Preschool Teacher by Day, Practitioner of Magick by Night: A Journal

Hahaha, yes! :heavy_heart_exclamation:

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Mini-interruption before Entry #12: spotlight on some of my tarot and oracle decks. Been feeling pulled to do a dedication post to these great helpers of mine for a while now, so here we have the usual tarot and oracle deck combinations I use depending on the different querent(s) and situation(s):

1. Cardcaptor Sakura Clow Cards + The Mystical Manga Tarot Deck

Best used… for anime geeks like yours truly, people who get freaked out by anything occult or magick-related, lighthearted readings (with friends, parties and celebrations, when you aren’t after/in the mood for deep details or dead-serious matters)

Besides liking to imagine myself silly with a bit of wand-waving here and ever-changing costumes there, this combo has been very helpful when reading for people who have never experienced any form of divination in their life aside from horror films’ or the religious’ cringe-worthy depictions of it. Not only does it gradually ease and remove misconceptions of tarot, it also encourages them to participate in the reading and read the cards by themselves unconsciously. Maybe it’s the teacher in me, but I really like it when it is not so stiff and formal a reading, and querents try to exchange ideas with me. For example, they often point out that a certain card looks like a familiar anime character or reminds them of a manga they just read. When I help them dig deeper into the card’s symbolism, turns out their guesses were actually accurate. It makes me happy how these decks subtly urge normal people’s intuition and sense of learning while at the same time, allowing them to have fun with admiring and decoding the images.

IME, the two decks are also fairly easy to read even when one is lacking more focus than usual or with external stimuli present (say, loud music or inevitable chatter of family members and friends around).

2. The Fountain Tarot, Chinese Chibi Anime Tarot Deck

Best used… in combination with the first tarot deck combo or either of the two mentioned there, as these decks share similarities to the first ones with how easy they can be understood and used. Also, I’m simply a sucker for anything adorable, hence the trusty chibi deck. Srsly tho, aren’t they cute? :3

3. Archangel Raphael Healing Oracle Cards + Messages from Your Angels Oracle Cards + Archangel Michael Oracle Cards

Best used… for that dose of hope, optimism and gentle reminders to oneself and others, short and direct messages, helpful clarifiers before ending the reading, speaking to the aforementioned archangels, asking for a simple message from a spirit in general (especially for those who have not yet fully honed their intuitive skills yet), giving advice to querents

While the woman behind all these oracle cards was undeniably controversial, I honestly couldn’t care less and still find her decks to be useful to this day. Most spirits couldn’t care less either about the New Age-y themes and have communicated clearly with me using these. Furthermore, it enables one to establish contact with AA Michael or AA Raphael should you seek them out for help or just a general message. I recall sleeping with certain cards from the AA decks underneath my pillow a few times to manifest the corresponding energy of those cards.

I’ve always been of the belief that one can be very honest with others and still retain a sense of class and tact. One does not need to be an incarnated god/goddess, a frustrated writer or a preschool teacher to know that words do have power, therefore we must utilize it properly and speak accordingly as much as possible. These oracle decks give advice to querents in a clear-cut but still respectful and understanding manner, which in turn causes them to become open and equally understanding in applying the messages to their lives. The simple messages here calm people down as well when it’s a highly stressful or drama-filled situation at hand.

4. Rider-Waite Tarot Deck

Best used… for the opposite of everything I’ve written in #2 lol, brutal honesty and unexpected (at times even triggering) call-outs for oneself or others, detailed readings, newbie readers who are just getting started with tarot, formal readings, divination for the 72 spirits (because correspondences), divination for rituals and magickal workings

Nothing to say here besides this tarot deck being THE deck. During my noob days, I once did a reading for myself and the cards called me out so hard (with an attitude too, might I add) I ended up crying. Worry not, I completely deserved it at the time.

Despite the various tarot and oracle decks I’ve purchased ever since, this deck is always with me when doing readings.

5. The Tarot of Vampyres + Barbieri Tarot

**Best used… for communicating with dark or “demonic” spirits, occult-related questions, experienced readers (definitely not so much for newbie readers), brutally honest readings, long-term querents/clients of tarot

Second to the RWS when it comes to calling out both oneself and clients, these two decks work very well together you want a no bullshit, no-holds-barred type of reading. Certain spirits have taken a liking to using cards from these decks whenever I seriously need to pay attention and listen to whatever it is they want to say. IME I’ve communicated with spirits like Focalor, Azazel and Belial (until he got a much darker deck of his own) more efficiently with these in comparison to other decks.

