Selfish reasons to control someone

If I’m not mistaken, Naberius is also good for restoring things taken by abusive people (dignity, property etc) from them and returning it to you… Or is that raum?


You are right, the guide will be better alternative for my life. I have to say, spell of protection works more for me, than doing evil one (first and last black magic was against one woman, maybe I really didn’t want to do anything bad to her and that weaked spells, after that I done own ritual for my protection and for her to find her path, and after that she left our collective and find better work for her, and I’m really happy, she is happy, gets better, has something special for her, because all her toxic energy was that she wasn’t comfortable and happy. I realized, she was also destroyed by surrounding, childhood etc, and that evil she made was her defensive mechanism). So, maybe protection from some spirit could help me more than do direct evil :thinking:

I trust that people come to our life for reason! I think it changed me a lot - also in positive ways. And our paths could connect earlier (whole 7 years), but we met last year, when I was really down (deep bipolar depression)…

How long it took you to realize and learn that? Because I feel similarity in your life story. Boundaries was ever my problem, I felt like other people were worth more than me long time, and I was scared, if I set boundaries, they leave… Now, I’m beginning heal, but with love ones I have still problem with setting :smiley:

I’m afraid of spiritual revenge, this is totally sick! It had to be really strong spell, and your energy had to be really high.

I’m really happy for you. It’s maybe strange, but it makes me so happy to see that a person has overcome the bad times and is now happy.


So far, I support you.

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Awwww, he has dogs head! I love dogs! :smiley: Both of them are cool! I only recently learned that, demons aren’t only evil and misery, they are very interesting, and they could be very caring.
I’m thinking about evoke Lucifer to show my path, kick me in the ass :sweat_smile: if I will go back to the old ways. I hope, I will meet more spirits on my life way…


I’ve worked with Naberius. He has a very heavy energy so he’s not for the inexperienced IMO. After my meditation and setting the ritual as he requested it to be done, I had to leave the room because his presence was THAT powerful. It took the air from the room. Truly amazing spirit

He’s very matter-of-fact and straight to the point, but he does his job well. He doesn’t respond to dad jokes just so you know lol. And he delivers


Unfortunately, I can cut only my attention to him, not whole contact. But yeah, it will be best way. I probably won’t do evil for now, maybe I’ll do a ritual to keep me calm so he can find peace.

Cord cutting rituals don’t necessarily mean cutting _physical_contact. They can just separate emotional bonds of that’s a help for you


You might like to look up the “grey rock” technique. Bullies need reactions, so if you can control your reactions and basically become as boring as possible they’ll go get the stimulation elsewhere.


You seem a very understanding person and intuitive. Not many can step in other people’s shoes. Perhaps you should give the same understanding and forgiveness to yourself. We do seem to have a lot in common! Coincidence? I don’t think so.

My ex is bipolar too, but now he has also started to get much better and working his self-beliefs. I’m so happy that he’s really doing well, with a new exciting job and mentally. I also asked my spirit guides to look after him (we are still close friends). He also had childhood traumas and it affected his self-esteem. Vulnerability is not a bad thing always, it may help us to make big realizations.

A couple years ago I really started working my self esteem. Previously I had faked good self esteem, but it backfired and I wasn’t speaking nicely to myself. I also had this idea that people will leave if I don’t do or act the way I think they would like. I finally understood that acting that way, I had completely lost myself. I started to speak to myself nicely and telling in front of a mirror that I love myself (weird I know, but it helped). After starting to set boundaries with small steps, I realized no one leaves! On the contrary, I got rid of people who were toxic and I started to attract many more good people in my life! Ofcourse, therapy, meditation and stuff like that helped. I also noticed writing was efficient for me. I wrote down bad experiences with manipulative people, childhood bullying traumas etc. When reading them, I imagined that happening to my best friend (who I should be for me) and realized ”wow! Those people didn’t deserve her”. After that boundary setting started to be easier too. I also asked help and courage from my spirit guides. The progress can be slow at first but it’s totally worth it!

