Scanning Thread: Resurrection

I can finally get this done. Sorry for being slow. Ok here we go: the first thing I saw was this - a giant sea serpent but it looked like a cross between a hydra and a giant wyrm.

It sort of looked like a cross between:




Except that that the eyes were filled with an energy that looks like a black hole spinning really fast and drag along stars into itself. This is is pretty much it - except the light were whiter:

The serpent swam close to the surface of the ocean and then once it neared it opened itā€™s jaws wide and appeared to just observe that water surface and appeared to be hissing at it. It then dove down I to the abyss below where no light could reach. Then in this blackness it appeared again although this time it wasnā€™t as large it appeared eel like. But it really doesnā€™t cut it - it was like an underwater serpent with fins on itā€™s tail and back. The head as of that of a black mamba (in terms of shape). The eyes where pearl white, it swam towards me and it then turned peering at my from itā€™s profile just before it turned around and then swam deep into the dark depths of the water. As it turned there were a faint deep purple glow of itā€™s skin as if small bolts of lightning were coming off. This was hard to see and thereby to tell for sure. Itā€™s skin when it came towards me where silvery, then when it turned it became black but with an indigo hint in there. The visuals have gotten much more real in terms visual quaility, meaning almost photo realistic, especially this reading for some reason.

Thatā€™s when the scan ended. Again sorry for the wait. I wanted to find to sit down and do it well, I donā€™t want to rush when it comes to something relating to you, itā€™s because when I scan you or some others , I usually get pretty complex imagery and I need to concentrate and be in the right mindset to scan/read well. I can do a real reading for you if you want, as a compensation? And this time Iā€™ll be sure to hurry up.


Sure and donā€™t feel bad, I forget you do that :slight_smile:

The symbolism is on point, because I devour.

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Awesome :clap:, thanks for your patience. :slight_smile: Now Iā€™ll just need to get home but two more things - 1. Do you want reading here (public) or PM?; 2. Do you have something specific or do you want me to do a general reading for you?


Pm and general

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Will get to it as soon as possible.

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Iā€™ll trade you.


Do mine and I will do yours tomorrow morning as now is late.

I will as soon as I get out of work.

There were 2 serpents. One was olive green with a black strip on itā€™s side and the other was black. They both had a look of sentient intelligence in their eyes. The other thing I saw was a field that looked like it had been cut for hay or straw and it had a rusty barbwire fence along the length of it. The sky was full of gray clouds but you could see the sun trying to get through. Then the clouds opened up enough for a beam of bright sunlight to shinedown to the ground.

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i see a bridge between in a world of darkness and a other of light theres a river beneath it,symbolically means that you the thing that you through is over or it soon be you seen to be near you seem to not wanting to seeing that you are obsessed and stuck in that darkness but be balanced dont be attached but be connected.

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So anyone wanna trade with me? It will be my first time trying to scan anyone tho so I dont know how accurate it will be.

If anyone can scan me thatā€™d be cool :slight_smile:. However, i do not know how to perform a scan back :confused: so its fine if anyone doesnā€™t.

Same. I think something is blocking me. All I can offer is time and focus.

Hey did you get to it?

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Hey there, Iā€™m very new to all of this. And was wondering if you could give me a scan to assess whatā€™s going on with me spiritually - like any entities around me or any gifts i have etc. Sorry of Iā€™m being too general I donā€™t alot about it. Iā€™d really appreciate it.

I did. Check your inbox. :wink:

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Any body trade scan?

Wrong thread.

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thank you for pointing out ,didnt saw it.