Soul Travel starting out

You can go back to 3350 BC where the inner circle of the priesthood began to put together the info to be released and taught to the outer priesthood which in turn released another watered down version to the “people”. This is how the present day writings of what is taught today came to be. The christian bible is constructed in this same method.

This process shows us similiar anger generated when E.A. decided to release the inner workings of BALG to the general world. The “priesthood” is now angry because they will no longer have control over the initiation process and cannot make a living from this…Power to the People…lol.


another view if one is interested is looking up with your browser…The pesher technique…this says a lot about how the myths are constucted within the writings of the bible as well as the Jews.[url=][/url]

speaks a lot about the origins of christianity.



That is an interesting perspective, I’ve been digging through Genesis looking for answers, only to find a very hateful god capable of the darkest types of evil, genocide, curses, mutilations…I also find it amusing how much god is concerned with men’s peeners. Having them cut off the skin…weird right…I found an interesting translation though that leaves the actual Hebrew names of God, Angels, People and places intact. Very different then the NIV the baptists are peddling…I’m gonna check out Job soon…and also read some other books from the religions of Egypt and Zoroaster. I’m more curious than my cat.

GO FOR IT, ZachD - The very best education is the One You unravel & follow on your own … everything else is just a means of finding whats Yours & following it… :wink: Z

Just wanted to jump in here and mention what has worked for me as far as finally “getting out” of my body. OBE has interested me since I was a child, and I think I have read 1000’s of books, blogs, articles, etc… on the practice. Anyway, I spent so much time and energy trying to seperate from my body according to the way the pictures usually show it done, trying to project myself as a double in front of myself… The first time I actually had an OBE I was like “Wow, why didnt anyone ever mention this”! When I have an OBE I basically “crawl” out of the top of my head. I know that sounds kinda weird and creepy, lol.

Here is my routine. It is not “the” routine, but it works for me, and maybe it can help some of you that are having a hard time. Firstly, I cant project from a sitting position, not sure why, it just doesnt work for me. I like tp lay down, with me head elevated, like laying on the coach with my head proped up on the arm. Anyway, I close my eyes, calm my mind, and regulate my breathing. Nothing fancy on the breathing, Im not counting the inhales, exhales, etc… Just breathing, then I visualize, starting at my feet, a pair of silver, glowing hands that are kinda like rubbing my skin and infusing me with this glowing silver essence. This procedure completely relaxes me, while giving me this “armor” so to speak.

So these hands work their way from my feet all the way to the top of my head. I always work from the bottom to the top, as this serves another purpose as well. I find that by doing this I am shifting my conscious up my body. By the time I get to my head, it is as though my entire being is in my head, there is no recognition of my body at all. Once I am “in my head” I shift my conscious to my 7th chakra. I do this by moving those silver hands just to the place above my head. When this happens, I just slip right out of the top of my head, and I am free to move about at that point.

A few weeks back I was laying in bed and decided to give this a try, but it wasn’t working as I had a cold and laying on my back wouldn’t allow me to breath comfortably, so therefore I couldnt relax enough to project. I ended up rolling onto my stomach instead, and wow! That was pretty cool. Once I got to my 7th chakra, I kinda paused for a second. My head was only a couple of inches away from the wall, so my conscious decided that what it needed to do to get out was to come out of the top of my head, squeeze in between the wall and my bed, and go under the bed and pop out at the foot of my bed. Is that clear as mud??? lol. Anyway, it was awesome! It was like I did a flip out of myself, lol. I even felt that disoriented feeling you get when you do a flip. Needless to say, I was feeling pretty cool :wink:

Anyway, sorry this is soooo long. I was just reading through and wanted to put this out there just in case it might help anyone.

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beboe, i have a feeling this is pure gold. many thanks.

No problem, you are very welcome! I hope it is helpful.

[quote=“Bran, post:39, topic:47”]Interesting it is and completely new to me… Makes the story look entirely different.

But then again,… At first there were somewere around 51 gospels, but some big shots decided to only allow 4 gospels in their “Holy Book”.[/quote]

Very interesting. Funny thing is, neither of the four gospels that actually made the final cut were authored by anyone who actually met Christ. Those ones just disappeared!! The catholic church is as corrupt now as it was back then.

[quote=“Brutus, post:48, topic:47”][quote=“Bran, post:39, topic:47”]Interesting it is and completely new to me… Makes the story look entirely different.

