Scanning Thread: Resurrection

Sure. I’ll do my best to do a accurate scan. Not my best day so it might affect the result just putting it out there.

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anyone want to do a trade ? it been a long time for me seances i done a scan, but to honest i could really use one

Okay, would you mind scanning first then I’ll return?

Sure thing. I’ll start shortly.

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Are you here for trades, or just to watch lol.

Probably the former lol

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Want to trade then? If not, that’s fine.

ill trade with you. but it been a long time for seance i done a scan so i don’t how well ill do but i can try if you wish

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Sure why not

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I can trade both.

@nohearth Would you mind scanning first, and I’ll trade based on yours (depth wise).

@anon48079295 I’ll scan first, general? Oh nice pic change lol.

@Teras390 I will return yours of course, I didn’t forget.

sure thing i can try

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give me like 30 min or so i just got up and still really sleepy

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Sure thing.

General is fine and thanks

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i wanna trade too man :smiley: if that’s ok , never had one from you :smiley: , general one its ok for me also you have a question or smt ?

Your Scan:

When scanning you I was shown an image of tribal warriors, the word “Celtic” briefly came to mind - with an association with these warriors.

I then, saw an image like this:

It looked alot like a sun, the type of drawing but the “rays” were pointed. The image I saw had an even distribution of rays around the sun, and the center was bigger (circle part) - solar.

“The Sun” was on a shield of some sort, with various other designs on it. The sun being the center image. Reminded me of the " Coat of Arms ". From what I can tell the Sun Shield ties back to the warriors I saw earlier when scanning you. The sun might have had an association with a masculine solar-type deity as well.

When then trying to further scan your energy, I was brought to an image of darkness - in this image the darkness is slowly overtaking a man (it had previously been merely a shadow). Almost like a haze of fog, slowly moving over and unto the man. I then saw the image of a tree, but the focus was on the roots - with an association to memories, foundations, and got the sense for healing (something within the past, memories). The two imagery being related to one another.

The tree reminded me alot of this - with an emphasis on the roots

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Alright so here’s what I got…sorry for taking so long. Way longer than anticipated.

Before any images, I heard two sounds, first this:

Then in the background this:

Then came all of the images. However, let me add it was as confusing for me as it’ll likely be to you. It took alittle while to connect properly for some reason. But it began with an image of desert sands at sundown:

Near the verdant oasis stood a woman, with her face partly covered much like this avatar from a former member on here:


But you could only see the eyes and part of the cheekbones, which was a lot shaprt than that of the image. She basically looked like a female ninja in some way. But that doesn’t do the image justice really; imagine the image above but with cheekbones like Liv Tyler. The skin tone was pale as death her eyes had this color:

Other than that you could see a few curls of her hair which was brown colored hair. She wore black garbs that looked the part of the stereotypical assassin garb.
I remember her saying.

  • I’ll teach you the path of posion. But in order to understand the path of poison you must first understand the origin of life. I suggest you fo to the waters and study how life originates and begins in order to understand the inner mechanisms of cells, once you understand this then you can reverse the process. Let’s begin…

In essence, her energy was predatory and her overall feeling was for a lack of a better word calculating and precise. Her aura was oddly bright yet dark variant of green. Overall she didn’t feel like any western entity I’ve come across, she wan’r human though that’s for sure.

Then from seemingly nowhere a giant portal opened up way up above in the sky and the scenery warped much like this freaky GIF;

Then I literally saw the person in your avatar; which I must assume if your physical self. Standing in front of the same woman but somewhere else entirely. You were standing inside a neon blue field of light. The same woman spoke again and this time she said

-That could have been your path, but you’re meant for something; walk through there…

She said as she pointed with a gloved hand towards a cave like formation consisting of dark energy, that faded in from seemingly nowhere and looked like a mirage in a way;

But denser if that makes sense. The formation looked like this;

But instead of stone imagine; smoke-like energy the actual opening was a blacker than the surrounding formation. The formation around the opening had other shades moving too; like dark green and dark blue. Looking at it seems you were sucked in and ended up inside a throne room:

Where a woman with black hair and red robes, and actually she looked a lot like this;

Her face was longer though, longer chin and again sharp cheekbones. The dress was way longer though and was made of a more glossy fabric, perhaps silk (I am not a tailor, so I wouldn’t know). Part of it dragged after her. She had a few golden ornaments around her wrists though not many though.

Except despite looking human she wasn’t at all human in termsof her energy, her eyes morphed a few times during your conversation into this;

It was a bit freaky to observe…she had this to say;

  • I am surprised we have never crossed paths until now. However, I think we might get a long just fine. Your journey will begin at the waters in the womb of the dark mother. Look for the astral gateways between the worlds at the liminal hours for those holds all the power. The owls will be your guide through the night. Go now…

The image blurs in a way that’s reminiscent of a rock being thrown on the surface of a lake. Rings scatter over the scene and it feels as I am being hooked and pulled backwards through a wormhole; slowly. Then I see the kabbalistisc tree of life layered over an orange background…

The backdrop was flaming or rather moves like I was watching a large bonfire

I.e. this screams Namath to me especially the last part. I know you’re not working with the Qliphoth but perhaps you’re meant to at some point based on this…weird. Let me know if this rings a bell or resonates in some way. Again, sorry for taking so long.


Well your the third person to mention one of the queens to me, and the 2nd to mention Naamah within a short time frame. I’d say it was accurate. Not sure who the first lady was.

I’ve definitely had desert dreams (from Lilith) but I don’t intend furthering them. Your reading was accurate from what I can tell! Good job! I’ll begin your scan, give me a bit.

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Thanks for the feedback :slight_smile: . Take your time, no stress. Thanks for doing this by the way.

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