Problems with angels

Demons can’t violate universal laws either. There isn’t any spirit or energy that can. That’s why learning about these laws and how to operate/be in harmony with them is so important.


For the last 2000 years, these so called Abrahamic religions took over the world. They did this not by their teachings but with brute force. Killing and slaughtering anyone and everyone in their way for their so called “God.” Destroying every single evidence they could find relating to the Gods. They burned down libraries, murdered people by calling them “witches” for practicing meditation and revering the old Gods, they abused animals and declared they do not have a soul. They burned black cats calling them the servants of Satan. They suppressed our society using fear.

Their ignorance conquered the world. They narrowed our minds so we cant look up and wonder, so we would be stuck in the mindset of a slave. After the Gods left us with their teachings, there were beings from the same race as Elders that didn’t like this idea of humans having the knowledge of their race for “free”. They declared us abominations and decided that the information was sacred to their race and their race only.

​Think in terms of humans boosting a Chimpanzees DNA using genetics, mixing it with our own DNA. Creating a human hybrid. Some people will be willing to teach them about life and society so they can one day evolve to be equal with humans and some will see these new beings as abominations and will try to destroy it with passion.

Prince Enki (aka Lucifer) and his people were the first ones of this example. They created humans and wanted to teach them how the Universe works, respecting life and sharing the knowledge.

Whole humanity can actually be summed up as a science experiment on a Cosmic level. Observing the early stages of life without any outside interaction. To see how Elders’ early ancestors have evolved in the previous Universe. To experience and observe the forgotten knowledge that comes with immortality. Or so they hoped.

However, some beings humans refer to as Angels from the Elders society, didn’t take this lightly and swore off to put humans where they belong, as slaves. Spiritual slaves more than physical that is.

They know the potential of the human energy and wanted to harvest that through cultish practices. They have the technology to harvest Astral Energy through physical means. This is why they created the early Abrahamic religions. However, Enki respects free-will above all else.

Because of this, they used humans to bring their plan into action. Suppressing the humans’ very nature limits its perspective. We are spiritual beings and if you cut the wings off a bird, what quality of life would that bird really have?
What quality of life would we have by denying the very nature of our being.

So they did. They were forced to separate themselves from the Gods society because they were no longer welcome. They were cast off and asked to never come back. Since angels couldn’t wipe us out physically because humans are under the protection of Enki and the Gods, angels started to work on the project of religion. Don’t forget, angels are from the Gods race. They hold their knowledge and practices. Before humans came into the picture, angels and the Gods lived as one society, in peace. But jealousy took over the heart of the angels and they refused to share their knowledge with us.

They put their plan to action. They wanted humans so spiritually oppressed that we wouldn’t be able to learn and practice the gods teachings. We wouldn’t be able to see our spiritual side and be bound on earth, only praising what angels taught us. Only knowing what they want us to know, sending them energy with our every prayer and with our every thought. Empowering them further so they can “feed” off of us.

They need us to be willing to give ourselves to these beings, Fear is the key to their plan, they cannot force us to believe in anything because like I mentioned thousand times, Enki holds freewill above all else. They can however suppress our knowledge.

Systematically forcing us to become fanatics, living in the world that they created for us. Keeping us ignorant, making us believe in a “Almighty God” watching us all, seeing our every action, and if we disobey, scaring us in to getting back in the line with hell and pain. This is no different than a government suppressing its people to a point that they are too afraid of acting against them.

But the Gods’ are here for us. We have freewill, meaning we the have right to choose, like all conscious beings of the Universe. However, this means we have to live with the consequences of our choices. Good or Bad. Everything falls down to us. If we turn our backs from them, refuse to be slaves, they hold no power over us. We are already learning and experiencing how to be Gods, we hold the knowledge of technology (which humanity takes for granted, but can be used to understand/practice meditation), and ability to comprehend & practice science. Understanding the laws of the Cosmos and the nature around us. Use our technology and be the guardians of Earth. Find the fine balance between spirituality and technology. Then leave everything behind and evolve, but enjoy the life in the process.