I saw you considered Lucifer. Lucifer is excellent spirit guide when you want to increase self love and courage. He has been with me since I was a child, but I didn’t know it was him until recently. I also had this idea of him being evil, but on the contrary he’s really loving and understanding. But, have to say, with him the results are amazing but he doesn’t offer them on a silver plate. He might for example introduce more abusive people to you that you start making the change yourself. But also he can help softer ways, e.g. very insightful dreams. He’s all about knowledge, but you need to be ready to receive. He also offers protection, for example my life he has saved many times. He can also show you insights from future and help you to manifest anything. He is also patient and doesn’t require so called worshipping. Knowledge and ”you decide yourself and you have right to learn and form your own opinions” is his thing, at least it’s truly my experience. Can be that Lucifer introduced us through this conversation :wink:


Ahh, I will look into it. Cut that bonds will set me free from all negative emotions :thinking: Gray rock technique sounds really interesting…

I need a mentor to watch over me in discipline and give me a little push. I’ve been insanely chaotic my whole life, and it was always going well until bipolar kicked in.

I have the exact same experience with self-esteem, I’ve always faked it too, but this year has really destroyed me, and talking to myself nicely in the mirror is insanely hard for me because I feel like I’m lying to myself. I call it being lost in own game, I’ve been wearing a mask for so long that I don’t know myself for who I really am.
But the beginning of setting boundaries is pretty hard because the toxicity of toxic people increases, you have to be strong to handle it. Journaling is a great thing, it’s helped me a lot in the beginning of my recovery. Your journey is great. I adore you.

Hey yeah, I was interested in Belial first, but they classify him as harder to work with. I did a little ritual yesterday with the sigil of Lucifer, red candles, enn chanting, blood and obsidian. When I meditated before bed, I saw a blue light under my eyelids. I don’t know if it’s just a neurological phenomenon or a sign, but we’ll see. I hope he takes me under his wing for a while. I don’t want to get results easily, one has to go through a certain path to get them - for example, I want to lose weight, so I’ll run, but I don’t have that much energy and I have trouble kicking myself away from work, so he can help me with that. I would like to have lucid dreams.
It’s possible it is his made, our experiences are quite similar.

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Remember to give yourself some slack too. You definitely have a lot of goals and ambition, but don’t try everything at once! One thing at a time. But sure walking and running are good ways to have some own time and ease the stress. I luckily have a dog so she forces me to do that haha :smiley: I’m sure you’ll get to the mental state you want, you are already in a right path by realizing you need to start appreciating yourself. Also nice to hear you are journaling too! You could also try to write your hopes and dreams down, it helps with manifestation.

I’m sure you’ll attract spirit guides, because most importantly you are so willing to work with yourself. Just remember that the journey is long and even if you wouldn’t see progress for a long time, it’s still happening. And most importantly, ups and downs are part of life. How could we appreciate good times if we never had stress and difficulties. I can feel you have a lot of potential and warm, love radiating personality, so there’s no doupt you’ll eventually get to right point and attract similar people to your life.

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Off topic, but I recently saw a movie ”Speak no evil” and it was all about not having boundaries! I recommend that, it was shocking

What comes to calling Lucifer, I also recommend to just speak to him during meditation and explaining what you wish for. If you’d like lucid dreaming, try sleep meditation and definitely lie on your back. Also while in a dream, if you ”remember”, try pinching yourself. You really can’t feel it in a dream. After that, you realize you are dreaming and you can do anything and even create your own world. When you nearly are asleep, you should already start visioning your hopes, and preferably also try to physically feel something related your hopes (someone touching you etc). This easily leads also to sleep paralysis, which can be extremely scary the first time. But if you don’t panic and remember nothing can hurt you, you can also be more sensitive for spiritual contacts. However, sometimes sleep paralysis only leads to ”normal” hallucinations. That happens especially when you don’t realize you have sleep paralysis and brains go to panic mode (amygdala gets messed up). There’s nothing spiritual in that situation, but neither anything life threatening.