It also works well when reading for fellow practitioners or people who, while normal, are not easily freaked out by such and knows good art when they see one (because the art in these cards really is beautiful IMO). Can also be used to either piss off or show off to hardcore religious folks, but I wouldn’t recommend that unless necessary.

6. The Romance Angels Oracle Deck + Burnt Chinese Postcards of Poems

Best used… for love! Duh.

You read that right: postcards indeed. Probably not the most genius or newest idea out there, but one day I might make an entry solely about how I use stickers, postcards and other stationery stuff for divination and get surprisingly accurate results. At times, it makes me think that almost anything can be a divination tool when one allows adaptability to be balanced out with creativity and intuition.

Unlike the popular quote, I am not in love with the idea of love—more so with examining and reading possibilities of love (or its absence) for another. This deck combo has never failed me so far when it comes to various people inquiring about a crush, spouse, overrated ex-partners, etc. Could also be used for families and friends. The oracle cards are a mix of straightforward messages and images which can be interpreted intuitively, which comes VERY handy for situations centered around those complex little things we call feelings.

The random English poems are one of my favorite “decks” to use, because it can be interpreted in so many different (and creative!) ways. When interpreted accordingly, it provides much more depth and details to a love reading. Also, it just pleases the frustrated writer in me and helps hone some of those English comprehension skills, as Eng is not my first language.

And please tell me I’m not the only one who immediately swooned over the burnt and uneven design of the cards.

See you on Entry # 12! That is, if I can get my mind out of the quarantine haze and think of more than two paragraphs which actually make sense.


The teacher is showing​:joy::joy: agree my succubus taught me the same. i use hurt others when i didnt think what i was gonna say first…even wit h spellwork its very important and should be careful done & think of. My succubus said its not just what we say its also how we say it​:smiling_face: btw where did you get the postcards?? & how do you use stickers stationary for divination?? Thats a great affordable idea too since i only have rws

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Your succubus sounds lovely! All the best to you and your relationship with her. :hearts: Maybe it really is a teacher thing, since I can recall college professors of mine drilling into us how one could get his/her point honestly and clearly without cussing someone out (though you’re reaaally tempted to hahaha) and causing a scene. Manners + patience = a must.

Not sure if I can post the link to a product here, so I’d just PM you the link if that’s okay with you? I agree using stationery materials for divination is indeed more affordable than purchasing actual decks yet it’s equally useful when used correctly. Well, for stickers divination (can we even call it that lol, eugh), I shuffle the stickers and interpret the images intuitively. For example, a friend gifted me with a sticker set showing the different moon phases. I interpret the moon phase sticker intuitively and associate meanings with it as I use it more and more in actual readings (say, full moon = perfect time for manifestation, emotions on an all time-high, etc). There are also stickers with different facial expressions on them, so it goes without saying how easy those are to interpret haha. Maybe I can also send the links of sticker packs and boxes I find useful in divination if you don’t mind?

And it’s not just stickers. Art/colored papers can be used too, and you can interpret them according to the colors. It’s something I’m actually studying and working on right now, how to do colormancy. Random trinkets, charms and scrapbook decors you own/have can also be collected, assigned personal meanings to and used similarly to bone casting/throwing. :slight_smile:


I dont mind at all i already ordered from some links i liked!:blush:i might try the trinkets coz i have many at home i just store them away & never used…thank you so much pat!!:blush::blush::raised_hands::+1:

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> Entry #12: The Hanged Man

Manipulation is not necessarily a bad thing. Sue me for exaggeration, but I believe almost every second of the day one makes use of manipulation whether he be a common folk aiming to secure that job promotion or a magickal practitioner fully dedicating himself to the occult path. In fact, without two minutes of typing these given examples I’m already deeming them unnecessary: why stray for examples when manipulation is both engaged in and can be observed all around us?

Want to get more Likes and Shares in social media platforms? Tweet nothing but jokes and #hashtags about the current pandemic. Find a fitting angle here, fix the lighting there, add filters and click: your selfie with the most Heart reacts yet!

