Some new magicians / witches hexed the moon?

He’s isn’t even of the moon… He’s a sun god…
Last I spoke with the Greeks (and I speak with them very often) specifically they were cool. They didn’t seem angry or in pain or in any kind of agony. So yeah, simply larping.

That would be nice, extra energy is always welcomed, but I’m afraid I’d be disappointed if their death hex is anything like their moon hex :joy:


Oh, yeah, of that I’m aware. I heard that the reason he’s “angered” is because of any intention for harm toward Artemis. But, again, I’m not really sure where I stand on the whole thing. There are some magicians I respect who feel strongly one way or the other so I’m just curious about opinions.

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Yeah saw her last night along with Athena, Apollo and Dionysus, I assure you they’re more than fine.


You said you werent doing magick :astonished:


Right, which is why I did not suggest something extreme like striking them down. Honestly, the most harm I see in all this is a possible risk of delusion on their end, which can cause problems for them. While I believe gods can certainly be harmed, I don’t think that actually happened here. My gut is just not allowing me to lean to that direction.

Oh gods, I could add stories to that pile myself lol


I’m not, but they’re visiting :joy: You know my relation with the Greeks, my demons might ignore me for several days but the Greeks…? Nah.


They can try but will most likely end up with hell of a lot of Larping or get their asses handed to them by the gods themselves for even attempting. Yea I know gods can get injured but in this case I don’t see that nor feel it. I agree with several others here. The gods and goddesses are fine.


Certainly not :smiley:


She’s fine. She’s may Martin and didn’t even seem to notice anything. It’s just larping don’t believe everything you see on social media. They will get what is coming it them. Just read myths on what happens when you anger the gods.


We would be fighting over crumbs in that case. Good thing we don’t have to rely on curses from retards

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Makes sense. I become more and more confident with everyone’s replies that the energy shift around me was more likely to be the anxiety and fear from my aforementioned friend. To be fair, she’s also very new to the practice so I can understand why she may get wrapped up into it. I’ll provide the advice and opinions of everyone here.


No, yeah, absolutely. That’s in part why I was curious about where everyone else stood because I felt as if I was the only one sort of somewhere in the middle instead of feeling like… we were headed to war. Which is how everyone else seems to be feeling lol.


I don’t think they noticed to be honest. So the war stuff is larping as well. I mean if they want to fight they minds so be it. Maybe they will learn something of value? :thinking:


At the very least, I hope Mother Lilith enjoyed the candle I lit for her out of respect just in case. There are some times where I do let myself be a bit too swayed and act in a “just in case” scenario. That’s probably something I’ll have to work on here and there, but I also believe being moderately preventative can be a saving grace in some situations. Not necessarily this one, though.

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Hopefully! I do believe that most things of this nature bring a lesson of some sort.

You don’t have to be ashamed of worrying about it and taking it seriously.
You did that out of honest and noble reasons - because you care about the deities. They will appreciate this.
It is good however, that you did not react out of hot tempered emotion, but remained rational and made this thread, asking for other peoples’ opinions.


I appreciate your saying so! I’m always trying to grow both in my craft and as a magician :sweat_smile:

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At the very least, if you are building a relationship with Lilith, you showed you cared, even if the threat was not legit. That is something positive and constructive that can be pulled out of this. And perhaps, along with all the advise and insights being shared here, can be something to recommend to your friend to help her continue to build her bond with Artemis and Apollo


Agreed. I’ll have to share the thread with her, or even just share the opinions of everyone on the forum to sort of put her mind at ease, but also aid in her bond with the two as you said.

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Considering that some people, like Enoch Petrucelly, believe the moon to be fake, and that it is actually an alien space station beaming a mind control frequency into our heads, I’m not surprised some morons would try to attack the moon. In his book Soul Retrieval, Enoch even encourages the reader to do so, and provides rituals for it.