But then again,… At first there were somewere around 51 gospels, but some big shots decided to only allow 4 gospels in their “Holy Book”.[/quote]

Very interesting. Funny thing is, neither of the four gospels that actually made the final cut were authored by anyone who actually met Christ. Those ones just disappeared!! The catholic church is as corrupt now as it was back then.[/quote]

Yup! Poorly translated… editted for content… rearranged … Reader’s Digest condensed version of what’s left… yup! :wink: Z

[quote=“Maxx, post:34, topic:47”]For those reading this and looking for plain physical material to read…the best ever, bar none, is a free book download at Nothing, and I mean nothing, will even come close to helping you as much to OBE.

Maxx, thank you!

Ive been fooling around with wishy washy techniques for a while now with no results… its really frustrating. I followed your advice and downloaded the ebook. Its really simple and original, and my first morning of trying I almost got out. I felt myself separating and walked to the foot of my bed… unfortunately at some point during the final moment of separating the whole thing turned into a dream. I am not discouraged though, I had more success this morning than in the past several years!

I’m looking forward to trying again. Ive got the feeling Im almost there!

this makes it all worthwhile to know that it has helped you…l meant what I said, even tho you hear it over and over again…this e book is the best thing ever to learn OBE…I have gotten messages just like yours from people all over the world having success with this…even after trying all the other things out there.

I am very, very happy for you. And “Thank You” for listening.

Uncle Fester

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this morning i had my first conscious OBE! taaadaaaaaa

ok i had a lucid dream where i opened my eyes, closed them again, vibrations started and then i tried to sit-up.

now i was afraid that i’ll break up concentration if i move. but i said to myself, fuck it, it never works anyway… and i SIT UP. and my body stays lying.

i hope this will work in the future.

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Just saw this thread yesterday and thanks for the recommendation Maxx. I’ve seen a few of those “astral projection 101” ebooks but after reading your comment I downloaded the one from (I’d seen that video with Maria Forza before), tried the indirect technique this morning and got results even though it was for just a few seconds on 2 occasions.

great news…glad to hear it…people all over the world are making use of that book and having good success.

I think I must have let that initial success get to me, because the past few mornings of trying have been unsuccessful. I’ve had some trouble falling asleep after waking up and I just seem to completely miss the opportunities of natural awakenings to separate. Quite frustrating as I’ve been reminding myself of the instructions each night before.

maybe alteration of those techniques will get you back on track…and you possibly are trying too hard…just go natural.


By the way…PyreOD…just as flavor, you might consider going back and reading chapter 5 called the Second Tier in the book Ipsissimus…couple all of that with your activities and you may find it to be of great assistance. That is a contrast to the previous chapter describing astral travel which is very good.

I actually would be very interested in having someone that is of the teaching type consider doing a book exercise project chapter by chapter here on that book Ipsissimus. There is a very intellectual flavor woven between the lines that would be excellent to consider in a group setting. Anyone interested with more suggestions …???


Thanks Maxx, will review the techniques and Ipsissimus and keep working on it. I think I am trying too hard and thinking too much.

Though being slightly impatient, I’d just like to put it out there that if anyone would like to give me a hand in pulling me out just until I am confident to do it on my own, I would be extremely grateful and willing to pay for the assistance.

that is why I mentioned chapter 5…to give you an idea…look at the part where EA mentions going through into soul travel…and coming out into the area with a mentor…you can ask a mentor already there to begin to work with you and help you get out…even in that astral level…you do not need anyone on this level…It is better to have an anchor already there full time to work with, just my thought…good luck. And it is close to what DKmage was talking about when he suggested putting that eye sigil under your pillow at night to help with astral trips…same sort of exercise.


PyreOD…since I am familiar with how you are approaching this…I tried to put myself in your position to see what might be of help to you… In the indirect method…I was looking at the illustration of the phone, the baseball, etc. and as I lay there I saw the sigil would work just as great as a replacement for those indirect items…take and charge the sigil of your choice during your theta-gamma technique and put it on the table next to your bed. Use the mental technique with eyes closed and see that sigil change into a metal piece with the sigil pictured on it. Then in your minds eye see yourself reach over and pick up that sigil and hold it in your hand just as you would with the phone or the baseball, etc. then try to do what ever method you were working with to get out of the body while holding the sigil…

I tried this in the am after my second wake up…and I was dealing with the area in Louisiana south of interstate 10 and speaking with some people in a restaurant there…there was a discussion about the sigil being used and some other things as I fell back to sleep. In the discussion I was personally shown to use another sigil for another task, but it had nothing to do with what we are discussing…use yours for you. Finishing the conversation I went out and got on a school bus with a group and while passing over a river bridge, I woke and knew I was still in the bus and out of body…I was outside body and it took me a moment to come back in and get oriented…I tell you all of this to say that I believe the creation of the sigil on metal in minds eye and being held in your hand from the minds eye will help you as it was given from a spirit…

Let us know if you use it and how, or if, it works for you…
