Soul Decay Curse With The Power Of Black Solar Hell Katulkah - Powers Of Decay and Corruption

The other day i was talking with my great friend @Rory_Mclellan ,we been talking about,demons,outer realities then he asked me how the force of the hell Katulklah can be used.

I replied all useful benefits that can have in you if you embrace that decaying raw force.

  • Heighted Spiritual Stamina,Resistance.

  • Even my body got buffled up into a beast’s in a week while working with these forces

  • Greater Accuracy in magical skills and abilities

etc and more.

Jar Curse With the Black Solar Hell Katulkah - Powers Of Decay and Corruption.

i told him that a powerful curse can using the energies of katulkah turned and sightly altered into fully destructive powers and energies,here some things that can do.

  • Destroy the Chakras - Most People and even beings cant resist that force of katulklah as it is like a black plaque,it is highly vemonous and decaying energy.

  • Weaken the body,mind and heart - in my workings with this force i embraced everything even my destruction there.

  • Even Destroy and Decay The Soul - Firstly the Topic of Soul Destruction is a big with many debates but theres a few entities and energies that can do that but the proccess is a lot more complex if you intent it you may decay it,but not destroy it but if you put time into it i see no way of that soul escaping as the dark corrupting light/Darkness in the surface of Katulklah will corrupt all aspects and characteristics like the mental self,the astral etc.

and much more.

The Curse

as you choosen your victim bind their souls into a small doll or a small physical object i would choose a amethyst.

Binding Of the Soul

put the amethyst in front of you while meditating in the person going deeper and deeper until you found their souls,using the power of the living god inside of you say

" As I Alpha and Omega,The Mighty one,as i the destroyer as i the creator the life giver
as i stand in my omnipotent soul i command thee soul of (n) To Bow into this physical prison that it is ( name of the object )"

sit back and observe the soul entering the amethyst or some parts of it that will give strong connections to the victim.

now get some oil mix it with charcoal,cumin,black pepper and dry bones,mix it all together till it is a black murky liquid .

upon the creation of the liquid say

“I stamp upon the force of katulklah the powers of decay,torture,and death,
may the soul of ( name) be decayed and corrupted by the hell of the black sun by the surface of the black decaying dark dessert Katulkah”

" May this liquid be filled with the decay of katulkah so may the soul of ( name ) be forever forgotten and cutted away as a soul of decay and corruption"

after you said this its important to understand that you need to focus on the very negative side of katulklah,this incantacion brings the deathly energy of it.

"Vlest’Mentes Geytor Me’Yeshtu Tol "

chant it over and over feel the decay kick in.

now simply put the objected that is binded into that microcosmic ocean of decay.

observe the soul being swinged and crushed in that spiritual decay ocean say.

" May you be corrupted,may your body of light be eaten away,may the connection with guides ,protector and gods be destroyed undeserving one"

“( name) Be eaten away”

then feel the atmosphere intesifying feeling the soul swim in decay feel yourself as the sky of that darkness and chant again this words as you observe the decay of the victim.

"Vlest’Mentes Geytor Me’Yeshtu Tol "

observe the destruction and feel it coursing through all their being,decaying it,corrupting it,weakening it.

this the final words that you need to say as the dark sky that watches over.

"Be decayed,ever and ever may you find your death here
Vlest’Mentes Geytor Me’Yeshtu Tol "


I tell you this a very powerful curse to not mess with and remember to detach your action from yourself and indetity,hope you have a great time cursing,boys and girls.




Brilliant as always :upside_down_face: My sincere thank yous for this!
Bookmarked. :black_heart::metal:


Thank you :slight_smile:

This is so fucking awesome bro. Working with amaymon regarding the black sun now… Thank. U

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Thank you Brother.

how to use this energy for other purposes / goals ??

Totally awesome @Xag_darklight

The soul is a living being that resides within you, it is your truest self. It is alive and witnessing everything that you do, when you decay and destroy a soul your splitting it up and destroying thousands of years of experience the soul has accumulated.

Us living as we are is just one part of the soul, our consciousness will always die, since we are a soul that has birth a spirit from our own being(soul) to live a physical life. Once you die you merge back with your soul(after 2nd death).