Request Thread for Those Who Want to Practice Working for Others

Hello everyone!

I would please like to request a lust/obsession spell or ritual for a coworker of mine. I do not wish to have a serious relationship with him, but rather want to bind him to me sexually so that he will feel desire and lust after me and only me. He is attracted to me, but distance and other factors on both our ends prevent us from connecting regularly. Our jobs in travel do occasionally assist in us hooking up frequently however, so perhaps with a spell it could help give my target the push he needs to pursue me more. He is the typical bachelor guy that plays hot and cold on me a lot. If anyone decides to aid me in this and would like me to PM the name of my target, please let me know. Thank you in advance and many blessings to you all! :pray:t4::heart:

If anyone can cast a spell on me to let go of my lust for results that would be great

Hi all. Can someone please do an obsesion spell for me. I need this girl to be pushed a bit. I can see she lust but circumstance keeps her away. I need her to be obsessed with me sexually. Please help me.

Hi guys

Needed assistance.

Off late, weather wise and also work life has been tough so it’s causing a lot of digestive issues esp with acid reflux and GERD symptoms. Or could be IBS not very sure. Will be seeing a doctor this month as soon as my insurance claims are cleared.

If any one of you could help a bit too - it’ll be great.
The heat and heartburn sucks tbh!

Thank you bunches in advance. :pray:t2::sparkles::sparkling_heart:

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Hey guys,

I have been feeling really low and just not myself for months. I tried handling it myself but I think I need a little more help in the healing department. Thank you to anyone that wants to help :two_hearts:


If you want to be not-busy for a little while today or in the next few days, I can do some energy work? I just want to make sure you aren’t like grocery shopping or driving or doing things because people react differently and you might feel a little ‘off’ during. I guess having your energy worked with does that to you. I’ll burn some herbs as well. And do a (tarot) reading on specifics beforehand. I have pretty crystals too that I can set out.

Edit: If you’re interested in my calling a spirit I will as long as I know a decent way to contact them (there are spirits and groups of them I just don’t work with in general).

Let me know if you’re interested @Angelb1083 .


That would be amazing honestly thank you.

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You free now? Or do you wanna do it in a few hours? Tomorrow…?

Any requests on colors you like, crystals if I have them, or spirits (as long as I know them or how to call), anything like that?


I’m free now actually. No Special request just go with your intuition. Thank you again!

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I’ll be ready in like 10 minutes if you wanna lay down or sit or whatever makes you comfy. It’ll take 15-20 (maybe 25) minutes I’d say. I’ll post some pictures when I’m through.


Okie dokie :smiley:

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@Angelb1083 I’m done, I cleaned up my stuff. I thought I’d let you know. And I’m editing this post with details.

First, I'll give you the things I used.
  • Sacha my dragon head orgone (created as a healing aid), Aragonite tower for direction and balance, 3 kinds of fluorite (mini blue tower, green & purple diamond, green tumble) for healing in general, Dragon Bloodstone Sphere as healer and energy amplifier, Ocean Jasper mini sphere as a calming stone and to aid with shifts in energy, etc., bells as cleansing.
  • Rosemary, bay leaves, oregano, thyme, cloves, pink salt
  • 10 Coins, 7 Swords, 10 Swords
  • A tealight, and then I burned the other things with fire
Second, how it went and other stuff

I mediated on you and your energy as I pulled cards. Then I went to burn things and do the energy work.

So this is how it went. I balanced your energy, got some more movement throughout your body, focused on your heart space and removing some stagnation, pulling away some dead heaviness that had no purpose but to suffocate you, processing your energy through general cleansing, more movement of it throughout your whole body, another balancing.

  • You seemed to have a lot of stagnant energy and heaviness surrounding the heart/upper chest area. I got some of it flowing a lot easier.