Want to be revered as a legitimate fearsome deity in the flesh? Speak in huge absolutes about, I don’t know, domination of either the world, this forum or anyone who dares oppose you, because god forbid any mere mortal who respectfully believes the opposite. Miserable dumb fucks and haters who never worked themselves to the bone on this path, no doubt.

Want to be perceived as intelligent and well-read when you’re truly a clueless child at heart? Write long paragraphs with poetic words, neat paragraph breaks and random fact spiels even if strangers already told you to stop doing it. Okay, but why am I suddenly feeling called ou—

The Maria Montessori educational method usually consists of The 5 Montessori Principles. While our majoring professor and I never really finished that discussion about other sources saying there are 7-8 principles, I can perfectly recall the Montessori principle of providing a prepared environment remaining in all the varying lists. In the prepared learning environment, there are 5 Learning Areas which are all filled with exercises and activities aiming to hone the child holistically. One of these learning areas is what we call The Sensorial Area, wherein we guide the children in developing their senses through using, playing with and—you guessed it—manipulating sensorial materials present in the Montessori classroom. We let them work on the manipulatives independently too unless they’re forcing a Montessori material to work so incorrectly, they’re already destroying it or destroying their classmate’s adorable hairstyle with it.

And what of a bigger manipulation than softly but firmly stopping the ensuing commotion and effectively but still politely preventing a parent (or two, sighs) storming in the classroom come dismissal time? Educators and teachers, should we plan on staying sane and employed for a long time, must definitely have those persuasion + manipulation skills, along with a clear understanding of a proper why, when and how we should use it. Not sure if that high school teacher of yours who came up with grades so random it would put the Wheel of Fortune to shame but still remains accepted by the school to this day counts in what I’m talking about here but hey, it’s manipulation all the same: only that example lives up to the mainstream’s misconception of the terminology.

In all these examples, it is evident how manipulation is dealt with intent, a desired outcome or goal in mind, never matter if the reason is life-changing or plain-as-day petty. However, since I had a tendency for jumping into the rabbit hole too quickly during my beginner days and disregarding the necessary know-hows and to-dos, surprise no surprise: nothing but futility followed the first time.

The year was 2010. The entirety of it was spent only on spiritual awakening and opening up my non-existent psychic skills. While I was already stumbling upon occult sites and lists of various spirits, it was not until 2012 did I attempt to put everything I’ve been trying to learn so far into action. My cousin, a spunky Aries woman who was always on board with everything I suggested—from Barbie doll decapitations to sneaking out for stargazing sessions—requested to assist me in my first-ever working. My reason at the time is to simply experience magick in real-life and satiate the nagging curiosity. My cousin, however, “wanted to be attractive and popular to both genders”. “And this spirit right here you’re feeling pulled to,” she said, “I’ve researched some on my own and he’s the perfect spirit for the task. We’re doing this, Pat.”

The spirit was surprisingly responsive but we were not able to perform a proper evocation and confirmation of his presence until two weeks of consistently calling him, meditating on his sigil and lighting up white and red candles. We received 3-4 black feathers throughout our workings with him, along with multiple sightings and random adorable strays in the form of leopard-spotted cats. Whether he agreed to help my cousin or not proved another matter entirely, as the spirit definitely came on with a strong and sly presence, with playful smirks and leers as his default expression even when the discussion was dead serious. My cousin got tired of everything after a while, decided not to proceed with the working and dropped the subject altogether. The spirit, however, took a liking to me afterwards and would then on often show up unannounced. In response to this, my newbie head was overwhelmed and couldn’t be any happier at the time.

I mean, my first time summoning a “demon” and he’s already very friendly and communicative with me, at times even flirtatiously so? Sorry not sorry, fellow noobs: badass beginner here coming through! Crank up that :crown: Chosen One :crown: playlist I dreamily handpicked for this special day!

That was how I perceived everything at the time. And he too must have perceived this laughable arrogance and ungrounded mentality unfit for any legitimate magickal working. Quite hard not to, really, when the relationship turned into a terribly toxic clusterfuck due to emotional and sexual energies not being channeled to anything productive. I blindly allowed the spirit’s presence and power to overtake who I was completely, similar to a drug addict craving for her next fix. Think BALG horror stories of spirit relationships gone wrong, only with less common sense in solving the dilemma and more naiveté in insisting that things will get better as long as I continue to do what I usually do. Let the spirit take like he usually does. Idealize and justify everything about the spirit and the situation like I usually do. Manipulate one another because we crave the lows and highs, feed off of the superficiality and momentary like we usually do. Do pray tell, what’s the definition of insanity again?

