Pure Black Magickians

The Dragon current, like the Temple of Ascended Flame?

I’ve actually been thinking of the Temple of Ascended Flame, and the Ahriman current too. :grin:

The criteria you use to define a Black Magician is false. Being a “pure black magican” is so much more than just working with Darkness or Demonic energies. I find your definition to be too limited. There are angels that will destroy with as much if not more glee than many demons. Working with angels is not just RHP, contrary to what you posted above, and being “black and demonic to the core” does NOT make you a pure black magician, whatever that is.

To me, a true black magican, uses anything that brings him power. I will use what you defined as “vile magicks” as well as what you defined as “RHP” if it brings me closer to my goals. To me, that is the true definition of a Black Magician.


@DarkestKnight[quote=“DarkestKnight, post:43, topic:17401”]
I will use what you defined as “vile magicks” as well
Are you familiar with what I am referring to when I say vile magicks? I’d be quite surprised if you were. It’s not entirely mainstream. It’s a reference to a very specific practice (not just a description for practices that are considered vile). I know some people here do practice it to varying extents, but not under that particular name. This would be the first time I’ve seen someone else who actually recognises that term on this forum. Oh also I assure you I work with far, far more than just demons. Demons aren’t even the main beings I work with. Also, my definition of darkness isn’t based around evil, or destructive intent. I love healing. I simply choose to heal through the power of the Fallen. Anything an Angel can do the Fallen can do, and do it better too.


Me: pure left hand path. I rarely call upon the help of spiritual entities because this strikes me as rhp. That said, when I do call upon spiritual entities these are always lhp entities. On my path I’ve reached a point where there’s no conceivable turning back. Before, I was involved in rhp practices (which taught me a lot) but I don’t agree with their aims or hence their programme. Their methodology also leaves much to be desired.

But as a lhp practitioner I help people I choose to help where I can.



@Uncle-Al I am not entirely sure I identify as LHP entirely. I am of the Accursed Path. That which is black and unholy. It’s a slightly different concept than the LHP per say. LHP to me means more what @DarkestKnight was saying.

That doesn’t mean I am evil. I agree with helping people, though my practice has stripped me of a sense of guilt and morality, and filled me with a contempt for dross filth. The grimoire even compared the mental state the practice would create (and that the practice requires) to that of a serial killer (A sociopathy of sorts I suppose, though I am no psychologist). It’s part of the practice, and one that I have had to embrace. I still maintain that I am not evil. I still believe in helping people. It’s just that the sense of morality that rests deep inside most people has been pretty much stripped from me.


Great! What did you expect? I call them ‘the filth’ as well! And there’s just so many of them, they’re a dime a dozen on the hoof. They don’t care about themselves so neither do I.

May I recommend The Psychopath’s Bible by the late Christopher S. Hyatt Ph.D.? I found it a great grimoire.


@Uncle-Al[quote=“Uncle-Al, post:47, topic:17401”]
What did you expect?
Exactly what I got. The grimoire had the fact that the practice would strip your morality away at the very start of the section, so their could be no mistaking it.[quote=“Uncle-Al, post:47, topic:17401”]
May I recommend The Psychopath’s Bible by the late Christopher S. Hyatt Ph.D.? I found it a great grimoire.
Thank you. I will look into it. :smile:

What about the book of profound seals by Somner Dreadwood at Amazon.


@Bowling270 Definitely fits both criteria above. Far, far more black in the sense I have explained above than most of EA’s works. That’s exactly the sort of thing I am looking for.

Book of Smokeless fire, Black magic of Ahriman, Black Book of Azathoth.


@Bowling270 Thank you. I will look into those grimoires.

Mastering evocation course recommends using Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram; definitely Golden Dawn, definitely Qabalah, definititely RHP in origin.

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@Warlock Thank you. I didn’t know that.

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I never use those banishing pentagram rituals, when i finish Demons can go when they please, they can stay a while and enjoy the hospitality.


@Bowling270 For me I tend to ask nicely for them to leave. The entities I work with are meant to be willing to depart when asked to. If they want to stay though I have no right to force them out. I am the one asking for help after all.

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Elsewhere though EA explains that he rarely, if ever used banishing because it’s contradicting yourself when you enter into relationships and pathworking with entities. It can get in the way.

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@Soon2bAdept I have a theoretical understanding of how to banish in the name of the Archdemons or through abjuring seals (from said Archdemons) if an unwelcome entity decides to mess with me. With the beings I work with though I simply don’t banish. I consider it disrespectful. Also it would be beyond ridiculous to banish a being in it’s own name…


I believe banishing strategies are in the Evocation course (which I currently taking) so you know how to do it. It is there for completion’s sake

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I still don’t agree though. I will NEVER banish in some Angel’s name. The names of the Archdemons are far more potent, and in line with my beliefs.

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Understood. I doubt I would either, except under severe circumstances

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