So what is going on? the Human Experience

I can’t do LHP or RHP it reminds me too much of Christianity vs Satanism where they’re just this light vs dark or “come my dark brothers and sisters” or “love and light brothers and sisters” it’s too fake acting/sounding to me. I just never resonated with the need for either of those labels.

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That’s amazing for you, I’m glad the LHP makes you feel that way. I myself am on the gray path, so I believe balance is key. But there are many shades of gray… 50 to be exact( I couldn’t resist XD).

But back to what I was saying, the LHP might not be the best for others. Everyone needs to experience variety to see what floats their boat. You’ve found the LHP, good for you. But others might find a different one.


I was really scared and hurt because

I realised what I had my faith in, the RHP

On top of ignoring a need I kept asking and waiting for

Instead of helping and empowering me, they led me to situations intentionally trying to hurt me, and their intent was to hurt me so much I’d have to rely on THEM for healing. But I escaped to LHP who granted my need within days. I’d waited my whole life, and Lucifer did it in days. I hate the RHP and through curses I’ve tried exacting my revenge


I’ve found various spiritual paths that helped me, and I don’t think I’m mistaken in feeling that each transition has been a step upward, an expansion

Christianity > collective consciousness/RHP > LHP


Ah, so you used to be a Christian too.


Im not on the LHP path but more like a balanced road
When i used to be religious i tried to ne more kind to people but it made me worse, depressed and getting hurt because of the so called sin, i was a prisoner bounded by some meaningless laws
I was even scared to fap :joy: because thats a sin
I feel bad for the people who are die hard religious fans i really feel bad for them because it makes me think i was once a slave like them. Speaking the truth religions have a strategic way to get in someones head who has been hurt and broken aftersll humans like to be controlled by a god and follow some few rules to get rewarded, for me it tooksome time to get out of the cage and find answers


Same. Religion can bring people down sometimes. Religion should’ve never turned into this. I’ve always felt that religion is for you and you alone. It’s to empower you and make you happy. But today, religion is nothing but judgment and strict rules.

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Yes religions were supposed to be free and a guide to live a proper life without war but because of the modifications during the past few years its more like a rule book, " you do this and get rewarded " " no fap brings you to heaven "
Even buddhism has several versions which is crazy because the original buddhism is not about worshiping a statue its the way of living your life


I guess the main issue is

I was an emotionally vulnerable person. I think were it not for the spiritual experiences I would’ve had severe anxiety like my first soul mate and boyfriend did. I think I would’ve been codependent and depressed and gone to a psych ward, honestly. Like I was just too vulnerable and kind of crazy

But only this path now kept me safe from getting hurt. Even my early Christianity I think was used to pay back some karma about speaking against gay people in religious lifetimes, having to struggle with reconciling those two things. This whole life was literally a “shit on Encore” life and I’m not saying that because I’ve suffered a lot but because I clearly almost did, like imagine seeing your own life set up to hurt you. I had solar plexis issues when I came here, I think my soul had guilt and shame and this was to pay back “karmic” debts.

But if “do what thou wilt be the whole of the law” as LHP believes, I don’t “have” to endure agony to make up for what I did in ignorant past lifetimes. I can escape with my incubus and Lucifer

Imagine seeing your life built for you to hurt you. That was scary, momentarily mind-bending and trust-destroying, and it forced me to escape to LHP and understand my soul mates are essentially enemies I need to destroy to keep myself safe.


I’m pan, and I used to date a girl. My mom found out and took all my friends away from me( they were online). I was devastated. I got really bad depression and started to hate myself. I had always questioned religion, but this was the last straw.

I began researching more and more into this stuff and formed my own opinions. I don’t HATE Christians, but it’s just… It’s hard to understand. Religion hurts. And people hurt you. I still miss my old friends, they were everything I had.

I’m not depressed anymore, though I’m terrified of my parents, and I love myself. I’d say I’m on the right track.


You are right i mean its not fair for our karmic actions in our previoss life leads affects us in this life, its good to hear that you are on the right path… you will find more about life in LHP more answers



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Sorry for what you have gone through, and yes i dont hate christians or any other religous people


It takes a lot to understand that these “controlling” beings, these “guides” are not all-knowing. And not even all-powerful, which is a belief that most spirituality uses. This god or this “process” is all-powerful or unavoidable so you have to submit, make yourself weak via all-lovingness so we can keep you here and be charged by your intent.


Mhm… That’s basically any religion ever.

The most important thing is, I am finally, finally free.

But I almost went through hell at their manipulative hands, so that scares me. Part of me doesn’t want to die and realise I should have let them hurt me… But I now believe it’s more likely my higher self was somehow deluded by their bullshit before I incarnated. I’m not the sorry victim they wanted me to be, I’m not a punching bag to make other souls feel better cause I hurt them ages past and my higher self felt guilty about it. I’m my own being and I’ve striked back, embraced power and my own freedom and safety through the LHP. I trust Lucifer now, because he cares about my pain and needs instead of belittling or ignoring them


That’s inspiring. Good for you for not letting others hold you back!

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If someone hurts you fuck them over
Its okay to take revenge

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I really went nuts for a while before though… a year or so ago… deluded and holding onto faith so so hard, even manifesting the results I wanted with tarot and YouTube reads… just intensely lonely, I wanted a soul mate cause dating was hard and I’d been a weird kid, I wasn’t manifesting a relationship at all and then to meet my own soul mates and have them not want me, despite seeing and sensing so strong, all the synchronistic actual similarities of our lives, several, so that it was obvious. It was like they (RHP) were trying to torture me.

I honestly relate. I’m lonely as hell. That’s why I research about entities.

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