Simple English Demonic Evocation Guide

I would go with the mastering evocation course, personally, if your goal is to contact spirits to learn how to do tricks.

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thanks very much, i´ll keep that in mind, so evocation is a recommendation for starters, gotcha so evocation i heard is basically trying to summon a physical spirit, like others use incense so the spirit can feed off of it and shape its body for use to physically see in the form of smoke, or is this more of a seeing in my minds eye sorta thing, please let me know,

Yes. Evocation is what this thread is all about. The top post provides a simple method to accomplish that. As with anything, however, it takes practice.

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so seeing a spirit physically tis possible but it takes loads of progress which should lead to perfection, yes like practice makes perfect, so you’re saying if I practice the more comfortable the spirit shall become in physically manifesting itself into a solid matter or whatever forms it takes, yes.

so you were saying I could evoke a physical spirit and ask so said spirit to help and support me in teaching me physical Magic’s that and would the spirit manifest physically, it says the spirit can physically manifest for the human eyes ears and body to feel but it needed to be practiced right??? If I’m getting this all down spirits have secrets they can reveal like the forbidden secrets of physical powers, and they can reveal much and all yes??? Please let me know ASAP.

Spirits can reveal a lot of knowledge but it doesn’t mean they necessarily will though. There are some things we just aren’t ready to know.

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I’m no artist by any means. My drawings are crap, my rhymes suck, and my prose is unoriginal. But I write a lot of software - it’s not just my work, but also a hobby. The software I wrote to date runs in datacenters, cell signal towers and banks to name a few places. I could dedicate parts or entire software projects to demons I wish to appease, but while writing fast and secure code is an art of itself, it’s also a practical appliance and as such I’m not sure if a demon would consider it artwork. What do you think?

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Anything you give time and effort to counts.

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Questions please, have you used the evocation course if so what’s the matrix for, I mean I know it’s something for the spirit to incarnate in but I don’t get the full picture, what’s the matrix supposed to do in the evocation course tis it something to physically see the so called spirit with, how does The matrix work please, and one more thing can you tell me about the devils stone ritual, please don’t hesitate in inspiring me, it says that the leader of the course himself twas able to physically manifest anything before his eyes :eyes: I think I know how he can physically manifest things ASAP before him, he practiced right??? Please inspire me and let me know multiverses Blessings

The "Devil’s Stone is for manifesting physical objects and takes a lot of practice. In the beginning it can take months to manifest something from the astral into the physical.

The “matrix” is simply using your imagination to create an astral form for the spirit to inhabit, and projecting it into the air in front of you, sort of like a controlled hallucination.

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Out of curiosity, is there any easy way to tell what the spirit might want in return for my wish? I just started learning about all this and my Psychic Senses are basically nonexistent haha.

Also, when it comes to the Sigils, how identical do they have to be? I can barely draw straight lines haha would it be better to print it?

Divination is your best bet at that point. I recommend a Cleromancy method such as the Tarot or Cartomancy with playing cards.

You can print them. If you do so, then it may be good to lightly trace over the printed lines with a pen or a pencil.
But you can write it and it doesn’t have to be very identical. If you look at some of the manuscripts of the old grimoires, the copyists completely botched the sigils, so they didn’t care too much about it.

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Not sure if were allowed to be personal on here but what if i evoked a gay incubus spirit In the physical world like one i can possibly physically see, hear, and touch, would that be possible??? like could it be possible to have physical sex with so called spirits, it also said these immortal friends can grant thy wishes for you, or would achieving physical sex with spirits take practice, it also says: * Have you tried evocation, but never saw or heard the entity… and you felt skeptical about whether the spirit even showed up? so i take it this means there would be help and techniques to help physically evoke these spirits if you don´t physically see nor hear them yes??? so would all this take a matter of practice to get the desired physical results and outcome, please let me know, dark blessings.

could the matrix be used for this

You are going off topic to this thread. @Lady_Eva please make this conversation its own topic.

Im deeply sorry for my silly questions just twas curious, what do you mean off topic, Would i have to ask lady eva about these questions of mine??? or were you trying To tell me something else there???

Talking about an incubus, and having sex with spirits, has nothing to do with Lady_Eva’s evocation method, which is what this thread is supposed to be about. That’s what I mean by “off topic.”

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Just thought of this… Do I need to learn Hebrew or Latin to understand a demon if they do talk back?

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No, they will speak to you in your own language.

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Ah, cool!

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