One more thing about sleep paralysis: It may have negative impacts on mental health, so I don’t necessarily recommend that. Also, when you once get sleep paralysis, it’s easier to get it over and over again and that would be something no one wants every night. There do exist cases like that.

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I know freedom better than discipline, unfortunately :smiley: I have a dog too, but he has too short legs to run (bichon). I’m very much alone now, away from everything, to learn to live with myself, and to find my own way :slight_smile: I have this section in my journal where I write down what I want. It’s a great tool for expressing thoughts - I’ve never written journal before.

Yes, I always say that - even sadness helps us live life (but depression doesn’t). Fortunately, I now have a stable state and relationship with myself, right now. Which I’m glad for.

Speak no evil! I saw the trailer and it looked really good!

I learned to meditate with visualization well before, I guide people through such meditation and it helps when someone has insomnia. I create my worlds in this state, helping people walk through their worlds but I haven’t been able to visualize people yet. I’m always there alone, so we’ll see if I can get into a vivid dream.
But sometimes I have such vivid dreams that I wake up and miss the people in it (they was only in dream).
I’ll try, so far I’ve only had auditory hallucinations, never paralysis. After a few days of insomnia (the insomnia was caused by an irrelevant fear that “something” was in the apartment), and the last day of insomnia, I had hallucinations (demonic growls, clinking glasses, and a female voice that said “she looks a lot like dad.”)

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Aww bichon! They are overly cute :heart_eyes:
That’s true. I also sometimes write down my causes me anxiety at the moment (if I can’t really pinpoint why I’m unsatisfied). I just let the writing flow, until I can easily separate differetn reasons. Lately I found a paper from few months ago where I had written down all the issues I’d like to change. Like alwatys, each one of them was solved, even some were major changes. So it might also help to more powerfully manifest, or at least fasten things.

Ah insomnia is the worst with it’s irrational fears. I suffer from so called “moon madness”, meaning I have difficulties to sleep during full moon. Next time I’m definitely trying this visualization meditation (but not laying on my back because for sleeping, I just want sleep and not sleep paralysis haha).

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He’s a sweetheart, a great helper.
I have special art notebooks (Einstein, Mucha, etc…) to write in so I can write in them better. :smiley:

When I don’t know what made me the anxiety, I write the text as a consideration, a self-reflection. That’s great, you’ve seen the progress you’ve made in a few months :heart:

Visual meditation is great, but I really recommend someone to guide you through it, at least in the beginning. It might help you not go into sleep paralysis afterwards. And good in meditation with visualization is eye mask and earphones in the beginning (without music, just for noise suppression)

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It’s good to hear your story about forgiving than being revenge to curse or hex…

I want to share my story too… i actually a victim of curse and hex by someone who i think he is my true love for 7 years (actually is love spell or love magic)… we can call him F… and he can curse and hex me cause he have blessing energy from demon raum (i dont know he is aware or not)… but at least i know this is raum hex & curse now… in this year…

I doing research about raum and about his magic… and i found out that F is very match with this… raum will support poor people, who have nothing, who doesn’t have a value and dignity… and is match with F… raum specialized in love magic, sex magic, make someone stranger to be in love, friendzone be in love, enemy being lover… raum can curse or hex to make target have a great suffering in loss, destruct their dignity, decreasing their social skill to make them look stupid, raum also make ex begging, crying and always apologying…

And is match for F and me being cursed! He is from poor family, he is never being unrequited love… if he interest with stranger or friends, he will manifest love spell and will receive crush from them quickly… he have a money from his friends, crush, lover even from stranger… he have lot of love and affection, have lot of gift from crush, have a free vacation from his girlfriend or friend with benefit (temporary of course: many people come and go in his life)… and when he is hurt he manifest curse and hex from raum energy… and i’ve being cursed by him when i hurt him (intentionally or unintentionally)… yeah you know i hurt him cause that “have a cause” to doing that…

