Power Sensing - Scans & Swaps 3.0 (No Tarot Please) (Part 1)

Now this, if that’s the case, I’ve been doing a lot of work from Carlos Castaneda. Particularly the Magical Passes and Recapitulation.

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Gothic √

Nice Boobs…

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Anyway I’ve been getting into voodoo with nice results. Even poltergeist activity. Been helpful ever since :ok_hand:

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Want to trade? @itsnathanm7

Sure. I have a little more time.

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I see a dark green snake in what looks like a swamp. It behaves a lot more like an alligator. As if its hunting for something. @Lachdan1832

Fuck, i wish, im as flat as a board

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Thanks! Here’s my scan about you: All black, all unclear. The place where you are is covered by a dark fog. Cold is surrounding you, but something into you, warm turning into hot is making that cold disappear. Maybe you’ve felt those days chills on your body (at this point, the cold is not temperature, is a mental noise that don’t let you be focused) but the warm into you (your magick work) is making that you be more focused about you want. Never let the “cold - mental noise” distract you. Very soon your goals will be achieved. @itsnathanm7



I see a beer mug full of milk in a cold dark room.

It changes into a being who sits in a chair.

“I am the Milkman”.

(What the fuck?? :joy:)

It seems to be interrogating you on something and transforms into a Shadow. He then spills the glass of milk over.

He looks up and says,
“Don’t cry over spilled milk.”

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I know it’s strange.
Seems strange to me to

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That whole reading just made me lose my shit, what are you on cuz i want it to lol


Had some Sirac that is still wearing off so :joy::joy::joy::joy:

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Anyone else wanna trade

How accurate I was with my vision about you? @itsnathanm7

Can someone do a reading for me?

It was good

I’d love a scan but I need to know it’s coming so I can adjust my wards

Here’s your reading! Apologies for taking so long to return your reading!

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The first vibe I get off the cards is that something is holding you back.

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