Power Sensing - Scans & Swaps 3.0 (No Tarot Please) (Part 1)

Would anyone like to trade @Micah


Any up for a scan swap?

You still havent returned mine, and yes im still salty about that


I see a Pink Flamingo standing In lake of some sort. I sense that it is the more evolved form of the vulture (?)

Prepare for a transition from work or a possible laying off. Something better is on ts way

That would explain why I woke up to an unfinished note in my phone…

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I actually asked Ogun for a better job because as it stands I’m about to raise hell on whataburger again



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I am very proficient in destroying things. Ive brought the store I work at to its knees because they did a lot to upset me. So I returned the favor by almost killing them. @Micah

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All that’s doing is making the fries crispier and tastier :joy:
Get a better job and leave :ok_hand:

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But I like almost killing them.

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Wanna trade? @anon39410973

That’s my job! I’m the one that likes killing things :joy::joy::joy::joy:

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Dont do that. Their one of the few places that sell Poutine.

Ah good reason, i wish i was that unforgiving, curse my god damn nice nature

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Good to see you, @Micah

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Sell what

Sup @Lachdan1832

Local neighborhood burger place. Very sure it was Whataburger. Anyway, they sell Poutine.

Fries, cheese curd and gravy. A canadian special and no im not in Canada

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Mmmmmmmmmm…poutine :yum::yum::yum:

Anyways @anon39410973 since the reading I have for you is old I’ll start fresh.

I see armies of rabbits jumping around this gothic person on a couch. Based on assumptions I’d say you’re likely gathering friends. You look or rather seem comfortable. Your aura is blue with purple sparks. Glittery.

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