Rasputin’s incredible healing abilities (especially self healing)


The only magic user in history that well deserves the title of “The evil Wizard” or sorcerer if that’s sounds cooler to you, was a master healer, especially towards himself if you’ve heard the stories.

Now since I haven’t found anything about him working with demons or spirits, I’m guessing that he found a way to strengthen his own power to do these feats. (As well as stealing the Erne rug of his sexual partners)

I would love to know if any of you have an your idea how he gained this power

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The problem with Rasputin is that a lot of his feats have been exaggerated by the public to further demonize him as a black magician, so I have my doubts that he really did some of the stuff he did. Keep in mind, this guy was hated by literally everyone except his own family and the Romanovs.

Is it possible that he was doing magic? Sure. But I don’t know if he was as wildly successful as people claim.

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Okay that’s understandable he was scum and a manipulator but I am positive that he had at least some knowledge in magic considering he was able to make woman want him despite that he smelled awful and never bathed, and that he was able to heal the Russian emperors son in ways medical science can’t explain

Technically, he tricked them into thinking that he could heal them if they had sex with him. That’s how he got them to bed him.

All Rasputin did was tell the doctors to stop giving Alexei apsirin and it worked.

Aspirin, while used to help with the pain, actually thins the blood, which is what you don’t want to have happen when you’re suffering from hemophilia, as it makes you bleed out faster. There’s no doubt in my mind that Rasputin figured this out (or at least concluded that aspirin was not working) and acted accordingly.

He didn’t “cure” Alexei. He just made sure the kid didn’t die.


Okay that can also be true

I guess we’ll just never know whether the stories are fraud or not

Honestly, with all of the evidence debunking Rasputin’s mysticism, I’m pretty sure he was just a charlatan.

I mean, look at his death. They say he was poisoned, shot, and then drowned. However, when a coroner got a hold of his body and did an autopsy, they only found a bullet wound. There was no evidence of him being drowned or poisoned. Meaning the people who killed him just shot him in the head and that’s it.

But why make up such a grandiose story about him being difficult to kill? Simple! Propaganda!

Again, people hated this man. The nobility hated him because he was a “gross” commoner who had the imperial family around his finger, and the commoners hated him because he wasn’t using his newfound power to help them out (The final years of the Russian Empire were horrible for people who weren’t blue bloods, but that’s a whole different discussion for another time).

Convincing the public that you disposed of an inhuman monster tends to get people on your side. Although, in Prince Felix Yusupov and Grand Duke Dimitri Pavlovich’s case, it didn’t really last long.

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I previously thought such events could be used to oppose disbelief (and still, skeptics explained his death with just a “great vitality”) but indeed, first a fact has to be sure.

As I said, Rasputin’s body was found and they did an autopsy on him. They only found the bullet wound in his head. There was no evidence of poisoning or drowning.

The story of him surviving being poisoned and shot was made up.

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Who knows maybe somewhere in the world whether it’s in our era or not, there’s a skilled magician that really does have the healing ability Rasputin was claimed to have.

We’ll just never know. Disappointing :pensive:

Here is a channeling a former member did of Rasputin:

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I heard that the antidote that suppost to cure the particular poison he was given is garlic, which they say he obsessively eat every day

He wasn’t poisoned though. He was shot.

There are many documented people who could stop bleeding in animals. I do not see why he couldn’t have been a person who could do that for a human.
I am not saying he knew magick. However, he was a mystic who made a few pilgrimages of thousands of miles.

Like I said, he told the doctors to stop giving Alexei aspirin.

I am guessing he was kundalini awakened or something. Maybe a rare and unknown type of awakening?

Can you point me to the book or article that says he stopped the use of aspirin?
I was always interested in father Grigori and have read everything I could find about him for many, many years and I have never seen that. It does make total sense. Thank you

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So the forum won’t let me post the first article link because the word “m*urder” is in the link, but it’s a really quick google search. All you need to put it in is “how did Rapsutin save Alexei” and it should be the first option (the one by the Smithsonian Magazine).

Here’s the second article, though: 6 Rasputin myths debunked

Thanks again

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Any time!