Pure Black Magickians

@Soon2bAdept Why would you even under severe circumstances? Just banich them in the names of the Archdemons if you are really having problems with a malevolent parasite.

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I want to be the magickly darkest MF period.
If I am not, I want to mentor under whoever is.
I have no taboos period.

Yes! Agreed.[quote=“DrknessNC, post:63, topic:17401”]
I have no taboos period.
I have a few. The false light being one of them.

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Eh light, darkness, the void, the depths of the abyss,the celestial heights.

I go where my journey in the practice of the arts leads me in my attempts at understanding and utilizing the mechanics of reality for practical uses in my goals.

My path has lead me to work on the path of smoke as a step in my journey, i knew from the beginning even after i started hooking into its current that this is preparation for more advance work. What that is i can only guess at the moment since i’ve barely begun with my alchemical work due to space and time constraints at this time.

This changes next month :grin: But what changes have occurred since i began working with BmoA both with myself and my environment have been swift and intense as hell (pardon my pun :joy:).


the dark path seems out of control you have no power over it when it takes over
i think some people born with this darkness to and they should be able to tap into it easy
what should that person do for protection ?

Hmm i cant agree with this, the idea that someone has tapped more energie than their ready to handle at that moment, yes cause i have experienced this.

The result for me at least is a few days of bad insomnia and feeling like ive been dosed with 3grams of caffeine. This has been happening more frequently since i planted my first talisman of counter creation.

The counter weight for this with my current work in BmoA is what kurtis reccomends, using the energy either for alchemy or sorcery. So i am constantly exploring the 3 principles with my own evil inspiration towards ways to reach me goals.

Open mindedness as its best.

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At this point in my practice Id rather a dark path with great power and just trying to figure out what to do with it.How far I can push myself. Than the alternative when I was RHP and i just felt constantly roadblocked by rules and constraints.

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I use the inverted pentagram version. It’s not rhp. Also, it can happen that an entity you don’t want shows up. Usually these are not very evolved or smart, but some can be devastating. That’s why I strongly recommend mastering banishing before all else. I also use banishing to clear my work area. I don’t banish the spiritual entities I work with.

Plus, banishing can be used for so many things.



We are all from darkness, darkness is the void, or in the Norse ginnungagap, the darkness nothing, the darkness is everything, it’s not good it’s not evil, its neutral, it creates, it destroys.

Just like in the BMOA when you peer into drugaskan you are in complete darkness, in the void, the primary beginning.

When you say it’s out of our control I beg to differ in the Persian Angra Mainyu ( Ahriman ) works or the path of smoke we are all children of the void and children of Ahriman himself who is the lord of darkness.

This is why we must master ourselves before mastering our outter world, if there is darkness within us whether it’s the lost genetic code of our DNA or a spiritual imprint or a energetic / astral residue of the dark primordial void.

Mastering our own darkness within and controlling it, will allow us to master outter darkness, plus anything in the LHP can be mastered there is no force or god or power greater than you.

YOU are a child and product of the void the product of creation destruction, unlimited force, primordial darkness runs within you why fight it.

I believe any destructive moments are nessercary, something must be destroyed before something can be created, this constant creation and destruction happens to us all the time even on a microscopic level for example.

Your cells die, then new and improved cells are born,
If you request for change to happen in your life even In the RHP paradigm, destruction will happen.

We must die for our earth to live, our population dies, then a new civilisation will rise.

It’s constant creation and destruction, even white magick works this way, you give something up to gain something, that is the ultimate sacrifice.

So the dark path is a neutral path of individuality, knowledge, power and freedom.


Sits at desk and raises hand slowly from the back of the room…


i don’t think the dark path is a subject everybody should enter without good training
because you will never be the same again

i think everybody is different and some people is born in the dark path ,so its not easy for them to get mentally rip up ,but for other people its like being a fake james bond 007 and get kill stupid without a gun or good training.

this is how i felt

Totally agree.


MMMMMph… Sorry. But this might be the response that gets me in trouble. It is not meant solely for you but this is how I am going to address this topic. Your response is priceless. Priceless to show what is wrong with some practitioners of the LHP. You say you want to work with demons. You say you do not want to walk the RHP. You say you want to ignite the black flame within and then you go and do something as offensive as this.

You are claiming or trying to aspire to your own godhood. RIght? Or you would not BE here. So then why the hell would you call on god’s name and try to FORCE this entity who YOU are calling to HELP YOU and threaten and coerce them into helping you?

How would you fee as a human, if someone came to you for help. This person is under you at work. They do not have the abilities, education or experience you do. This person works with you but they do not do the job well or even try half as hard as you know they should. They are lazy and do not do the work. SO. The deadline is coming and they have to get this work turned in or they are going to get fired or reprimanded by the boss, so they call you into their office and ask you for you to help them. They have a bat next to them as they sit in their chair. They have a circle put up so there is a plexi glass wall between you because they are afraid you will hurt them. They call you in and say if you do not do it for me RIGHT NOW I am going to go to the boss and your wife/husband and cause you pain and grief. I am gong to post things about you in the weekly company paper and I am going to tell the other five employees that we work with things about you to get them mad at you to hurt you if you do not do this massive 39 page report by tomorrow. By the way I have not even started it. Get going and do what I told you!! You are dismissed!! Get out of my office now and do not come back without that report! Or I will use all these names against you to hurt you!!

