Sex with Bilal, Asmodeus?

I’ve had oral with Belial. He is quite forceful, brutal, rough and dose not do gentle. But he is great with his hands.


You speak the truth. I’ve astro traveled. I’ve seen Belial, Lucifer, Asmodeus, Lilith, Azazel, Astaroth and Leviathan all through my dream. I talked to them all. Lucifer has welcomed me into his realm.


Absolutely :+1:t2:

Nice. Would you like to PM me? :slight_smile:


Thanks! :slight_smile:

Asmodeus, is not a, djinn

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You’re right he is a god. He is perfect in every way. :blush:

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I don’t mean, it in that, way, too… Just saying he is no djinn…a confirmation given to me by someone who has worked with him for over 20years …

I would be more than happy to learn everything about asmodeus, Balial etc :slight_smile:

Asmodeus and Belial do more teaching than sex. Do your reasearch on them. Belial’s and Asmodeus’s energy can be overwhelming. Asmodeus has a darker side and more protive side, Aeshma. He is into blood-lust, rage,wrath and very dark things.
(Btw I’m a female. Which is why I’m drawn so much to Asmodeus. Asmodeus is more of a ladies demon. I read allot about him and gotten pretty close.)


Is there any you can recommend for someone like myself? Being a gay man and all (and inexperienced) lol

I would say try asking Lucifer. He is great to work with new begginers.
Ask him who he thinks he should recommend for u in your sexual matters.
He is there to always help and he knows everything and sees all.
I talk to him all the time and get a warm welcoming happy feeling. He is my father and god and I love him with all my heart. He alway knows whats best for me, like a true father should.


:thinking: I heard once E.A talking about Belial having lots of incubus! We all know the letter of intent for lilith! Maybe you can switch that for Belial to match you up with one of his :woman_shrugging: just be careful he likes to test others… Lilith is really understanding when it comes to matching you with someone!


I was thinking of sleeping with the sigil of Lucifer under my pillow tonight


That would be good. I normally just talk to him. He always listens. And when I concentrate on him and call out his name he sometimes comes, when he’s not busy.


I’m hoping I can speak to him in my dream. Would love to get to know him :grin:

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You gotta build a relationship with most spirits just like you would another person.

Btw I’ve totally had sex with Behlial before and it was like the craziest fucking thing ever
I wasn’t touching myself at all but I was on the floor having orgasm back to back to back. Like…intense orgasms. He’s a pretty intense partner lol.
Like, brah lol I took a LONG ass shower after all that.
I didn’t work with him super closely, but I knew Behlial for a few months before I decided to approach him about that.
Any doubt I could have possibly had in me about the realism in all of this got fucked out of my by him that night lmao


Interesting :joy::joy:

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Lucifer is always a great starting point. But as in all things trust your gut, your intuition and always get to know who your working with. There’s got to be a mutual understanding.