Shukra/Lucifer connection

well i have worked with Shiva and Lucifer separately, also Bhairav Aghora Shiva, they are different in terms of energy and vibrations from what ive gathered


shukra i meditated upon his mantra, very good for mental issues

Try calling them together. Then you could really get a feeling for all of their energy. Then you can truly feel, see and hear what is the same and different. It would be really interesting to see what you find :smiley:


i could but i dont need to (for a variety of reasons) however, i can tell you they reside in coplete different realms

its like comparing a kid in china with a Boer from South Africa, they are extremely away from each other


Darn I was looking forward to reading what you found :worried:

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dont worry! :smiley:

Learning to scan them helps too, because a name can change but energy at their core will remain the same in terms of sensations, elemental energies, etc.

It’s what many in the psionic community did with scanning by using multiple usernames/accounts and having each other scan the new accounts, names may change but energy signature and what it entails doesn’t.


Venus is also Aphrodite…Lucifera means the same as Lucifer and refers to Selene who is the Lunar face or aspect of Hecate…

How can we as humans truly know?

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I reject the idea of the human mind being unable to comprehend these matters, if a person believes their own mind to be incapable that’s fine but I don’t think it’s fair to collectively group everyone’s comprehension skills. Some people simply want to over-complicate things or else it looses its wonder, not everything needs to be complicated.


So many opinions, presented as absolute facts. Claiming that nobody thinks there’s a connection between Shiva and Lucifer… lol. There’s quite a few of us who do. Stop looking at names, planets, subjective mess as solid proof. Look at actions. Teachings. The mission of the entity. Shiva and Lucifer are connected. I’ve seen it. How many thousands of different opinions on this site exist? How many people on opposite sides of their specific argument produce results? Many. If you really truly knew Lucifer, you’d know that at his heart he’s a liberator, knowledge giver, rebellious teacher, not some hell bound spawn. He’s ancient. Lol. All of these things, which describe what Lucifer is, also describe who Shiva is at his core. I could honestly go on and on. No text in this world can explain to you what Lucifer is or what he is about. Some obscure bible references are what most people go off of. Or other people’s experiences on this site. Or other people’s stories that align with your own outlook. No. Get to know him before you make any absolute statements.


This doesn’t really make them the same person, that’s like saying all psychopomp deities are the same cause actions, teachings, and “mission” of the entity. Connected doesn’t mean they’re the same people. Your comment is no much fact as those who do not believe they’re the same lol.

Research is just as valuable, no pretty much more valuable than a feeling based off general connections as actions and a “mission” In my opinion without research coupled with experience/confirmations, one without the other is still blind.


Research… of what? What is there of Lucifer or Shiva to “research.” That’s such a silly word. Research in spiritual matters is overwhelmingly biased. I can produce some half-assed research right now that completely aligns with my views. Does it matter if I tailored it to align with my own beliefs? It should. But it doesn’t. In this life we should base our beliefs on what we experience. I have experienced the connection. You should really experience it for yourself.

Research by any means, even confirmation of experiences with other energy workers, don’t confuse yourself, I’ve experienced Lucifer and Shiva for years already, however. I don’t believe one should reject actual research texts, their own experiences, experiences of others, divination, it’s all forms of research.

My point is, one without the other is still blind faith, if the word “research” is silly to you that says enough for me lol, I’ll leave that alone lol.


People in this forum and in many other Youtube channels connect Lord Shiva and Lucifer. But in truth Lord Shiva is venerated as Mahadev…or the Lord of all the gods… He doesn’t differentiate between the forces of light and dark and accepts as well as works with both the dark divinities as well as beings of light.

I won’t say Shukra as a planet but Lord Shukracharya…is Lucifer…who is known as the Lord as well as teacher of the daemonic divine…in my meditations with Lucifer…I have received the message that he is Shukracharya…not the planet Shukra… But Shukracharya. There is difference. Since he has varied aspects…this is just another name. Don’t confuse Shukra the planet with Shukracharya.


i did, very well in fact, and Shiva as well, theyre not the same

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that makes sense


Listen, I get what you’re saying. I really truly do. Obviously you didn’t get my message. Research is a useless term when you’re talking about Lucifer. There is nothing ABSOLUTE about him. Everyone experiences him differently. Everyone has a different origin story for him. It’s all about personal experience. That is what’s most important. If I read a post about, let’s say King Belial, then I go to experience him for the first time, wouldn’t you say that my experiences might mirror what I read? Instead, I suggest reaching out to the beings directly with questions before ever researching anything about it. It creates bias, which limits experience. Afterwards, comparing experiences is highly encouraged. Once again, I get what you’re saying and where you’re coming from. But in MY experiences with Lucifer (which are daily), there’s a connection.

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did you experience Shiva in his realm as well though?

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I did… I’ve experienced them separately. I believe that they both exist, on their own, while being connected.


i believe theyre connected too in a way, doesnt make them the same