Recreation of Solomon's vessel on other entities

Curious about what exactly?

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Curious to see if possible is the goal here, If possible curious to see the effect.

Of course there’s varying degrees of belief, from its all in the mind (including the spirits) to the possibility of some spiritual beings do exists.

Whichever your belief is doesn’t matter, what matters is a real test of majik here. If what I propose or what Solomon did has any merit or factual truth, if successful, the majik should affect everyone.

If it’s not possible to you, (anyone) you either don’t believe other people can affect you in any way like ‘curse’ you, as an example; thereby admitting majik is not real or you limit yourself in majik all together knowing it is real, but you could never accomplish more.

Double-edged sword here. This is a conversation, btw. Looking to see the opinions.

If it could work, I would wonder if they would try to stop me or let it happen like the Goetia.


I have loyalty and respect for those who unlock the aspects of my mind, as gifts so that I may evolve.
Slavery is not evolution, even if it means I had the power or means to do so. If Solomon’s story were true, one could take lesson from it and see that by their hand he was built a kingdom, and by their hand it was taken away. They prevailed and still prevail. He proved nothing but that he was an oppressor, to his people that he ruled, and bit the hands that fed him.
I am not so eager for power or desire to quench curiosity so much that I would openly offend the very beings that have opened their arms to me and taught me to be better than that.
That is my opinion for myself on how I would approach such an opportunity if given it.


If you were to go through with this, how long would you have them in the vessel for?

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Here’s some to get you started!

As common with most my answers, i try to push several different angles of how to approach the work at hand, so you can personally fit out of it working mechanisms to use.

Notice also, that you can use Asgard and the Olymp as reference points when formulating the conjurations.
As you pointed out adressing several spirits of those pantheons, you’ll propably draw a very direct connection between the binding vessle and the origin. (just as the brass vessle was propably linked with the lake of fire, according to todays understanding.)




Forever unless released

I’ve made spirit-locks before, OP! If you want to limit their worldly influence, what you need is to target the people connected to them, and their ability to interface with humans/earth- you can plug up a god and replace it with a parasite that way! :slight_smile:


One thing I didn’t see mentioned (please forgive me if it was) but The spirits, God’s, demons, etc., are never fully with you. You have their attention but they are never 100% only with YOU. If so, let’s say I’m talking with Azazel, no other person would be able to converse with him. Also, they live outside the physical and outside of time as we perceive it.

What may be a better idea is to pool together a bunch of big players/names that get along with each other and bind them to a new seal/sigil in order to be able to summon them all at once.

Just sayin is all…

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(((yawns))) This goal is no different than the person in the past that mentioned on this board they wanted to go against Great Britains Magick, to which Lady Eva replied they don’t stand a chance. The more you discover about magick, the more you realize that all these people wanting to take a cheap shot at a big player don’t stand a chance. Its ridiculous when you think about it.

FYI… your better off just minding your own business and getting a DECENT CUT of the pie.


Yes! Thank you :+1:

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What I think most people are not understanding is that the point of such a vessel is to pool the power and influence of a being within a easy to access vessel of format. It is the same principle as filling a crystal with energy to draw on to add more power to a spell in this case you are making an AI style copy of numerous spirits and their powers and putting them in a vessel. Similar to how their sigils can be used to make talismans to carry their powers with you in this case with many.
It is also possible to completely cut a spirit off from the physical world and leave it unable to interact even with others except as a reflection or echo but that requires a strong understanding of universal laws and quite a bit of skill operating in the Akashic realm. The primary purpose of such a vessel is as an object of power with potentially many spirits on call without the need for the procedures of proper evocation to call them but rather instantly on command access them through the vessel.


Since you asked, I think you’re naming very strange pantheons since the Greek pantheon was one of the most prominent to speak of heroes and mankind becoming godlike through merit, and the Norse pantheon also work for ascent and have not ever had a cultus of grovelling worshippers, or insisted upon thought-policing others, or killing for the purposes of conversion.

If you truly wanted to liberate people, the egregores of monotheism are the ones causing mass death, suppression of magick and persecution of 1-2-1 spiritual experiences, in Africa and the Far East especially.

The resurgence of older gods, who were mostly considered ascended spiritual ancestors and maternal/paternal creators by their people, has helped counter this, and will continue to do so.


For real.


Hiya! There’s a really easy way to do this if you’re familiar with the Abyss- drag the target down, one by one, piece by piece, until you feel they’re all there, and then bury them! The more rocks you seal them under, the harder it is for them to get out. So if you can make that process a sigil, and bind them to it, then actually go bury the sigil- you win! That traps them in the past, forever if you’re inclined! Just keep placing rocks. :slight_smile:

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What if the target offers resistance?

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I might use that for our problem @Eye_of_Ra

Well, did i misinterpret your general aproach here, Israel?
I assumed you seek working closer together with those,
and making tools which allow stronger connection.

In the sense of enslaving them to become servants to you,
yes it seemed a little bit to leek that approach aswell,
just as with the demonization of old gods,
you’ll lead a new form of demonization on with doing that.
Which, well, there’s backlash almost guaranteed when working with that intend in pro-position.

This doesn’t mean that it woun’t work, it worked on Djinn after all.
Just pointing to some obstacles in how you actually adress the working.

Also note, the mechanism of working down the authority line,
which means in order to get a lower God out of the Pantheon to work in exactly the way you want it to,
you adress the Highest god and follow the chain of command down,
to basically make the task given as an order within his (the gods) own string of order.
It’s funny that chaos magick is the best approach to get this to work,
since you need to emerge into the pantheon completely and leave it completely several times while constructing a vessle as you intended,
while actually order and precision are essential to make it successful for later generations to go back and work with what you developed.
(assuming your success)

You will need to forge alliance with an spirit in both pantheons which is good at directing the Gods and binding Familiars…
And expect those gods to act out when restraining their will.
They natrually assume Humans as Mortal /e.g. weak - compared to them,
and really you’ll need to tame them into it.
taming is an essential key word for all the work you’re about to do there.




I don’t know where you saw that or what kind of conciousness you dipped in, but the old Gods don’t demand worship from magis. :roll_eyes: I literally laugh with people’s ignorance whenever I see someone saying such thing. They don’t even demand from their worshipers to worship them roflmao. If you ever worked with them you would know.
If you really want to liberate mankind from spirits that “demand worship and blind their followers” then you should turn your eyes to the big mono-religions.


There needs to be a preach button


I was about to say the same thing. His name is “israel” that shouldve been a dead give away.