I just checked and Lucifer did not connect with my spirit guardian to investigate the situation, what he gave you was a false vision. I never gave you my higher self’s name. can you please email me, and i can let you know who my true name is so you can validate my situation.
I don’t need your higher self name, I can connect simply vby using your username, make sure you are contacting Lucifer, your stories seem too crazy for it to be a legit situation
I’m just confused, why did you ask for advices if you ignore them ?
i’ve never heard of someone being able to connect simply by my username that i just created yesterday which Lucifer does not know. that sounds a bit weird and suspicious if you ask me. but you do you.
im not confused, there were a lot of great valid points made here by multiple people and i appreciate everyones input. and im doing more now to deal with the situation based on everyones input.
@spiritjourney well then good luck to you (hope you don’t get stuck in the dark
With this being living your life out for you)
i hope not either. ill update this thread with the final outcome soon.
@spiritjourney You have had good advice that you refuse to listen to let alone thank anyone for trying. It is the consensus of this forum at this time, that you,with only 2 years of Draconian Current under his belt are heavily parasitised, and you should listen to that. You don’t let these things eat you, you eat them, or you die, it’s that simple.
This is unacceptable here. This is not a larp or roleplay forum, and you may only write as the responsible adult you are, and not pretend to be some entity speaking through you.
In addition this forum is not able to handle people posting with DID or as multiple personalities for any other reason. You will be banned if you continue indulging this fantasy.
We don’t care who you think you are, we believe what you’ve been told is a lie. That’s what parasites do, they lie to you.
It’s already been established that you have no idea who you are talking to, are easily fooled by impostors and parasites, who would naturally intercede and pretend to be other entities to keep control.
It’s how spirit works that all beings can find out any information at any time, all we have to do is ask, humans can do this, entities can do it better.
Please don’t ask anyone else to contact you off forum.
I’m closing this thread now as the conversation is about as done as it’s going to get.