Pushing my intuition further. accepting any request for reading

Congratulations for being the first I try these cards on channeling dragons for this one.
The cards speak for the the need for change and feel that its more interal the external. They seem to stress the importance of your thoughts and habits and to make sure that your in harmony with self but more importantly they want you to slow down take in all that is yourself align your energies with this world. Understanding your inner truth your strength and wisdom a transformation is in reach but need let go of all that don’t serve meditate on and find the truth for bring close to your goals and your true will.

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Can’t actually speak on the initiation but see what kind of direction the dragons are trying point you towards. The cards suggest the a lot there’s figuring out in which direction you want go the wish to Elevate your doubt and fears so can be more comfortable with your own judgment. The dragons they stress important of your Potential and power and look to help and not steer you. approach them as equals. The change that follows is more your doing then there’s you should work find peace and confidence. There much you must do with directing your energy and your thought which doesn’t serve your. In future you should look for more creative avenues to break rigid thinking. The work starts now so they say get on with it.

The cards don’t advice such things I don’t think type of relationship will suit you in many way and the outcome of the situation might make you feel a bit confuse for time that will require healing. The card speak of the truth and ask to meditate on your need what exactly do wish but if wish for support simple ask of it in your pursuit within the physical.

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I see you falling down in a black abyss you fall in a loop as if time repeats itself a black dragon sit on a ledge with purple eye staring at you waiting lightning seem to be its very breath. The dragon seem it what you to realize that you can fly if you wish it so but you must believe in your power to do so a cycle need to broken and tool are already in your hands. Don’t trust in what you see trust in what can do The illusions are only as powerful as you make them so.

Freedom and emergence speak of a similar lesson do not kid yourself of situation and experiences truth will illuminate all do not dwell on your strife but learn from it and move on they want you follow your heart more strongly. take stock of your beliefs and values push them out into the world forget about control and try to be free. walk proudly the philosopher encourages you to fellow your will when learning it is always worth while to persuade knowledge especially if feel you must do not hinder by you own mind. Ok lord kurhumi and distiny want you to be the change. take responsibility for who you are walk the life you wish for.know that you don’t own anyone anything and you should do as you please what that may be is for to find out but its up decide how wish to direct your energy may it be to heal be healed or throw self in face of adversity is for you to decide. no path is wrong but must trust in yourself to walk forward and confident in you strength and wisdom. Sorry it was so long channeled dragons for this reading any feedback is appreciated.

very much true , thanks a lot resonates :slight_smile:

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Thnak you :slight_smile:

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Hi Jonny,what can you tell me about the spirit next to me?@Jonny_somthing

Hi can i have a general love reading please?Of course feel free to do it when you want and have time!Yhank you very much @Jonny_somthing

This is great! Verifying some of my hunches and clearing up the confusion I have on this topic. I really appreciate it. You’re on a roll with these readings. :slight_smile:

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Thanks I appreciate the feedback.

Channeled the dragons for this reading

The dragons want you to know yourself on profound level you do not have all the answers but you have goals and enough power to take hold of destiny ask why do you hinder yourself you mind work against you in the need to bring positive in your life is in your hand dispite how tough the world you clear path but you need in believe in that and accept that no right answer just your own conclusion what ever that may be ride it until the end of your day learn grow understand the lessons of hardship but do not dwell on them. Mordwyn say you got work to do asks that get on it. Lasty singold and peace stresses the importance of find and happiness and peace bring forth what you love in the world let anchor mind until it swells in your heart only then will you find peace.
Any feedback is appreciated and thank you for patience.

Hey :slight_smile: can I please have a reading? When you have time of course.
Thanks in advance

Hay did still want that reading let me know cause I got some free time

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Did you have a particular question in mind or is it just a general reading.

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Yes,i want that reading😉

A general reading would be great, thanks :grin:

Will me and my child’s mother stay together?

Sorry for the delay been quite lost in my thoughts.
To meditate on question and women appear bronze skin was wear short black coat over a dress and heels had light brown and black hair in ponytail didn’t catch her eye but seem to want get back to something important to her not sure about what tho. I will say my eye aren’t very good but take it as it is.
Her goal seem steer you through conflict it the only thing I see but your tired but not physical but emotionally tired of how thing have been going life and can feel the weight holding you down this Spirit seek to help with that but more specifically help work towards the future in what want to manifest
Hopeful to find peace with yourself and in your environment warns against illusions and idea of working through your problems alone.

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The seem like a good time to take a little rest in your life. Your intentions are taking you far in your work and help of other is a good bonus navigation through other minds has help you well but you must rest see a conflict in the future but also the promise of success what ever might take I’m unsure. But you should understand that some relationships are means to a end sometimes the best you can do for others is keep moving forward many will be left in the dust those that stick around might be worth your time.

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I want to yes and no there period of time go guy will stay together but she will eventually leave you there something about this scenario that written off impossible the card ask that take step back see all of variables of the problem before coming to a conclusion. Lasty five of pentacles does not bold well talk of complete defeat but it will be a turn point in life for sure swift in your focus of the world and your understanding of it.

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