You know, this journal entry was not originally to be written this way. It’s to revolve around the concept of manipulation, yes, but more along the lines of being at the receiving victimized end of it. There were old drafts of this recollection already, filled with hate and determination to express that hate. I wanted to portray the spirit as a monster who did nothing but take until I went through a series of “dark night of the soul” and endless existential crises. I thought of doing a vindictive Taylor Swift: her infamous years of constantly writing grievances about ex-partners/friends, never letting anyone hear and read the end of it. Words and thoughts used to flow so easily from said ideas yet this time, I kept hitting the Backspace key for days as I tried typing out. It all came so easy during the earlier days, how I planned on narrating these memories, yet lately it did not just feel right.

Because it was easy to focus on misdeeds and highlight failings as long as they are not your own. It was easy to shed a light on something, anything as long as it was not on your own skeletons and shadows. It was all too easy not taking accountability and letting the other’s trickster reputation shoulder the blame. It was all too easy being “honest” as long as that honesty overlooked my faults and emphasized the spirit’s more obvious ones, when in reality I have been toxic and manipulative as well. I was quite the boastful partner too, whose special snowflake syndrome just wouldn’t crumble until the spirit turned my life into shambles and taught me humility once and for all. Unfortunately, it has taken me years later to realize this, and only this year to wholeheartedly accept that I did deserve that ass-kicking he served me with.

I regret not utilizing all that exchanged energy for four years in order to create or achieve something purposeful. I let it go to waste, get to my head and fuel my flights of fancies. It was a shameful feeling too, how I overestimated myself and dived headfirst into summoning a spirit so his well-known presence can cater to my bruised ego, that of a typical bullied youth looking for the ever elusive acceptance and validation. Regardless, I cannot turn back time, only learn from it and learn well so there I shall always have it: my first-ever summoning of a spirit an utter failure, my life uprooted from the ground up afterwards.

When my life fell back into a noticeably better place come 2015, the harsh lesson was anything but a failure though, as it gradually set the steps needed to find this path and accept doing shadow work. In the end, amidst the past mess I still find myself facepalming about at times, Prince Sitri did deliver—just not according to the false perceptions, toxic tendencies and familiar baggage I badly wanted to cling onto.


This update is my favorite!! i needed to read this & be inspired the long time & failure are part of this…the quarantines got me down like what i said in the scan :persevere::expressionless: Thank you for bravely & honestly sharing your struggle & success always​:clap::clap::clap::100:

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It’s always the hardest entries for me to write that gets a comment/PM like this lol. Thank you very much and you’re welcome though! Glad one of the entries I almost didn’t want to upload (it’s way too vulnerable and foolish an experience, ugh) resonated with you.

You’re not alone, you know. I’ve been reading and hearing from some practitioners both in other social media platforms and IRL, and they have been feeling quite down too: unable to manifest, practice magick, etc. because of the pandemic. I guess I just wanted to write that those long times when nothing seems to be working out or progressing, the fuck-ups and even the negative emotions/thoughts we tend to experience about it is a normal part of this path. It’s not always bright and positive like how I usually am lol. Also, successful or not, all of these make up the practitioner I am today. High time to accept it and own it.

Hope you feel better soon! :slight_smile:

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> 12.1

Here’s some information that may help in case one decides to work with Prince Sitri. Take these with a huge grain, if not truckloads, of salt though for after the Goetic sigil + descriptions, most of the details written are already UPG.


“The Twelfth Spirit is Sitri. He is a Great Prince and appeareth at first with a Leopard’s head and the Wings of a Gryphon, but after the command of the Master of the Exorcism he putteth on Human shape, and that very beautiful. He enflameth men with Women’s love, and Women with Men’s love; and causeth them also to show themselves naked if it be desired. He governeth 60 Legions of Spirits."

