I understand servitors to be able to understand reason and have minds of their own if you make them to. So I’ve been experimenting with servitors to see if they could use that energy and consciousness to make lower level servitors themselves. So far they’ve only been able to create incredibly weak blobs, and only through me, not of their own volition. Does anyone have any advice or am I doing something extremely stupid and should I stop?
I like it, more chaos to simply order later.
There’s been people who have done this, sometimes through cloning and having the clones as “lesser” servitors.
Interesting topic!
Try this.
Thank you. I’m using this to create a new servitor right now, hopefully I get better results
Heh. This sounds like it has serious backfire potential to me, be careful…
I guess I’ll be that guy and do the obvious thing…
I make sure to have a kill switch on hand at all times to make sure nothing goes wrong
Do a search for viral servitors. It might be just what you are after
If you create a servitor for a specific purpose and infuse a person’s spirit into that servitor, that person’s spirit might call on a friend’s spirit to aid in the ritual, thereby creating another servitor based on that friends spirit.
- John (treeYanni)
Midnight Ritul of Ascending Flames
Gospels and Anti-Gospels (Gospel of Mary) and Orthodox Sorcery
Viral servitors are EXACTLY what I need for this. Thank you!!!
Thank you,
Thank you,
i hope i got the right video.
I was aiming,
to give you the video,
where E.A. speaks about the Soul Forge,
for creating completely new souls.
I think,
even if you won’t utulize the forge directly,
the concept might be very benefitial to your cause.