Some questions about Servitors

Hi BALG, so I looked at some of your replies to my reply in and I’m now convinced to start and try and make my first servitor, Ophelia. However, I have a question about servitors:

  1. In addition for being for love, could I make her also be able to be a poltergeist, eg knocking on windows or walls, opening or closing doors without wind in rooms, having her voice sometimes be able to be heard, lifting up objects, etc? If so, how would you give a servitor poltergeist abilities?

  2. Most importantly, would making my servitor for multi-purposes (love/companionship and doing “poltergeist stuff” in my case) be feasible or should servitors only have one purpose?


Yes, you can make an all purpose servitor. However, general servitors can have less of an affect than specific servitors, depending on their task.

For example, a general wealth servitor may or may not not help increase sales of your latest novel, but a servitor specifically targeted for your book will.

If you want a servitor to help with love situations, I advise against also giving it poltergeist abilities. In my opinion, you should stick to making it a general love servitor, and if you want a poltergeist, make a separate servitor for that. There is really no need for a love spirit to have poltergeist abilities.


Whats wrong with a Love Spirit having Poltergeist Abilities? Not all poltergeists make door knocking and foot step sounds.

When creating a servitor, there should be a reason for the abilities it is given to fulfill its objective. What do poltergeist abilities have to do with love? How would being able to open doors, or knock on windows aid it in bringing love to its creator?

It takes a large amount of energy to move physical objects and create noise. In the creation process, you need to choose where you want the servitor to expend the majority of its power, fulfilling the love directive, or creating noises for no reason. If you choose noise, then it will be mediocre at the love aspect if it succeeds at all.


It’s possible, just notice the more complex you make your serviator, the more of an “own” personality it developes, which with such abilities you should definately include a kill-command to prevent it going astray and doing bullshit on it’s own which conflicts with your purposes and guidelines.

To give a Serviator such degree of physical impact, definately study Poltergeist activity and footage first,
to get a feel for it.
In it’s creation, include the Elemental Energies of Earth and Air, Earth should be pre-dominant (more percentage of the Energy), as you want the Serviator to get a very Dense form and the ability to increase and de-crease it’s own density by it’s own will.

The Serviator should also be given the general outlays of at least 2-3 bodies, to shapeshift between.
Why several bodies?
becouse you want to make sure that the Sex-Version doesn’t spook around going Poltergeist mode!

Also, the Poltergeist activity will become more stable when the being can shapeshift on it’s own.
The Poltergeist activity should be aimed at a purpose, that’s true, good point DarkestKnight.

But i guess you had someone in mind to freak out with that, otherwise how do you come to the concept of combining these abilities into one Serviator anyways?
It’d be much easier to conjure a Succubus and conjure a Tulpa Seperately from each other,
or, in this case, make one Serviator for each task.
As, true, it kind of conflicts in concept.

The Energetic Essence of a Poltergeist is tragedy, sorrow, loss, sadness, anger, fear…
All Emotions you probably don’t want to be dominant in a Sex-companion, especially if you allready took the effort to create it by yourself, “costumfit” - unless you want to send it to someone on purpose and seek to see that person expierience these -well… these Emotional and behaviorly specialities - in the relationship.




Thank you for your responses everyone. I now want to make a poltergeist servitor and my lover servitor separate beings, because if I were successful in this, I could never kill off my lover :’(

I wanted her to have poltergeist abilities to sometimes play pranks on people assuming she follows me, but if she has to have those traits, then the only way I’m having a servitor with poltergeist abilities if they’re a separate being that probably looks more like a monster or a hooded being that I wouldn’t feel TOO BAD if it came necessary to switch off.

That said, do I have to put an “off switch” on my lover servitor if her only purpose is for love, sex, and companionship? I’m not going to but I’d like you’re thoughts on the matter.


You don’t need an off switch if she is going to be working continuously. An off switch is only necessary if you think her going about her job may interfere with other aspects of your life in some way.

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Mm hmm. I take it you never read my explanation on Poltergeist Abilities. The general understanding of what a Poltergeist is is that it just makes spooky action. Poltergeist is an act of Light (Life Energy) being raised and Focused potently. Actual Poltergeist manifestation as most people know it is mostly a poltergeist created by accident, meaning its function will be chaotic/erratic. One can actually create a Complex Poltergeist that doesnt make Knocking noises and all that other nonsense.