There is no God, it’s about power and fear, it’s about control, but this “control” mindset is idiotic and actually this so called “elite” are their own slaves. They are stuck in a reality that they fashioned around abrahamic religions and the one God concept. Since those teachings are from the angels, it is programmed to control you and keep you spiritually oppressed, they are living in their own lie.

They are too blind to even see that the thing they think they control is actually controlling them and consuming them in the process. They are not true followers of Prince Enki. I see the “Elite” and the cults of hollywood as an extremely confused group of people. Only children would mistake the toy for a real thing. They have nothing to do with the Gods’ and Enki.

These “organizations” are delusional, corrupt and has nothing to do with any of the teachings of the old Gods. I cannot stress this enough.

It requires brainwashing to get into these cults, they are getting conditioned and they are performing “rituals” under the influence of drugs.

​None of the Gods’ have any affiliation with the so called elite or the cults of hollywood! They are too getting manipulated by teachings of these angels.

​So it comes down to this. How do we educate these people that has been under the influence of this parasitic energy of abrahamic religions and the angels for thousands of years? How do we wake up these souls that continues to reincarnate on Earth and cannot find the truth; because their past reincarnations only consisted of angels teachings and “God”?

​These souls didn’t experience life and are very fanatically ignorant because thats the only reality they know. We know higher-selves need experience to evolve, but if the angels teachings are the only reality one knows, when they discover their reality is a lie, they shatter and cannot cope with reality of the situation and perish. Look up “Plato’s allegory of the Cave”. This is why systematically teaching them the reality (over the course of their reincarnations) is important. So they too can continue living. We cannot blame them nor get mad at them. We can only offer our guidance for them. Us making the world a batter place, helps these souls to experience life as it should, reincarnating in to the new world that is to come.

​ Restoring humanity to the place where we belong. With the Gods. This doesnt mean you have magical powers or abilities, this means you have the ability to understand and practice meditation and relearn the abilities you’ve forgotten when you decided to come down to earth.

The human body cannot hold our entire higher-selves so we had to compromise, mapping our life before coming down here and believing that we will follow what we laid down. However, the choice is ours and no being or person can be blamed of your choices. Do you choose to be a slave or do you choose to wake up? It all comes down to this. Remember, fear is what they use.
One can only see through their lies without fear

Now…now…I know that there are many who work with angels here. They’ll tell you what you want to hear, and you’ll tell other people what they want us to hear. The gods aka demons will tell you what they want you to hear as well in regards to the angels. They know you walk both sides. Being sworn to devotion to them opens up a whole different world you all aren’t in the know about. IJS…Angels aren’t all they’re making themselves out to be…bet.

Anyway, that’s my two dollars worth.


Not sure everyone has a higher self and pretty sure there are those with no other incarnations. If I had a dictator higher self and or lower self I’d would probably hate them and actively seek to destroy them upon death of this meat suit.

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Not everyone is in touch with themselves, Keighn.
You are in a state of perpetual cynicism so the world looks bleak to you. I guess you just have to wait and find out. HUG.


Actually angels are trying to intervene in my life and practices in both my spiritual awakenings and no one have asked them to. The first time they succeded through fear and I gave up, thinking it was the demons. The second time I came back not stronger than before, but more decisive. I embraced and faced my fears, and guess my surprice when I found out that it wasn’t the demons or a lesser being, but the angelics who got angry with my awakening.

I have repeatedly complaint here in BALG how angels are harassing me even though I have made clear I don’t wish to work with them and I’m very polite when I turn them down. They even tried to stop me from my initiation. Do they have something personal with me? Maybe. Do I trust them? Not even in a million years.


I’ve had angels grab onto me in the realms to prevent me from going to places they cannot even go. Literally grabbing me and demanding to know what I’m doing, where I’m going like I owe them an explanation. Pfffttt.


Would you happen to know the incantation to Pandemonium?

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I wasn’t always a cynic. When I was an optimist I was basically raped by opportunists Now that may be financially, opportunities, socially and esp spiritually. It tells me survival of the most aggressive must be the only way for the outcast and unclean. TOUGH SHIT to the rest now imho.


