Hi there dear Baal
Hey thanks for your question!
I really delight in placing things in perspective.
I know it’s going to be long, I just like to help bring some satisfaction… So I hope you don’t mind too much,
it means I’m passionate about adding unto others and sharing experience based insights (of myself and also that of other beings that are full on in the experience of that which they are revealing through words)
I generally base perspectives on personal gnosis of the cosmos, interactions with angels, or demons, who benevolently help out with learning things, and also from ascended self-realized, immortal masters, the alpha, the omega, gaia, and beings that directly show me things- in order to offer gnosis lived by myself or others that are already in pure states of understanding reality.
"All life is One, judging matter itself as evil is condemning yourself-rather understanding your real total nature in it’s original perspective will set you free beyond your wildest dreams, beyond death, aging and so on…in the here and now. (not in any afterlife)
You know, I wouldn’t attribute that to the right hand path per se.
In reality, most of the RHP pretenders such as religious people don’t actually know a lot about
proper esotericism due to being too attached to dogmatic views that lead away from real illumination-
and their theories have often been altered for the sake of real enslavement (I researched it when it comes to christianity- and in a channeling of Yeshua Christ I read that he said that Islam was supposed to evolve towards Suffism- a more spiritual branch of Islam)
Buddhist on the other hand, most of them follow an old path that only helps one go so far in self-mastery, but is still limited. Actually a lot of religions are centered around a particular chakra-but a lot got in translation when it comes to spirituality, (not all however)
Even Angels do not condemn the use of material, it is actually created to experience yourself in, seen from the perspective of beings that are well connected with the source.
The rejection of the material world is a purely human thing.
Though there is in buddhism the teaching to go into detachment of it to learn to detach the sensual need for it, such as to become detached from fearful attachment such as greed for example, there are such teachings- but it needs re-integration to come to completion.
But it’s all about getting to understand divine logic/order all over again-
One does not need to let go of certain things per se, one must just get to understand the original perspective of the source in order to remember what the real order and nature of the cosmos and thus one’s nature is-helping oneself to get into the real experience of what the cosmos is.
The ultimate state of realization is to realize that you are all that is, no more, no less.
That you are the Cosmos expressing itself in perfect divine order. That you are All-that-Is,This is where the point of supreme peace lies- and also the point where you can beside this state of realization.
You then realize that you are the one Cosmic Source, the almighty I AM-presence, the supreme Self of all life expressing itself as you, as humanity, as all that exists, thus you truly are the source of all things, in oneness and equality with all life-with it’s infinite potential available to you, fully, here and now.
I heard a channeling from 5th dimensional beings and ascended masters and they don’t condemn matter, or help transcend judgements. In reality there is material in more affined forms in higher dimensions too.
For example, you have a boats, spaceships, tables, chairs, and soooo much more in 5D so
All this escapism from the material world, often leads to paths that lead to death, instead of true integration of the divine into the physical body as well. The physical world is as sacred as all life is in it’s own way. Proof of that is that alchemical processes, scientifically, like sublimation etc are exactly the same than in one’s consciousness, and there are many more of such things. Kabbalah for instance and the tree of life explains the relation between matter/mind/spirit/feelings/emotions. because they are one congruent whole. ‘As above, so below’ is a famous Hermetic quote. that refers to that and more. Kabbalah is also generally channeled and generally in it’s original form most accurate since the tree of life is a real existing geometric pattern just like the flower of life is.
The Cosmos is the God-Mind, thus your mind too- and all therein is you, 100 percent. So why would you condemn the matter that is therein?
Did you know that You ultimately thus are the Alpha and the Omega, the Alpha is the “I”, the intelligent breath of life , the source of pure intention and the creation of blueprints that later on becomes matter through the Omega that is the intelligent particles of substance, molding all into form.
It is ok to experience matter, it is ok to like what you like and experience matter, it is also sacred and an integral part of the whole, it is there to have a heart relationship towards- molecules in reality, ultimately are filled with love- it is ultimately the force of love that holds it together, such as everything that exists. Form exists even beyond 3D- it is the negative judgement and attachments to it that just need to be altered, one can do so through affirming
I AM the Cosmos (the all)
I AM a soul (individuality)
for instance to have an all-integrating attitude which are some affirmations that lead to conclusions placing all in perspective. If A is correct, than B and C and D must be such as such…; for example…; and that too does the trick if you affirm it into your rituals for instance (really powerful)
Through you, with you and in you dear I AM-presence, I AM the Cosmos
or By my almighty I AM-presence, I AM that Cosmos.
singularity is than the ultimate perspective you can hope to encounter, that all life is one.