Powerful Love Ritual

Is it possible to perform this to my target which is I just found on Instagram we don’t have any connections yet but I already message her but got no respond at all is this will still work even though she doesn’t know me personally?

It saddens me to see the world now where its constant questions without trying. Magick is inside of you, you make your own magick and your magick is by belief. If you want to say it a certain way or do it a certain way then do it. Dont just ruminate on it and ask 101 questions do it that makes it unique to YOU its your own gnosis in a way.

Also to do the people who say you did it and things hit the fan. Read your own replies you are doing it to an ex… why are they an ex? what did they do? what did you do? what problems did you face? ask yourself these questions. Also if you have a anger inside or objection to that ex then it will come out into your manifestation. Desperation of wanting someone back because your now alone meaning a fear of change is not a good place to manifest real love and feelings. I do not believe magick is to blame for making some weird lover situations at all its purely down to the person doing it. If you think it will be temporary it will be. If you think they go stalker they will do.

But for heavens sake write down what you want and what your ex can offer first and see what you get then write down what issues you may have or be having before trying to get them. Then you have the ones that say the person they like is hundreds of miles away… walk away sorry but apply magick to people closer because that distance will hurt your chances down the line.

You are the magick if you think it will happen enough it will happen the magick is not a tool separate of you its YOU. Be grateful C Kendal gave this good ritual and apply it to yourself and make it suit your situation. You cant get pictures… use the name… cant get a name give up or do magick to get it ;). You want to apply it to yourself and someone which is really what it is for then add your name in and theirs, simples. You want make yourself love yourself do that. But remember any downfalls is a downfall thats already within your relationship or YOU because usually its to do with a darn ex.

Also to xinclair19 how do you know you like them just from a photo? you need to at least meet them or have a form of meeting up with them for it to work. We cant win the lottery if we never play :wink:


I did this ritual a few days ago and my cat was pregnant and one of her new borns died on top of the box in which I kept the stuff from the spell. What does this mean? I’m worried. What do I do?

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Sometimes it doesn’t have anything to do with magick. Sometimes it just means your cat’s newborn died. That happens sometimes.

As far as spirituality, a dead cat can symbolize you needing to release your emotions, fight for your independence, and seek out help when needed. Some may see a dead cat as a bad omen, but that isn’t always the case. “Cats have nine lives”, so it could also mean another chance at something or a situation. Death doesn’t always symbolize something bad.

You have nothing to be afraid of. Take the poor kitty to the vet and let them handle it.

In regard to what it might mean as related to your love spell, if you allow this to cause a lot of worry and anxiety, then you’ll continue to manifest worry and anxiety.


Okay thank you for your reply. This helped a lot

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I did the spell and am full prepared for the result. Afterwards I did look at my phone as soon as the candle burned out and the time was 444. I regard Sunday as a free space for any and all types of spells (though im not hardcore on days anyways) but today felt right and did do it in the hour of Venus.

Hi ! I have some questions
Do I have to get a physical pic of them or it’ll work even it’s digital like pics in phone? Or can I imagine their faces?
And would it work on the caster too? Like them being obsessed or smth? Or simply in love with the target

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It’s been two weeks today and I think I may have gotten a sign that there has been progress. I need to do a reading really quick and see if it is indeed related.

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Hey I’m kind of new to this an still learning. I crossed your post an is it possible you can do the spell for me.

Welcome @TrapGOD It is a rule of this forum for all new members to properly introduce themselves, so PLEASE CLICK ON THE IMAGE BELOW and tell us about yourself and any experience you may have in magick, such as what you practice, how long you have practiced, areas of interest, etc:


Unfortunately it didn’t work for me :neutral_face:

That’s funny, I didn’t meant to click on this thread but ended up doing so and your comment called my attention rightaway, last night I left a candle burning in a safe place(but not for this ritual) and it disappeared by morning too, it never happened to me before

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This is highkey the most encouraging thing I’ve read today!



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Okay this is CRAZY powerful, saw results in just a few hours - went from zero contact to a full on conversation. Thank you so much!
that aside I’d like to give thanks to some additional help from
Amon, Sitri, Paimon, Seer & Dantalion for assisting me.


Do you accept commissions for spells?

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what was the answer?

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I did this and the target blocked me on Instagram and said he wanted to have nothing to do with me, even though I didn’t do anything bad to him. Oddly enough he hasn’t blocked me on WhatsApp so I don’t think he’s totally hating me… but what happened here and why did it backfire?


I had this spell backfire too. The situation hasn’t improved since (I think I did it around New Year’s Eve).

Idk maybe it just doesn’t work for some.