Joining the forum, and starting an online journal was part of how I wanted to start the new year. Seeing as I suck at the physical journal process (writing is tiring and feels more time-consuming than typing). My physical journal hasn’t been updated since Feb 10th 2020 I believe…
Should this one end up having a lot of posts I might work off of a monthly journal model so I don’t have to scroll an ocean of text. Lol
Today will be the second day of a sadhana I’m doing jointly between Ganesh and Chinnamasta which will last a minimum of 11 days but I’d like to go for the whole month. I want to start the year strong. Last night I started, using a Shri yantra I had bought some time ago (goldplate 10x10 in), I annointed it with Barbie Garret’s slut water™ as an offering to Ganesh and stated my intention for him to remove obstacles in my physical life. I out on the Ganesh Vandana (YouTube or Spotify) lit some fire in a small pot ontop of the yantra and recited one round (108) of his mantra. I could sense he was pleased. I thanked him.
Once again, I anointed the yantra and told chinnamasta my intention for her to help me work through my internal and mental obstacles. I put on the chinnamasta Gayatri mantra (chant central on YouTube or spotify) and did a round of her mantra (ॐ हु चिन्नमस्तयै नामो नमः). As I go forward I hope to do more than that. Say at least two rounds of 108. Ideally Id like to do ten. But that might be a little gungho…
This’ll be the outline for this “sadhana”. I might add or remove to this. Ideally I’ll do this on an empty stomach (4 hrs fasted). In conjunction with this practice I want to do a daily energy practice (Qigong: I’ve been rather lax for awhile as I’ve seesawed between apathy or laziness). Some pranayama and/or chakra exercises. Time allowing…
Earlier today I was asked for a blue candle. I hemmed and hawed a bit. Then I was reminded that it was an energetic treat. Very well…
Grabbed a candle, one of the last two blue chime candles. Need to buy more.
“Push energy into the candle and empower it”, ok…
I like to work with colors.
“Blue, black, green…”
Very well then.
I begin, using my index and middle fingers to push energy into the candle. Inhale, exhale and push…first, dense black energy, then electric blue energy, then green vaporous energy, next blue flames…
“Too much…”
You can take what you need from it as it burns. Anything else can dissipate or you can store it for later (if you can)
I sense a smile. This answer was met with enthusiasm.
In the middle of this charging, I had removed my fingers from the candle and she seemed to eat some energetic residue from my fingertips. Much like you would eat brownie batter from a bowl with your fingers. I found this rather amusing…
Intuitively, I sense the candle is ready and finish. I feel a bit drained. Success.
I grab a lighter, envision the flame being consecrated/empowered and light the candle.
Mentally I see an enthusiastic spirit in front of the candle “eating” the energy coming off of it. Job well done.
Some days back I had been doing some energy raising. I decided to freed and empower my servitors/familiars while I did so.
First one, I pushed energy into and gave a boost.
Second one, she’s rather a bit more temperamental and moody. Hecate helped me in the creation, maybe that’s her twist? Lol
Wouldn’t come at first. Finally comes, arms crossed looking away.
Lose the attitude.
“Don’t feed the energy into me directly!”
Pffft, well how do you want it then?
Whatever, I’ll just feed it into your sigil then…
I draw out the sigil energetically. Strong energetic lines, vibrant. I start feeding energy into it and create a surrounding sphere. After a bit of this, I shrink the ball down and condense it it to a small grapefruit size.
Alright, here it is…
Take. It.
“I want a rune…”
Sure, I can do that.
(Start to envision Uruz for strength)
“Not that one…”
Hmmmmmm, (intuitively) Nauthiz…
Why that one?..
“I want the power to bind your enemies…(to operate under constraint and persevere)”
Very interesting…(I sense some kind of competiveness or jealousy is at work with this request) very well, I like that answer.
Let’s see, what color…
(Mentor) “don’t overthink it”
You’re right.
I envision Nauthiz within the energy ball, RED, crackling energy.
She holds her hands out for it. I don’t remember if she absorbed it or if I gently pushed it into her…
Suddenly she collapses on her back and starts convulsing like an epileptic…
Oh, fuck…was that supposed to happen?
“Hold her til it passes”
If you say so…(shit)
After a moment she stops convulsing.
Now it’s like a cat that got catnip…
Alright, alright, that’s enough of that. I close down and go about my day. Phew…
Jan 31st I had had a few drinks (absinthe)
Fuck it. Let’s call Lucifer!
I chant a round of his enn on my “demonic mala” (only for demon enns).
I grab a tealight, guess I was feeling spunky.
“Lucifer, be with me in the coming year, (shit I don’t remember), let me drink deep of the abyss and within that abyss…(other stuff)” light the candle
I hear a deep male voice laugh
“YES!..hahaha…VERY bold…”
Oh, shit. What’ve I done?
“You may regret that later…”
Oh well, fuck it. That’s neither here nor there. What comes, comes.
Earlier that day, or the night before I was told the following:
(Female voice, Lilith) “DARKER spirits will be coming now…”
(“Darker spirits” dafuq does that mean) Right now?
“No…moving forward…”
In the year ahead?
“Yes…(how do you feel about that?)”
I’m ok with that?.. Dunno if I’m ready, but I’ll handle it best I can.
(I sense amusement)
Fast forward to last night…
Instructed to open the altar and lift a fire (manifestation base, energy conduit)
I had received communication. Strong presence. Azazel?
Some instructions, curiously something about “energy bridges”? I will know what to do when its time to do it (apparently). I’m supposed to bridge energy to myself somehow, I received an intuition flash, something about circuits (energy meridians?). Bridge is emphasized a few times.
I think I get the basic gist of it…is that all?
“That’ll do. Close down.”
Very well then…