Generally, it’s recommended to incorporate kill commands when creating serviators,
there’s a tale about a Golem which kept wandering on after being without an task but not destroyed by it’s creator, which is usually given as an example for why to do that.
In serviator creation, there’s either the Magician feeding it in a certain interval, or it’s allowed to feed itself on a specific source, which haves to be managed for the Serviator to stick to being active, not just feeding constantly, but also when it’s not fed at all, it’ll callapse into itself and desintegrate.
As for a Sex-Companian, feeding it simple, since the act itself releases tons of energy.
For a poltergeist, it can feed on the fear of it’s victims.
Again, combining them is possible, but i wouldn’t really call it a great idea, and if you do, you should seperate the personality structures and make it a shape-shifter.

And since Shapeshifters are very Potent, you shouldn’t leave out a killcommand on those in any case.

Importend note - for any Serviator which hasn’t been created with an kill-command, the most natrual and safest way of stopping it is re-absorbing it into it’s source (you!).

Some Magicians like the comparision of Demons being Serviators which dis-obey their original creator to feed upon us humans instead of following their original task, and therefore also escaping their original source which is based on the bible concept “god created man in it’s image” - us being alternative to the original god creator for them.
Which to a degree lines up with many magickal discoveries.
In that sense, it also answers the question of:
“What could potentially go wrong!?”




Poltergeists do not only feed on fear. They can actually feed on anything. Poltergeists are created via Pure Life Energy so are like a creation given more sentience. Thus, they can be sex companions that feed on Love & Sexual Energy instead.

Im surprised at you guys passing out all this disinformation.


That’s interesting, but the explanation doesn’t negate what I said about general and specific abilities for servitors. What the OP was wanting was your stereotypical Hollywood “poltergeist” activity of knocking, and making noises., which doesn’t make sense for a love servitor.


I see. I thought he just wanted a sensible Love Being.

Well, my advice regarding that is to forget Hollywood, Japanese anime and all forms of media and just simply do Research
…ALOT for your creation. It is a work of art that never ends.


True, but based on that all serviators are made from pure life Energy,
however, the binding to the task of Poltergeist activity makes the Spirit focused on a specific field and type of energy.
Just like there are vegan humans and flesh eating humans,
living in different enviorments / concepts of how they view the world.
Same species, different atributes.

  • again, not really. “never ends”, it is a certain time to create the Spirit and start it off to become active -after that, it’s either re-creating with learned expierience a new one (which makes re-inkarnating the first one very reasonable), or trying to adjust a running one - which is a little bit like taming a pet then.
    As an Active spirit will still see it’s creator as it’s source and more powerful then itself,
    but not just completely obey everything without having any own understandings and emotions.
    It is a concious persona after all.



Just by the way, didn’t we even have a serviator who secretly posessed a dog and came here on balg to learn and reseurch, stating it’s intend “to come free of it’s original master”?

So much about the golem story…

Shoutout if he reads this. xD



Well like I said, I think that sometimes it’d be fun for her to play pranks on people. I didn’t want her to be a really destructive poltergeist, but a mild yet noticeable one. But knowing what I know now, I want them to be seperate.


Glad i helped you in your work.

Just becouse we’re on Balg here,
I want to share another gift for you:





Haha what? That’s hilarious! How did he manage to type since dogs don’t have hands or fingers?


Knowing what you want is half the battle :slight_smile:

As this is your first servitor, keeping the poltergeist separate from the love spirit will give you the best results, in my opinion. Once you are more confident in your skills, you can experiment and combine the different abilities if you want to.

My first servitor was a gnome that brought spare change to my attention. I made 35 cents the first week :blush:


Well, this is magick, so everything is possible. hahaha

No, seriously, i think it was just an account from someone who wanted his Identity to stay secure and also had a good sense of humor.

yet, it’s completely possible that the account actually was made during a posession.
The Dog could just be the main vessle, a Spirit which can posess and control living beings could switch vessles, right?