Enn: Lirach alora vefa Sitri
Element: Most sources say Earth, but honestly I’ve experienced him as more Watery and/or Firey
Color: Most sources say Blue, but I experienced it as Red and Black, with a bit of darker yellow or gold at times
Tarot Card: 4 of Cups (and he does embody the personality of that card sometimes, pfft)

Physical appearance:

Now imagine these varying appearances of him popping up with a constant facial expression of this:

sitri 1

And this:

sitri 2

Personality: Seductive (duh). Cunning and manipulative (again, not a bad thing as long as you don’t irk or bore him). A smooth and natural flirt. Very witty and humorous. Gives off that classy womanizer/playboy vibes. One of the most extroverted spirits I’ve ever met. Has an “I’d wait for you to fuck it up so I can smirk and say I told you so” tendency. Intensity masked by playfulness. Can beat around the bush and not make sense until later on. Has a flair for the dramatic. Surprisingly blunt and offensive. Can be insensitive as long as the matter is entertaining him. Prone to holding grudges. Can be inconsistent and prone to ghosting people lol. However, if he truly likes you, you may notice him coming back to check on you or hang around smirking as if he was never gone in the first place (come to think of it, just like a cat!). Adventurous and experimental. Freedom-loving. Can be surprisingly philosophical and contemplative if you are close to him. In occult sites and books it is stated he embodies the astrological sign of Cancer but honestly, I’m getting more Sagittarius- like vibes from him with only a bit of Cancer or Scorpio in the mix.

Here are other reliable, accurate and non-LARP personality descriptions of him:

Likes: fun games and entertainment (whether it be mental, sexual or actual games), porn (especially the, uh, LGBT category there), taking risks, unpredictability, chocolate flavor in general, sweets and desserts like ice cream and cakes, sarcastic one-liners, leaving people speechless and unable to make come-backs in response to his teasing/statements, smirking (a hell lot of smirking to the point I was smirking a lot too during the time I was with him), sexual innuendos and humor, tidy beds or at least presentable areas to summon/invite him in, nakedness (both literal and metaphorical), songs with themes of “I love myself, I’m the best” “I’m so badass and hot, people want to be me” and “You know you want me, don’t deny it”, parties and celebrations, sexual orgies, cats and felines in general (duh), random alone time, people with strong sense of independence and the ability to match his banter, mischief and pranks, pop culture references (and he’s up to date about it too!), FWB type of relationships, flings, sexual offerings, sunny weather

Dislikes: denial of one’s sexual/raw nature, romanticizing and idealizing harsh truths, traditional commitment, interrupting or calling him out on his ghosting/sudden disappearances, cowardice, clinginess, unkempt surroundings, people who can’t take a joke and get easily offended or defensive, gender roles and inequality (or at least where I live), boring things or people, throwing away actual items he has given you as synchronicities (even if it’s accidental or something seemingly insignificant—keep every single one!), laziness, being summoned or spending time indoors for too long (prefers either nature or just outside the house), stagnancy

Aside from those listed in the Goetia, work with him for: shadow work, endeavors/activities which require planning and thinking strategically, developing self-confidence, healing emotional and sexual blockages, improving one’s wit and sense of humor, an honest assessment + solution of your (or your partner’s!) blind spots/tendencies/underlying patterns when it comes to love, refinement of details and decorations (for example, how to style your new bedroom, how to add an extra “oomph” to make a party unforgettable, etc), speech problems (say, stutters, fillers like ‘um, uh’ and tendency to repeat words)

Additional nonsensical UPG:

  • His personality, long story short, can be likened to Damon Salvatore. Watch the sarcastic one-liners and sassy body language here: , for even despite the different appearance, it is almost EXACTLY how he conducted himself around us. Interestingly, the actor who portrayed this character is a mix of Sagittarius + Scorpio IRL, which is the same vibes I’ve been getting from Prince Sitri.

  • He likes to hang around and be summoned in rooftops or high places. Whenever we would summon him in our grandmother’s balcony/terrace, he used to appear much faster in comparison to summoning him within the house or a room. Another forum experience I read heard him say the same thing.

  • When I asked him to describe his own energy, he used these songs: Music that reminds you of an entity/entities - #85 by ParadoxicalPAT . Dead or Alive’s “You Spin Me Round” also comes to mind.

