that otherwise only would come in spring as the light and warmth increase. I became normal again. I felt like my summer self in the midst of winter.
In the midst of this process I was taught about myself, my depression, what was causing it, and underwent what I can only describe as a Saturnian (or perhaps more accurately Mimasian) alchemical transmutation, as my being was imbued on an energetic level with the lessons I was cognitively learning. No ritual work on my end was required to facilitate this process.
I must emphasize that this incantation alone does not cure depression, but opened the gates to allow such.
Stress Testing
By this time I had completed the pathworking. I was in a degree of disbelief at the result, and so decided to stress test my depression. I had been living outdoors sleeping under the stars, so I moved into an apartment and cut myself off from sunlight. I had been getting exercise, so I stopped physical activity, even taking walks. I had been sober, so I started drinking again, almost daily. I isolated myself to only meeting with friends/family once or twice a week. I began this in January, the month where in past years I had quit jobs or been hospitalized for suicidal ideation.
Doing all these things had a detrimental effect on my health, but I did not spiral into depression.
Purification of Alcohol
In this post Spell I use to purify alcohol and prevent hangovers I share the spell I was taught during this pathworking that purifies alcohol so that all negative effects from drinking it are removed. This prevents hangovers, and has many other benefits I go over.
There is a quote attributed to Albert Einstein: “The more I learn, the more I realize how much I don’t know”. I am at a loss to explain the depth and complexity and utility of this incantation in a mere sentence. If someone asked me what the Grand Invocation of the Pact means, or does, I would have to say: “I don’t really know, but I can tell you some of the cool results”.