  • There was a spear-looking thing from your chest area. It was wrapped with your energy and it was there in relation to the 10 of Coins and 7 of Swords. I guess even in the 7 of Swords we see a pretty thing about to be stabbed. I think part of this is about you having a lot of things that you’ve worked (hard) for and you love and enjoy around you. And yet, it seems like you’re a bit afraid of them (the things that make up your 10 of Coins paradise and castle) being shattered. Either through lies, deceit, betrayal, or maybe even because you think you or someone else will sabotage it. And the truth is (as I see it), that’s not about to happen. You have a good hold, and so do those in and around this 10 of Coins dream you’ve made, and it’s not about to disappear. You’re good. You’ve done the work. You’ve made it happen. It’s yours. Yea, you have to maintain it, but it’s yours.

  • There was a sword as well, and it gave me the feeling of lostness, feeling at the edge or brink of something you love and cherish being snapped, taken, etc. What I really felt with this, is that you’re concerned someone you love deeply is wavering in their feelings. Maybe you’ve kinda shoved this down or maybe it’s been on your mind. And the truth (as I felt doing this), is that that is doubt and fear speaking to you. This person loves you. I know you’re into some kinky stuff (me too), if it’s your dom, I really think you’re putting doubt into yourself where it doesn’t belong. They love you.

  • The next thing that stood out to me was a little sharp ‘star’ thing. A stone in the middle and 4 equal blades (arms?) coming off around it. I saw this buried in the energy that was cleansed and it really wanted a hold on you. (It was also about at this part I felt something that might have been someone who has ill intentions towards you; never a bad time to refresh shields and cleanse.) I got the feeling you’re maybe having issues (grief or otherwise) with a mother(-figure) and that thing wants to make you feel bad. It had a lot of dark poison-type energy coming off it but agreed to help you heal instead of purposefully tormenting you.

  • I know you’ve had a few people pass on lately. I could really feel that energy in you. And it told me that you’ve gotta feel it. That it won’t leave because you ask it to, it wants to be heard and it wants to hurt before being let go.

    • Not that you asked, but my way of dealing with things like that is to light a candle and cry about it for however long I can and then do it again until I feel better.
  • Seriously, if you want a full energy session, I’d say you’re looking at like an hour and half or so. What’s going on is definitely not surface level as I’m sure you’re aware and a lot of it actually seems related to fear. In the mind because you’re turning things over and in the heart because you’re afraid of losing more.

  • 4 things that really reached out were these: (1) mom (/mother-figure, older woman you’re really close to) issues, (2) worries about betrayal (whether it be you, your partner, or another) that threatens to bring down your world, (3) someone you’re closed to (I get the feeling it’s your partner but couldn’t say for sure) really loves you and there’s no interest at all in hurting you or lying to you, (4) and deep grief issues that can really only be addressed by you.

  • As much as energy movement and work and healing can help, there’s no substitute for you having to feel your deeper darker feelings unfortunately.

Your cards and the crystals. Everything except the cards followed me outside where I had the mini-fire and did the energy work.

If you have questions, let me know. And if you wanna share whether you felt something or not, that’s great too. Hope I helped at least some.


Thank you so much again!

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Hi,sorry for my english,i am not have my claires open and becuse of my backpain i cant stand,sit or hold any position for so long,so i cant meditation good,so far i’ve got dreams,vision and sound from lilith,naamah and hecete and they are so loveley and nice,now if somebody ask these questions from lilith my life change for ever
1-is that ok to do middle pillar?i dont like yhvh
2-i read summoning spirit by konstantinos,is that book practices for claires are good for me?
3-what massege she have for me?

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Hi, I’ve been working on casting a particular spell with no luck. Is there any wway someone here could cast it for me or boost it in any way? Thanks in advance!

We need more details than that.

Not giving us enough to go off of for a decision for or against.


Totally agree with @crookedpathfinder No point posting if there aren’t any details we can use. Kindly provide them.

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Hi can any help me i am at very depressing point of my life. Can some do some magic to increase my vibration helping me to get out of the depression

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Hi I deleted my message. Can you delete yours?