  • For all his sexual references and smug smiles, he can actually take you by surprise with brief chivalrous moments and serious silence. If you are close to him, you may start to notice his moodiness and tendency to sulk and/or brood (coughs 4 of Cups coughs). I once joked that he was more sensitive than me, only closeted heh.

  • Sitri actually really values it when people stand up to him and not just give in to his sexual energy. In fact, despite knowing him for years now he only began respecting me after I completely cut off our previous partnership, sharply asserted myself and showed him I can function with or without his presence. He’s the type of spirit who likes associating himself with others and befriending many, but only respects and trusts a few.


You write quite well Pat…consider writing as a future endeavour…I mean as an author. I am working on my books as well…but its based on personal gnosis so its going to take quite some time…may be a lot… Let’s see. All the best for your journal​:+1:t2::+1:t2: :kissing_heart:

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The youtube video thats him alright​:joy::joy:meditated before.,search his sigil & trance…saw a leopard smirking before dissappearing he did give damon vibes lmao​:joy::joy::+1:like how you describe spirits as usual​:+1:any chance you share upg on belial??& i never knew sitri can be for speech & creative designing


Thank you. Am actually a frustrated writer ever since I was a child. Written tons of online pieces that are usually sarcastic and comedic (or so they say lol), but for some reason I just love being anonymous about it.

Anyway, goodluck on your books and all the best to your writing too! Maybe one day you’ll also start a BALG journal…? Your first Liker’s already here. XD


IKR. That video still makes me chuckle to this day. When we first met him, I often found myself spacing out to think because his mannerisms seemed so familiar and really reminded me of someone hahaha.

As for his lesser-known skills, I would say Sitri is usually more for talking and flirting romance/attraction-wise, but then again, I’ve experienced him making me smoother and more confident in even casual conversations/interactions hence me putting it here. I noticed I would repeat words or backtrack for the correct English word (Eng is not my native language) less throughout my time with him. Less awkward silence in speaking to another person too.

The design part I’ve experienced as him advising me to fix the bed this way, fix a furniture that way, etc. He can be very picky and even has lots of opinions on my fashion sense lol. Forgot to mention he encouraged me to switch up my “boring fashion sense” at the time too, but still nothing trashy, just more fitting. I learned how to pay attention on what I should wear to accentuate my curves, skin tone, etc. thanks to him so… there you go.

As for King Belial, I didn’t write down my UPG about him because there are already hundreds of such here in the forum. I don’t want to bore you guys any more than I already have hahaha. Also, I want to shine the spotlight on other spirits and experiences aside from him. :slight_smile:


Oh no pls…accept the fact that you are a talented writer​:nerd_face:…try writing articles or whatever with your name…felt like saying it…my best wishes are with you. :+1:t2::+1:t2: Thanks for your wishes for my work and books dear​:blush::heart:. I would share with you once its done…like really done…

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Thanks for clarifying info!!:slightly_smiling_face::slightly_smiling_face:i always see him here for lust so its awesome you get know spirits more than usual goetia experiences here…you really pay attention to their personalities & likes…keep it up​:+1::+1::+1::+1:

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The skating rink…feel sad i cant ice skate &practice ice hockey wit h the team…our games postpone too indefinitely​:expressionless::slightly_frowning_face: nice pics btw,do you have a most favorite country out of your travels?& why??:slightly_smiling_face::slightly_smiling_face:

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Again, hope you feel better soon! Pretty sure we’ll all get through this, though we really can’t help it if the quarantine gradually gets to us sometimes. Sighs.

Favorite country? Maybe I’d go with Singapore, because that country for some reason feels more like home to me than my own. Missing it lately TBH.

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Okay, but I’m liking the surprise synchronicity of you randomly deciding to comment here. I’ve been toying with the idea of closing this journal with a final entry for days now, covering everything I did in those hermit months as (1) I’ve already accomplished the goals I had for this one (especially the working without depending on spirits part, yay lol :slight_smile:) and; (2) no matter how hard I tried to update here, I strongly feel as this journal’s “vibes/energy” in a sense just don’t resonate with me anymore.

So thank you for commenting, Midnight! Looks like I got my confirmation and I really have to update this one last time… not to mention it’s seriously time to go ahead with the new journal for different experiences/workings again. :slight_smile:

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howd you draw his sigil so perfectly, i always messed up drawing it a bit lol (talking bout Belial’s sigil)