Real life superpowers

How is it dangerous ?

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what if you lose control and fall?

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Ah, I see. Although, don’t doubt invisibility in a fight.

There are methods to do this, but I wouldn’t know how personally. I suggest asking a demon you trust, like Lucifer, if you trust them. Or perhaps another spirit?

Well hopefully I’ll have invulnerability and I won’t die. But that could be said about anything. What if I’m in an airplane and the pilot loses control and we all die ?

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Then don’t be a moron and get in that situation.

Honestly? I wouldn’t say it’s possible to never, EVER be hurt by ANYTHING, it’s a sliding scale, and it has no end… And it takes WORK. So start small, get familiar with this first.


Yeah I don’t plan to be immune to literally anything. But a bullet, a missile I think it’s possible to be immune to that.

It is possible. But you need to start small. You’re better off reaching for something like increased lifespan first, because you might need a few lifespans to manage that.

But achieving an increased lifespan is hard and downright implausible for a beginner.

So maybe focus on seeing things, feeling things. Clair abilities. It’s a good place to start for learning insane things.

Well, there’s an issue. This is hard, and I can’t feel shit. Well, do some ENERGY WORK. Yes, get acquainted with your energy system first etc etc so on and so forth.

This is so big there is debate about whether or not it’s possible, and in a world with infinite possibilities, that’s saying something. Start at the beginning.


Ant to @Ardeon

Actualy this can be done. I shared a spell on here to do it. First one I ever attempted.

Now don’t get me wrong. It is nothing like what the depict on the movies and TV.

You are still viable, but in some strang way it messes with the people around you perception and somehow with people trying to find you.

So in a way to everyone els you aren’t there, but the moment you draw attention to yourself you will be “seen”. The illusion will reestablish itself after a while if you stop interacting.

So yes in some ways this is possible, just not the way most think of it.

It is a fun spell to experiment with and can easily be done even by a beginner. I suggest you try it out. Feel free to tell me your results if you do.

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When people call it “super powers” it makes me think someone has been watching Twitches or reading too many comic books.

A lot of the descriptions with spirits are just humans giving them a lot of expectations. If an entity states something that hinges on flight of fantasy they could very well be telling you what you want to hear, meaning astral or another plane, or your own desires seeping into the context.

Some things are possible but don’t let your brain fall out over nonsense.


Here is the spell I shared.

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Talking about super powers theres something called the Hysterical strength - extreme strength which can be unlocked at life - death situations, like people lifting cars to rescue their children

Back when the tsunami happened people used to jump from buildings to another building so it all depends on the situation
If you can achieve that state even when you are calm by using magick then i guess it would be a huge success
Just a suggestion though, i do not know the science behind it.

Yeah I agree. Even though I would really like to know if these powers see real, I’m not so invested in it that I’ll go into a depression if its not possible.


you can do them all astrally if you learn to project.

One thing those stories never tell you though, is the aftermath. People who exhibit such adrenaline fuelled strength tear muscles, ligaments and tendons that they feel once the adrenaline wears off so it’s not without cost.


I know a guy who can possess animals and see through their eyes, birds, cats, dogs, etc. That was his practice he invested years in, my investment is in divination tech like scanning, tarot, and energy work. My goals are within the scope of probability because setting goals is fine just not insane ones where you’ll get depressed if they don’t get reached imo.


I think superpowers are possible, but not in the physical plane. We have our seven senses at our disposal:

Vestibular - Our body perception of balance in relation to gravity.
Proprioception - The sense of relative position of neighbouring parts of the body.
Source: What are the 7 Senses? | 7 Senses Foundation

Now, there is a few exceptions of “superpowers” within these senses and adrenalin is an example of gaining strength in dangerous situations. Most of us have probably heard stories of people lifting cars to save someone that got stuck beneath the car, right? Some people have abnormalities and even mutations with one or more of their senses, too, making them catch things others can’t comprehend.

Don’t forget our Astral Senses:

Clairvoyance - Seeing
Clairaudience - Hearing
Clairsentience - Feeling
Clairalience - Smelling
Clairgustance - Tasting

Now, these senses are closest to “superpowers” we could achieve, in stark contrast to the physical realm and it’s limitations by the law of nature and physics.

Our brain actually share similarity to the Universe, especially when it comes to the connection of neurons and the amount that travels within our brain:

In some ways, we can have superpowers, but we have to access our own brain to achieve it.


Yeah. I know it’s far fetched and I honestly would be more surprised if I find out from a spirit that it is possible than I would if it’s not.

What good would it be astrally ? If I want to fly for the sake of flying I would have to go to the astral realm and do it.

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This is perhaps the largest spirit catalog I have ever seen. I doubt that Bardon actively worked with most of those spirits. More likely he simply cataloged what the spirits told him. Experiment with it if it strikes your fancy and let us know what powers you obtained


[quote=“DarkestKnight, post:17, topic:96361”]
There isn’t a spirit around that can make you impervious to a bullet.

Baack in the day there were some Indians who believed they had magic shirts that made them immune to bullets. They were wrong