Selling Your Soul To Satan

I know, this topic has been posted many times on this forum but I wanted to ask again. I’ve read it many times too. But if anyone is telling that selling your soul to Satan is not real, then how do you explain how the Codex Gigas was made?

Legend has it that a monk sold his soul to Satan to complete the Codex Gigas all in one night. The book is extremely large as well. There are other musicians in the middle ages who sold their soul as well. How do you’ll explain that?. Thank you very much and sorry for asking this question.


It’s very likely that these stories were embellished, as if to explain how someone did something extraordinary.

However, I highly doubt the Codex Gigas was completed in one night.


I might be misremembering, but isn’t the Codex Gigas written in multiple handwritings anyway?

I agree the story is sensationalised, because people do that a LOT. Superhuman feats they don’t do so much.

Re the selling soul thing, there’s just no need to, but if you make a pact and it’s accepted, then, why not? I think once the person dies all bets on that pact are over though - with no motivation not to break it and every reason to do so, what do you think is going to happen? In which case, knowing that why would an entity accept it? I call placebo effect most of the time.


What you’ve read people refute around the forums is more of a semantic issue over the phrasing and not them refuting whether or not “selling your soul” actually exists. If anyone denies this, they are either misinformed or lying hippocrates.

Of course you can give parts of yourself for extraordinary power from demons or spirits. People do it through worship, service, offerings, pacts, etc.

There’s also a strong incentive in the magical community to seperate itself from hollywood lore and expectations. Why? I have no fucking clue. Maybe it’s for the same reason why there are blinds in grimoires. You’re supposed to fuck up and find out for yourself.


EVERYTHING is real, the question is, is it advisable?

Would you commit to wear the same clothing for the next 40 years, or work in exactly the same job? What’s that you say - you change your mind, and like the prospect of making changes and being free? :smiley:


Seems to me like a pretty rum deal from the spirits point of view too. Do all that work and get promised something that can only be temporary. Maybe it works better on other planets where free will isn’t so strong.


Legends and myths abound… A monk sold his soul to complete a biblical work. Reminds me of the old TV show Twillight Zone. The Codex Gigas (Giant Book) is the largest medieval illustrsted manuscript and bible in the world, also known as the Devil’s Bible because of a one full-page color illustration of the devil. This has nothing to do with a monk selling his soul to Satan.

The Codex was hand written and illustrated in the early 13th century in a Benedictine monastery in Czechoslovakia. The monks that created this large bible worked a decade to write and illustrate the Codex with hand calligraphy and hard work and by a TEAM of monks not s single author.

Some confusion arises because of a single illustration of the devil Satan himself on the opposite page is a story of heaven, the monk trying to show the difference between good and evil not glotifying Satan or as a symbol of the occult or as a sign that the monk who created the illustration was in league with the devil and sold his soul to complete this biblical work.

He must have sold his soul to the devil might be a nice metaphor for unequaled success but it has nothing to do with the Codex Gigas. :smiling_imp:


Great post here! :fist:


Someone came up with an extremely effective way to prevent the masses from accessing the Goatia, & all other sacred knowledge that allows us to ascend. So theyve made society believe that evolving the soul is selling it and transformation/rebirth by fire is an eternity of pain; lies.
Religion will try to destroy any path to self empowerment or liberation from their control.
When the Catholic church went around the world confiscating what they called heretical/demonic text it was bcs they wanted to take it out of our hands, make us forget the journey of how to find Godhood.