That is trying to put it in human imaginable terms what many so called black magicians do when they use the Kabbalah and “Names of JHVH” in their circles and summoning rituals. I would want to kill anyone who called me like that. It is NOT necessary. Believe me.

First of all you cannot be scared of who you are calling. You are supposed to be gaining your godhood and ascending… so coming in like a scared kid with your knees knocking and hiding behind a shield with the names of god and the angels inscribed is not really making you look good OR getting any respect or assistance from the beings you are calling. It is not helping you ascend.

How ELSE can you do it?? Well like The Storm said there are plenty of paths that summon them without using offensive bs names. If you HAVE to follow something I would idk, start looking for other grimoirs that DON’T use them. After all you said you don’t really like it… so look. OR you can do a magickal thing and make something up for yourself.

I research the entity I am wanting to meet. Now honestly usually when I focus on a name too long (meaning I say it in my head too many times) they just come to me. They hear their name being thought or said… They are pretty amazing like that. So. Back to what I was saying. I look up what they are like, what they like, what is the color candle they like or what kind of offering do they like? Cookies? Fruit? Blood? Liquor? Meat? Hot spicy foods? You can just google it! All hail google! Back in the day we didn’t have google.

Anyway you think about them and the meeting you want to have and things will pop into your head as to how to DO the ritual. Write it down if you have to. Then you light your candles and incense. and you focus on them and their aura and you call them. If you call them they will come. You have their offerings set out for them or you give it to them while they are there and talk to them. No names of an almighty torturous god necessary. Then when you are done you say Thank you! They will leave on their own usually too soon for me, but they do have things they have to do. Now I left out some important parts here but I am assuming people know about ritual prep. I hope this didn’t come across as too snarky but honestly I did the best I could considering…


I would not do it either… I cannot understand people doing it. especially people on this site…

Hell is a very real place as are angels. I believe they were around before the “mythology” that you are speaking from. I think they just used and capitalized on things that were, to further their agenda of world domination, control and taking the power away from the people.

I have been to many many places and I have seen many things in other realms. What others think really does not change what I have seen. And of course everyone is free to believe what they choose to believe. At the end of the day it is your walk and your life. I am simply responding to your and other people’s question. These beings have been around for a long long time. Way before humans stumbled out onto the scene naked and unaware.

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Oh, how I cringe!!!
This brings me back to the days reading about this shit in books and throwing them down in disgust. I would NEVER behave that way!! Wtf is wrong with people.
All I came across were book after book on YWHW magicks when I first started. After a while I figured I just had to learn all this shit on my own. People are SOOOO lucky now to have the internet and (IMO) this resource. This forum is absolutely amazing.


There seems to be an argument here that describes to me to illustrate the principle of polarity.
Take for example Thaumiel, “the Two Contending Forces”. It’s my impression which could be wrong, where Satan and Moloch are like two giant batteries or capacitors, one a positive pole, one negative pole. Add to that the four planes or worlds from archetype to material, Atziluth to Assiah. In each of these it flip flops. Compare Rider Waited tarot suits, pentacles and swords, the nine and ten of each, that correspond to gamaliel and Lilith, or malkuth and yesod. One picture is pretty, one side not so much.
So what does this mean? Polarity states degrees in between. Some love yhvh, some hate him. Some like him, some dislike him. Some feel neither love, hate, like, or dislike. Some feel absolutely nothing on it. Same with any God. However, we might still honor the principle behind the name, Satan and independence or Christ and love.
All degrees in between. Being LHP doesnt mean necessarily that you worship Satan, nor RHP forcing you to worship Christ. What of other cultures, your ethnic background, ancestors, or nature itself. I meditated on nature today and on belief and nonbelief. Great stages for being an infant of a god/dress. You shut your eyes and breathe, examine all senses. Open your eyes and examine your body. Why is it shaped the way it is, why do you move the way you do, etc. What about what you see, hear, feel, taste, smell, sense? What does it all mean? What if you really are God/dess? How do you deal with other gods you encounter? Animals? Elementals?
How can you create something out of nothing? Where does it come from?
Then, what of nature? Can you control and harness it? How? Can it destroy you? Can you destroy it?
I came to the conclusion that nature can be brutal, deadly. How can I not get killed by it?
Is all of the above good or evil? How or why?
It all began with the concept of, what if I live my life as whether or not I know there is a God or Devil? What if I don’t know, how then do I act, think and speak?

I am a black magician to the fullest. No white in me at all i work with the darkest most powerful demons. Embraced my dark self. I currently work in voudan with the loa. And fully embrace darkness. And you know what? People LOVE ME more then when i was being fake. I have found my truest self. Faced the reaper. And lived TRULY LIVED. Not that washed up living people spout out every 5 seconds


@Godmagus Yes. Same here. I am as dark as dark goes. Welcome, Brother.