I know you weren’t. But you’ll be okay, you know.

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Sounds bizarre and I’ve never come across this. What makes you think they are angels? Are you 100% certain someone unknown to you isn’t trying to mess with you? Have you questioned these angels about why they have an issue with your spiritual work?

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Yea I hear this a lot.

They have tried to talk to me many many times from the moment I returned to the Occult. They try to get my attention in many ways. While meditating, while doing rituals, even when I watch a movie or I try to sleep. And they get really annoying and persistent because they don’t understand the very polite “No, thank you, please depart.” and I have to put my foot down. So you understand that I know how their angelic energy feels like. It’s not something it can be mistaken because their energy is not compatible with me and makes me sick.

For the first time, when they actually succeded to remove me, it was revealed to me with clairvoyant visions. I had convienced myself (after I got to know the Demons) that it was a lesser being, but nnnope. I was and I wasn’t surpriced at the same time.

It’s more like 100% x infinity. If someone wants to mess with me, that’s them.

No and I’m not planning to, you can understand that after all this I don’t trust them or their words. If they cared to guide they would step up in my first awakening. They wouldn’t try to keep me away. Why Demons never did that? Or any other ancient?

In my eyes, the angelics don’t give a damn for our ascension, they’re happy with humans being ignorant, praising them along with the troll god as we did for 2 thousand years. Why they never said to the older magicians that the Demons are not dangerous and they where giving ways to humans to restrain them, with their help always! Why they were lying to humans all these centuries for everything? It must be nice receiving all this energy, right?


I’ll be the first to say I’m not a big angel fan. On the other hand, I’ve never had them bother me about anything without specifically calling upon them. (I’m the one that doesn’t’ do the LBRP cause it made me feel depressed.) I recall I at one time considered initiating myself into the planetary spheres, back when I was a right hand path (or middle path) magician. I recall this dream I had about why I shouldn’t do it, something to do with Gabriel and the sphere of the moon. I put it down real quickly cause I didn’t need my life more messed up.

I think just taking the old angels are good and demons are bad and turning it around to demons are good angels are bad is just inadequate and doesn’t really represent my universe. I’ve had some not so great experiences with demons too.

So, just like demons, angels are separate and individual and each have their own function. So, with this angels bothering me you need to be more specific, rank, function etc.


I think I was clear that I’m not interested to have a chit chat with them… Their rank or their function leaves me completely indifferent. I’m not the one bothering them, but the other way around. I don’t ask them their name, they give me their name by themselves when they come uninvited. I’m not the one who’s asking them to stay, they are the ones refusing to leave when I ask.

I don’t know how things are in your universe, but in my universe the abrahamic angels don’t have a spot. I’m fine with a relationship similar with the one I have with the troll god for nearly 2 decades: I ignore him, he ignores me and no one bothers the other. :woman_shrugging:

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Its not :star2:Become A Living Angel :innocent: forum. lulz.:face_with_hand_over_mouth::face_with_hand_over_mouth::face_with_hand_over_mouth:


Prolly…because you work with angels…and youre livin in the universe that they built around you to believe.

You know…people dont have to believe in the “angels are good” paradigm anymore, either, even though its constantly shoved down our throats.


I seriously don’t believe these are angels. You’re being tricked by shapeshifters imo. If you’ve ever experienced true angelic energy, you’d know the difference. But that’s my opinion, based on plenty of personal experience with true angelic energies/beings, AND unfortunately imposters/shapeshifters. The only way to really know the difference is to be very familiar with the true essence of the beings they try to make themselves out to be.


I can see there are some members of this forum who have a real chip on their shoulders about angels, and it seems to me, it’s poor perception and understanding of what they are and why they exist. There’s nothing anyone can say to a hardcore angel hater to help them, except, they need to be more discerning instead of being here spreading hate.

The rest of us who have an open mind and have worked with angels, as well as other types of spirit know better.