I guarantee this is real raum not the culprit one… i scan many time this is real one not fake one… and this curse very powerful, for 7 years my life up and down and too much miserable… sometimes i feel like zombie, sometime to much emotion… i always begging, crying and apology to F… i feel great of loss (my life, financial, hope, love, empathy, etc), i feel stupid act very emotional roller coaster, act like a pick me girl and my social value is decrease… but from this experience i awakening my spiritual abilities… and activate it…

The plot twist from this curse & hex is… i have strong telephaty with raum itself… is feel like while i’ve being curse and hex, raum come to me and comfort me like this is his mistake or his responsibilities… he also doing apology before while i still doesn’t have a clue what is this and who he is… now he act like he is my ally when first we are an enemy… but what i do is doing netral for my safety…

And then, hades come to me and blessing me with his energy. Hades magic is dark too like raum but he is from deity tribes… i also have extraterretial energy too for healing… after this, i become different person… i become cold too and much cold, very introvert, doing in hermit isolation mode, very great boundaries, but the effect is i feel hypotermia, freezing cold… this energy make me shut up my panic attack, my emotional roller coaster, my trauma bonding… i think this is very darkest healing to remove the curse and hex…

And i see raum is act like my allies now… i feel he will not hurt me again but i don’t feel safe… i know he is doing apology last time but i still feel very dissapoint about F and raum… but i know the best revenge is none, heal, move on and don’t become like those who hurt you… this is not about being naive, but is more than that… once you aware about dark and light, and you ascending your spirituality, you will understand it… and now i work with both light and dark… but i will do for good, protection and for shadow work… not for hurt… cause i know how to feel being cursed and hex for 7 years…

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Welcome @Mermaid.alien It is a rule of this forum for all new members to properly introduce themselves so PLEASE CLICK ON THE IMAGE BELOW and tell us about yourself and any experience you may have in magick, such as what you practice, how long you have practiced, areas o interest, etc:


Hello! That way I chose in the end have been blessing for me. I cut that guy out of my life, begun work with Belial and on myself. Absolutely I cut out everything he represented, and after I begun heal, I met real love of my life. It was praise for a moral view of the world and not doing more evil. I really begun fight against bad people, and help people with traumas to untie from toxic spirits (souls). Belial send me dream where he defined I’m on my own again, because he helped me from deepest shits, and now I need to grow alone. I still worship Belial, meditate to him, send him energy and sacrifices, I believe, he would help me, if I really need it, but I don’t need it right now.

The biggest change Belial gave me is view. I admitted to myself my bad behavior and toxic traits, I see clear everything I do and did (it hurts), and (?unfortunately/fortunately?) he made me see even more other people intentions. I realizing micro gestures, my empathy has been raised to the heights, the vibes and energies I perceive like as people talk with me with their soul. (Funny, because I meet someone, I know the person is evil, no-one trust me, and then, that person shows the evil. I peeked through a lot of people, and never been wrong from the time I got this insight view.)
It sad sometimes, when you realized someone very kind trust to someone who is evil. And I learned there is almost no pure evil in spirits, there is evil in people, spirits (I worked with) are very logical and fair.

But! Go on my own way with no evil in me was really awesome decision.

This is quote I agree with! Helping others against evil is more pleasant. You are awesome!
(Btw. the healing made me different person too - introvert, boundaries, protector etc…)

The universe and nature is selfish.
This is Satan’s philosophy “return curse to the sender”. You shift the pain onto someone else, at least part of it, instead of digesting it in yourself.
It is also a form of self-medication. You don’t hold poison inside you.
This is not a Christian forum, but a forum mainly devoted to black magic. Did you want permission?

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