Recreation of Solomon's vessel on other entities

I have an idea…
why don’t we just ask the old gods themselves how THEY feel about it.
“excuse me sir? Cronus? Odin? Some Magi has a bright idea of putting ALL of you guys and your families in a vessel in the same manner that Solomon did to 72 of you. he wants to know how all of us are humans and incarnate feel about this wild and crazy idea. I figure that we can’t possibly know if it’s a good idea or not unless we ask those who are going to be imprisoned and oppressed as if their input doesn’t matter.”


I really don’t see the reason to.

If I bind it is to create an anchor point.(something to make their connection stronger.)


You’ll learn your lesson either way. I doubt the gods will be bound to anyone but you. To you it will appear as if they are bound, but to us, they will be free agents as per the norm.


A few seemingly taking it personal here, I choose the first two as experiments. Naturally, if successful, would move to the monotheistic religions. Curiosity is the goal and hey who knows, maybe it won’t work at all anyway. Part of the wonder though.

I’m reminded of a story I read once regarding loki and his family, he only came to insult, infuriate, and belittle the family before he was bound to a cave to have poisoned dripped on him.

I shortened that up, btw, not saying any of you are loki, but rather defending these pantheons against an agitator and implying I’ll meet some grand demise or severe punishment. I do like it, please continue.

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No. I’m done wasting my time and energy on you

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Defensive? It is regrettable you became easily triggered by this as I only wanted the opinions, insight, gnosis, and maybe even majikal suggestions. Thanks for your opinions.

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Curiousity of possibility

Good idea… bad idea… very relative. I want to know if it is possible and If it is I wonder the kind of world with no Gods at all. Will it be more majikal or less?

Not sure what my name has to do with anything but okay.

I gotcha. I think it’s a bad idea to do it, to be honest. However, I don’t have an answer as to what this world might look like without them. And I’m not even allowed to say the rest of what I feel about it if you were to ever say you planned on actually doing it.

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While I will always defend the gods against agitators, it’s not up to me to say what would or wouldn’t happen if you embarked on such a journey. I think it’s a horrible idea, myself. I have relationship with the gods and love those I work with.


Most spirit vessels work with local spirits, that’s is spirits of this dimension I.e. the dead, fairies, goblings and such. To “trap” a non local spirit into a vessel violates the “non-local” part. That is why many can summon specific Gods, Ángels and demons at the same time and they answer. Now I have thought of it this way. What we create are links to these non local beings. Like a short cut from an evocation ritual. Like in ATR’s as in satenria when a person is crowned his Orisha the being is said to reside in a ceramic vessel full of their secrets. But that doesn’t stop the Orisha from manifesting at other parts. Is more like a direct line to the Orishas power and presence.
So it seems that you are looking at this the wrong way. But you could try at best you Fail and as worst you insult a being more ancient and powerful than you but hey the trill is in the risk. You should study Paleros ideology behind their Ngangas. It will provide with logic behind what you are attempting.


All magick is taught by a god or Gods in most myth so my take would be less magical. Beside we are living in godless times already. Materialism and science has became the norm to the point where Timothy calls the belief in demons Ángels and other beings atheistic which makes as much sense as anything else. People love as if spiritual world is not real as if the beings we summon are not real. So is hard to see where are you going with this.

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To use an Analogy of “The Matrix Movie” you are like the ZION NEO trying to bind the Gods in the Matrix. I am the White Cat (eyes and ears of the matrix) that Alerts the Gods that beat up the ones trying to return them to The Source. Im also The French Man (one who refuses to return to the source and created his own safe space matrix’s) as The White Cats are like an extension of him.

So whats your name have to do with it? You choose your Symbolic Associations and interestingly it plays out in your choice of words and agendas.


It’s not possible to remove these pantheons from other people, so the question is moot.

However, as a though experiment, I wouldn’t say it would be any less magikal, given that more pantheons than just two are lost to time already. The entities behind the masks always pop up somewhere else, while new ones are made, and old ones fade. Change is a given, the names of the gods are not.

It’s totally possible for you to create a sense that you have the pantheons in a little jar just for you.
I think I’m the third person to say that same thing on this thread… Going for third time lucky.


You could pull this off. But it would require murdering alot of people and erasing the knowledge of their history. Are you sure this is something you want to fulfill? It is the only way really as spirituallity and religion of all kind are too deeply entrenched.

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I support this enthusiastically.

If nothing else, you should be able to retain a fraction of each gods power.

Ea koetting did it with the gatekeepers in goat skulls and I can still call them, so do it.

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Yeah but that is ferish or idol making ala Santeria and Palo Mayombe. That can be done but he refers whether or not bound gods in the vessel will refrain from influencing or appearing to others.