The Cosmic Lotus
Here’s my version of the Celestial Lotus. Its based on a Damien Echols ritual that he based off an even older ritual called the Shem Operation.
I base my elemental correspondences off the original ritual the LBRP was derived from, so the ritual is performed facing North, with Michael of Fire to the East and Raphael of Air to the South.
My only original contribution is placing the four royal stars around the final ring, with inspiration coming again from Echols.
I do the ritual exactly as diagramed, but if you wanted to truly call it the “Shem” operation, you would need to also invoke the 72 Shem angels, 6 corresponding to each Zodiacal sphere. Just remember that most lists start in Aries, while in this version you will start with Capricorn and end with either Cancer, Sagittarius, or Aquarius.
The Decans of each sign are vibrated after you evoke the Arch Angel of the sign. After the Decans, you can evoke the Shem Angels
Other than that evoke everything in the order that feels natural to you.