I know they are angels and I don’t really have to prove anything. You have your opinion and that’s fine and I have mine :woman_shrugging:

I think it’s my right to choose If I’ll work with the abrahamic angels or not, and since my decision is not respected by them, and I’ve been harassed, I have every right to dislike them and judge them :tipping_hand_woman:

I’m not going around in every post that speaks about angels “spreading hate” as you said, but there’s no reason to be “more discerning” on topics that discuss the problems magicians have from angelics, since I have first hand experience…

I’m sorry if you don’t like my experiences, it’s not exactly pleasant for me either, but as you have the right to support your opinion and choices, same goes for me.


For what I understand people call some angels let’s say archangel Michael, but he won’t act against you he will call le’t say a subordinate
or maybe a subordinate of a subordinate of a subordinate etc
so you must be dealing with some basic forms of angels
pagans have a way to deal with them

here is the recipe (I used it a long time ago and it worked fine)

Angel Trap

The purpose of the angel trap is to capture and dissolve any ‘angels’ created on the astral by the fundamentalists to seek out and harrass anyone that does not share their religious beliefs.

The Angel Trap was originally published in Green Egg. The author’s name is Frater Scientibus. The author of this version is James Cowan. He changed it slightly and made it his own.

  • I have added an extra instruction at the beginning and it works wonderfully for me.

You will need:

a clean jar with a tight lid

soapy water

kosher salt

paint (black, red and yellow)

sealing wax

a lighter or matches


  • With your black paint, paint X’s all around the middle of the jar. They don’t have to be large to be effective. When that is dry, paint an X on the bottom of the jar. Let dry. The purpose of the X’s is this: when the angels get trapped in the jar, they will look for a way out. There will be none.
    They will have no choice but to dissolve. They will also know never to bother you again for they will know what the consequences will be.
    Pour the soapy water into the jar, swirl it around coating all sides. Pour the water back out.
    Slowly pour the salt into the jar. Turn the jar at an angle to coat all sides. While this is drying, paint the lid black. Let dry.
    Next, take the lid and paint a pentagram on the top of it using the red paint.
    When that is dry, paint a spiral in the center of the pentagram using the yellow paint. Visualize this spiral as being a pathway into the center of the jar.
    When the spiral is dry, carefully put the lid back on the jar making sure not to dislodge the salt.
    Use the wax to seal the jar.

Remember to destroy any image of foreign angel’s, let’s say winged human images which were given to you by others


Would an angel come and fight even Steven vs a single opponent? Or would it utilize ALL of gods power given to it and/or legions under it to say how it’s superior to man or the man is undeserving to exist because it’s guilty to exist and unclean and god hates human filth that doesn’t submit?

Why shouldn’t that hatred be reflected back. They are all entitled pansy assed fucks that would never survived here. They’re not alive in the flesh. Same goes for demons or any EVER SPIRIT.

We are alive we fight to survive every day from before birth until death finally can take no more and reaps us. The raw power in a living being compared to that which was never alive. They seek the “warmth” sanctity and protective HIVE the parasite OMNI created. Shake the nest and they swarm.

Perhaps the “demons” are much the same being a different hive. Do they not have legions acquired by some means? No one ever questions who or what these legions are? By force or honey they swarm or are on leashes to that being.

So be your own living god and crush these fucking beings because you’ll get more satisfaction knowing you rose alone and on your own than take their “aid” with a price. Maybe that’s why no matter where in my life and belief that core conflict of battle screamed and raged. Maybe that’s why I have tinnitus as a reminder.

Man is no Saint but who wants to be a saint or pariah or martyr to another’s cause. Angel hate, demon have, ever spirit hate… maybe it’s justified.

An individual awareness created but free will to be created wasn’t there. It was done. You weren’t asked. What does not exist can not be asked so by right of dictatorial might you are. I say the being plays both sides and enjoys the strife and game. I say it is as deceitful as those it calls great deceivers.

Hell is existing and knowing you didn’t ask to be so you must fight or allow yourself to be subdued. Really starting to believe the sephirothic is buddy buddy with the cthonic and it’s a game to alleviate boredom.


I won’t lie, I’d drag everything into the devouring void and end it all. EVERYTHING.

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