Questions regarding Baphomet

I think he appeared to you to ask you something of to do business with you i call him he because i treat him like a man and it dosnt border baphomet at all i love him so much .


Baphomet brings growth. There where a Baphomet mass takes place everything grows and increases: power, energy, magic, demonic, vegetation, flowers… Baphomet is great to work with.


“As Above, So Below”

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The history seems a little murky. Some believe the confessions concerning the Templar’s. Some believe Baphomet is some type of entity from a gnostic or Hermetic system. And others just think the answer is Elias Levy.

Regardless if Baphomet is just an archetype or is an egregore, you can invoke and evoke this entity. I have personal experience with invocation and evocation of Baphomet. I do believe this spirit has evolved into full sentience and has been conscious for quite some time. I basically work with him/her the same I do with say Lucifer, Azazel, or even my succubus.

However you work with Baphomet your sure to learn some deep stuff. Pay attention to signs, symbols, and synchronicities too.


To me, Baphomet is the union of the trinity consisting on:
1)Sun (the light)
2)Moon (the darkness)
3)Caos (the Void, the Abyss, the conection).


Baphomet is a tulpa, and probably a sentient being by now. Meaning, it may have been created during the Middle Ages and given an image by Eliphas Levi, but it has become an independent consciousness of its own by this point.

I found this article, in which a Freemason describes Baphomet’s name as meaning Baphe Metis , a baptism of wisdom aka being plunged into the cunning wisdom mindset of Zeus’ concubine.

This type of cunning combines intellectual brilliance, guile, and versatility (resilience), which were qualities highly esteemed among the Greek population and aristocracy. Metis was the female embodiment of this mindset. The male embodiment of it was Odysseus.

I also found this and this, both of which explain the goat imagery in Baphomet as being linked to Amalthea, the goatherd nymph who tended to baby Zeus. Amalthea was represented in ancient astronomy as the star Capella, which was part of the former constellations she-goat Capra and the kids Haedi (Haedus I and Haedus II). Capella and the former constellation stars are now part of the constellation Auriga.

If these authors are to be believed, Baphomet would then bookmark Zeus’ life and serve as female cornerstones to his power: as Amalthea, giving him strength when young, and as Metis, drawing strength from him through cunning in his prime. Baphomet in different forms would then be Zeus’ guardian of sorts.

The interesting thing about the second and third articles is that they assume a connection between the Knights Templar’s veneration of Baphomet, and the Levant cult of Asmodeus. The author there suggests that the two spirits are identical.

I don’t buy that assertion. Being as Baphomet was a prosperity and fertility spirit, it would most likely be linked to Amaymon (aka Abu nuh Maymun or Mammon) rather than Asmodeus.

But hey, everyone has an opinion. Conjure for yourself and ask questions. You’ll find out who’s who and what’s what when you go direct.


As a note, the modern ‘Baphomet’ derives from Eliphas Levi, who referred to it as ‘the Goat of Mendes’, the Egyptian God Banebdjedet (an aspect of Osiris), worshiped at Mendes. Horus the child was said to be offspring of Banebdjedet.

The Upper Egyptian form of this god was Khnum, whose offspring was HEKA - the Egyptian word for Magick (which was also represented by a deity).

Many people view Baphomet as a force and this Egyptian view is pretty interesting.

Although I haven’t read it yet, here’s an interesting Grimore which connects Banebdjedet with the European Sabbatic craft.


I think it was, but accidentally.

The Templars that first mentioned it may have just spouted that name to satisfy King Philip IV. After all, anyone would say anything to get out of being tortured.

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That makes a lot of sense, actually.

The connections are pretty interesting


To call on Baphomet. First the invocation of Chaos:


And than invocation of Baphomet:

Vibrating “IO PAN” in the Attitude of Baphomet. (Right arm raised to eye-level with elbow square, two fingers held up; left arm pointing downwards, two fingers and thumb extended. Palms face forward.

In the first aeon, I was the Great Spirit. In the second aeon, Men knew me as the Horned God, Pangenitor Panphage.
In the third aeon, I was the Dark One, the Devil.
In the fourth aeon, Men know me not, for I am the Hidden One.
In this new aeon, I appear before you as Baphomet.
The God before all gods who shall endure to the end of the Earth!


I just saw this today on youtube. Its the album cover to the Sigil doom mod.

I’ve seen variants of that sigil but it always reminded me a little bit of the Baphomet.

Fixed below…


I like these too.


The thing I heard was that the first time that this name was found was in a Templar document. When the the person or persons with document spoke about it, after be tortured I suppose, they confessed that it was about a goddess, with tree faces and/or a lion face. Many think that they just said anything to get rid of the tortures, others say that this name was actually a mistranslation of another name, a prophet name I guess. Anyways the goat head would be later implanted by Levi.
Now the thing I find interesting in this origin theory is that the goddess that have tree faces is Artemis. And there’s a guy from old times of Greece and I forgot his name but he was one of those philosophers ya know, and he for some reason had connected Artemis to Baset who is a goddess with cat head, but some believe she used to be represented with a lion head until Sekmet appeared. So Artemis kind of fits in both description of Baphomet. Also she’s twin sister with Apolo who many believe be Lucifer.
All this theory didn’t came from me. I found in this site and there was this long text about the dark goddess, pointing out this theory. I thought made sense, I tried search more about it but couldn’t find much.


Ol sonuf vores gi goho vovin vabezodir
De tehom qadmon
Zodiredo el iaida des parafe a lil
Zodiredo ciaofi caosgo mosplehe teloke
Panpir malpiregi caosgi.
Zazas Zazas nasatanada Zazas

Agios ishyros Baphomet! Agios Athanatos!

Chao ab Ordo


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Baphomet is being illustrated -Taro cards, he represents 15Arcane, (the Devil card) and
I was told he can be helpful in fixing fertility issues

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Where can I find true sigil of Baphomet? Anybody can share? And another questions, what does he/she likes as offering? I was told about gin mixed with red wine over black peppercorns… not sure of gin though… anybody who can share your experiencesof offering to Baphomet - thanks in advance)

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Did you try the sigil of Baphomet called dreccian moons?


There is also the Abraxas IAO Baphomet
Eucharistic mass with Lashtal as mantra
Is extremly powerful!!!