Request Thread for Those Who Want to Practice Working for Others

What do you mean a "reading pendulum? Do you mean a pendulum reading?

Please someone help me with love too. A 5-year relationship ended. I am in very severe depression. I want it back. For those who want it, I can give information such as name, motherā€™s name, date of birth, etc. here . Iā€™m begging for help. I even thought about suicide, Iā€™m so desperate now.

@sarawitch please read the rules of this thread. No exchange of PMs if youā€™re participating, every information considering your situation must take place in this thread.

I also edited out the bit about a ā€œgiftā€; community members are not allowed to exchange monetary transactions for any kind of services that takes place in this forum. The only exception are certified BALG authors. You are also not allowed to do workings for other people until youā€™ve been reasonably active for 90 days or longer on this forum, as your last post was two years ago


Its not allowed to identify targets by name, photograph, etc. in open threads. No matter the background of the working, it can cause legal trouble for the forum owners.

If you want to pay for a service you can choose from our current BALG authors services on this site:

A Ritual for hire would be probably your best bet in that case.

If you want to stay on this thread I would recommend to only use maybe the first name of the target like ā€œBobā€ or something and thats it. A practicioner who is trained in energetic workings wonā€™t be in need of a picture, a name or the shoe size of a target.

I 2nd this.

Okay I canā€™t seem to find open free readings threads except for mine, but auto divination is not recommended because Iā€™m biased towards myself.

Soā€¦ what do you see in my vibe financially? What am I doing thatā€™s right/wrong? Any advice?

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Iā€™m new here
Free reading pls

@Emmanuel9 moved your request into the proper topic. Please donā€™t spam other community members working journals with requests for help :+1:t2: People will respond to you when they feel like it.

Hi, I sort of have a question, but itā€™s a cute one. I wonder if anyone can lay a quick tarot card to tell me how my new cat Doreen feels about me. I have her less than 2 months and I know it takes time. She lets me pet her sometimes, and sometimes follows me around but never cuddles me or sleeps with me (in the same room though. I do what I can to make her safe and happy, but does she love me?

Hi. I need some divination. Can someone help?

What is your question?

I never did a reading about animalsā€¦ I wonder if this is even possible. I guess itā€™s very different in comparison to read peopleā€¦ the energies and emotions.
But from my experience with animals I would say, that it takes time for her to gain trust and that she might also not be the most cuddly cat (yet).
I donā€™t know where she was before she lived with you but she might also not be used to cuddling or being with humans a lot.

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Oh I wouldnā€™t know how, there are animal readers - but whoā€™s to say which one is for real and which one is a charlatan. Thank you so much for giving it a go! I appreciate it. I guess I worry because I really care about her.
Sheā€™s already 4, and her previous owners moved often, they couldnā€™t keep her in the flat and Doreen (the cat) got sent to a friend for a few weeks, then a relative for a few weeks, and then was adopted by me.

So yeah, itā€™s been a lot. She needs stability now. I only had her for a short time and I think sheā€™ll be alright. She seems to feel safe in my big place and needs some space sometimes, but does feel happy to be around me while eating or sleeping. Iā€™ll keep doing my best for her <3

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Just that there is no misunderstanding:
I didnā€™t look into cards for you. I have never done readings on animals and I also donā€™t know how to interpret cards for them. Itā€™s also nothing I would want to try to be honest.
What I said was just my thoughts about the situation.
You said she had to moved a lot etc - I think thatā€™s the answer. She experienced that the people around her left her alone again. Food and sleep is important for her so she probably doesnā€™t want to share that as long as she doesnā€™t feel comfortable enough and gets the feeling that she stays with you and can start to trust that. :slight_smile: I think itā€™s also hard for cats to build a relationship and lose it again so as long as she might think you will go as well at some point, she wonā€™t start to build something again that she might lose soon. I think it needs time and trust :slight_smile:

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what about my love life with Piotr? Why he left me and when he will be back? Thank you

I am getting that what is important in this connection, is to let go of the past and look into the future.
As long as you are looking back, there will be no progress. Silence leads nowhere in the longrun. Something about this is not fair. It seems like someone needed the other in this relationship but thatā€™s not longer the case.

