Should I get the flu shot?

I booked a flu shot on monday and I was debating on whether to get it. I heard some bad stuff about it like it can make you sick and put you in a coma so I am debating on whether to or not.

Sorry, i’m not familiar with the term.
Can you explain it shortly to me, please?

Thank you.



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flu vaccine

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Thank you.
German GrippeImpfung.

So, yaah…

Honestly, i never took one, and my health is pretty fine.
If you feel you need it, get it.



Have you heard rumors that it’s bad for you?


Not just rumors, but i’ve seen the leader of Microsoft held a speech on why he invest’s into it,
and how his actual desires are to help humanity.

I’m not recommending it.

I say if you feel you need it, get it.

the version i know of, states vaccines where used to reduce population.
Just like flouride is supposed to harm and kill the people,
yet we have overpopulation.

Honestly, i never bought into that fearmongering.
I found there are things that really work,
but those aren’t vaccines. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: lmao



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Do any spirits that you work with think it’s bad for you?

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Can you PM me about this?

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I can’t PM yet.

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How does this have to do with Magick?

It’s a flu shot.
Anything can have reactions in your body but coma from a flu shot is extremely rare.


Thank you, Alita.



It basically works by just giving you the flu. Since it’s late in the season, you’ve probably already been exposed via everyone else who got a flu shot. It’s also the least effective vaccine on the market. I personally consider it wasting money to get sick on purpose, while risking the poisons in it.

Re adverse reaction, these are real. There’s two causes - reaction to the adjuvants, and reaction to the virus. Adjuvants are additives to weaken the virus and preservatives, which are neurotoxins and carcinogens including things like formaldehyde and antifreeze etc. It’s usually babies and old people or people with compromised immune systems that react the worst and die, so a young adult is the least at risk, but the flu shot has the highest rate of deaths from adverse reactions. The US gov keeps a database that’s available online of reports, but most don’t get reported because a) the doctor has to agree, and it’s hard to prove, and b) who doesn’t feel shitty after a flu shot, it’s the new norm.

If you get one, ask for a single dose vial. If you get your shot from a multi dose bottle, it’s cheaper, but you risk cross contamination from the other people that bottle served.


Vaccines do work. People need to better understand when to get them, what to do before and after getting them and do proper research. Too many people have google degrees and that’s the problem.

Depending on your age and over all health will dictate if you need a shot or not, not that hard.


Look, the Virus in the Vials is supposed to be dead when giving it to you,
but i wouldn’t say it’s good becouse they’re dead.

The basic information of the sickness is still in you, supposed to prepare your immune system to protect you when you get the actual desease.
Now today’s society people don’t normally die from influenca.
And even when you catch it, it’s 1-3 weeks downtime, with medication 3-5 Days.




I agree, the flu mutates so much the vaccine doesn’t help that much however where I work they asked we do it and give it to our Residents because of their higher risk from age.


Nope. The 2018 recommended flu shot is live vaccine. Look it up.

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Well then, i guess the question is answered.



Yeah, the flu mutates in days, and it takes months to produce batches of vaccine. They’re basically artificially maintaining old versions of the flu in the population that shouldn’t even exist any more. I don’t buy that the whole thing isn’t about the money and nothing else.

I actually think it’s part of the conditioning used by the psychopathic control system as Sheridan call it - get the population used to accepting this invasive and risky procedure and stop questioning whether it’s ok to have personal risks forced on you, and what else will they accept?


I am a health care professional. I have it, and give it to other colleagues in winter.
Flu kills more people than the people who “die/gets sick” from the jab. And the difference is pretty big.

