This article was originally written for the Black Temple and the original can be found HERE.
Much has been said concerning this ritual. It is a well known and highly effective ritual. It safe for beginners and extremely useful to the developing magician.
The Pentagram ritual is safe for people who are just beginning to delve in to the occult sciences. It can be performed safely, as it does not open any astral portals, or cause any unwanted influence upon the subconscious of the operator.
The Ritual of the Pentagram is an elemental ritual with a multitude of uses. Many more so, in fact, than most people are aware:
It can be used to invoke elemental influence.
It can be used to banish elemental influence.
It can be used to invoke spirits.
It can be used to banish spirits, consecrating an area.
It creates a space within the sphere of the magician, wherein magick becomes possible.
Israel Regardie writes, pertaining to the Pentagram Ritual:
āThe Pentagram Ritual was taught to the Neophyte immediately after his initiation in order that he might āform some idea of how to attract and come into communication with spiritual and invisible things.ā Just as the Neophyte Ceremony of admission contains the essential symbolism of the Great Work, shadowing forth symbolically the commencement of certain formulae of the Magic of Light, so potential within the Pentagram Ritual and the Oabalistic Cross are the epitomes of the whole of that work. In all magical procedure it fundamental, for it is a gesture of upraising the human consciousness to its own root of perfection and enlightenment by which the sphere of sensation and every act performed under its surveillance are sanctified. Thus it should precede every phase of magical work, elementary as well as advanced.ā
Pentagram with Elemental Attributions
Elements and the Cardinal Directions:
- East is attributed to Air.
- South is attributed to Fire.
- West is attributed to Water.
- North is attributed to Earth.
Purpose and Method of the Pentagram ritual:
As seen above, the Pentagram ritual is elemental in nature.
The purpose and method of the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram (LBRP); How the LBRP functions:
The LBRP projects the elements, or their influence, outside of the circle.
Places a banishing Pentagram outside the circle, between oneself within the circle and the element.
The Pentagram is charged to create a barrier between oneself and the element. This works by way of the correspondence of the element with its associated cardinal direction.
The Angels are evoked to strengthen and maintain the barrier.
The Qabalistic Cross, performed before and after formation of the pentagrams, establishes and affirms the presence of the Divine within the circle.
Each element is appropriated to a cardinal direction. By placing a banishing pentagram between oneself and the element in any given direction, the influence of that element is unable to act upon the consciousness of the magician.
Invoking Ritual of the Pentagram:
The Pentagram Ritual can be used to Invoke Elemental Influence.
By reversing the direction in which the Pentagrams are traced, their effect is altered accordingly.
Invoking and Banishing Pentagrams
Combining Invocation and Banishing Pentagrams:
One may combine banishing pentagrams with invocation pentagrams in order to invoke the influence of one or more chosen elements.
For example: If one wishes to invoke only the element of Fire, banishing pentagrams are placed in the east, west, and northerly directions. An invocation pentagram is placed in the south. This has the effect of invoking and emphasizing the influence of Fire.
Herein I have revealed the multitudinous uses of the Pentagram Ritual. As you can see, it has many practical uses. Most of which arenāt written about or revealed very often.
The magician should know exactly what he is doing prior to any working. I reveal this knowledge, as although the Pentagram ritual can be safely performed, it is in the best interest of any magician to know exactly how this ritual functions prior to any workings.