I am seeing you full of hope. You want to heal this connection and reconcilation.
He gave you the feeling of stabilty and he also seems to be an authoritarian person in your eyes.
For him it seems that he worked hard on something and it brought some success. It seems like his focus is on that now.
He knows that you are a courages person, sometimes maybe a little daring. Itā€™s possible that he misses something that he mighe feel he needs in a relationship.

I am getting that there was conflict in the past - also in situations where you should have had supported each other. You didnā€™t really want to see the truth and didnā€™t work on your problems.
Right now it seems like it feels as if you put a lot of work into this relationship but you never really got something back for it - could be only on his or on both sides. Thatā€™s why he focuses on other things and wants to see results and success.
It seems like itā€™s not possible to rebuild this connection as long as you (both) donā€™t work on a lot of things you might donā€™t want to see. You are not helpless, you can create your own freedom and build something to be stable enough to work trough everything you want to change - you might already know what that is but donā€™t want to look at.
Right now, it looks to me, like you will realize at some point that this relationship doesnā€™t work anymore - at least not the way it was.
But I also know, that thatā€™s probably not what you want to hear right now. So what I also see is, that it seems to me a little like you donā€™t really like to go on an ā€œadventureā€ - like try new stuff or leave your comfort zone. But I seems that he wants that. So that might be a start - to realize what both of you need for a happy relationship and what you can give each other - and what not. And if thatā€™s still compatable.
Donā€™t sit and wait for him, try to do something good for yourself and make new experiences. Seems like he has to be able to see that things have changed at some point to consider his desicions again.

I also pulled an oracle card for you:
ā€œUnrequitted Love. Thereā€™s not enough attraction and chemestry to keep this relationship going.ā€

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So, the story is that I canā€™t communicate or feel spirits or energy at all. I have performed many spells in the past few years, and 95% of them worked. However, I am not able to move to the next level. I am not lazy; I meditate daily; itā€™s a part of my routine.

Recently, I got a deal to purchase a Custom Conjuring - Bound Djinn to a Necklace, a Marid Oracle Djinn Living Entity Companion, Spirit Vessel Necklace, and a Female Wish-Granting Djinn Living Entity Companion, Spirit Vessel Necklace. I have these three items, and I meditate and communicate with the spirits daily. However, as I mentioned, I canā€™t feel any energy, and I wonder if there is someone who can help with reading the vessels or sensing one vesselā€™s energy if I provide a picture. I want to make sure I didnā€™t get scammed.

I am also open to any suggestions on how to open myself up to feeling the energy. I have read many books, meditate regularly, and have a vivid imagination. I can imagine pictures and smells perfectly.

3 posts were split to a new topic: Side conversation

Could someone do a rite for me? Iā€™m unable to do it myself.

May I ask for a ritual of empowerment to boost the development of my astral senses?

Iā€™ve been working with Belial for a while and my next step is to evoke him but only when my astral senses are ready according to him (figured via pendulum) in which he says Iā€™m still not ready and I agree.

Itā€™s fun because when I call him or whoever spirit I need to I know they hear me and with mutual respect I ask and they deliver, but I feel no presence, energies, images, thoughts or subtle changes in the room.

I managed to establish a ā€œYou are welcome to come into my dreams to communicate with me if thereā€™s something to talk aboutā€ and it works, but itā€™s not the optimal workflow I want.

I would much likely to be able to receive their messages without resorting to dreams or divination tools.

In the meantime Iā€™m not giving up, I keep meditating and calling them for guidance, but makes me wonder if a little external push from somebody would help.

In the past many years ago when I was around 10yo, an online friend made me a talisman of empowerment when I started with psiballs and such, I couldnā€™t feel my energy at all and I was skeptic about it.

After he made the talisman and even without telling me it was done, I was flowing with energy, psiballs in a few seconds without much effort, third eye resonating non stop. That experience kinda clicked in me and showed me how energy stuff worked and to this day it still works even without that talisman because I feel I assimilated the lesson and I can recreate it with my own will, so makes me wonder if copying & pasting the same experience applied to my astral senses will help me move forward.

Thank you so much :blue_heart: