Possible fae messing with me

Celtic lore and spellcraft: Invoking the Morrigan by Stephanie Woodfield. That book would be helpful for you to reach The Morrigan.


You could try leaving them fairy money (Lunaria annua pods)

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I’ve already had dealings with the Morrigan but I’m referring to Morgan Le Fay, she is not the same entity.

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Never heard of those, where do you get them?

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you can buy them online.


Some believe The Morrigan and Morgan Le Fey are the same entity, while I personally do not believe it, Morgan Le Fay in folklore is said to be connected to the Morrigan as a Priestess and her connection to the Fae realms which The Morrigan resides within along with the other Celtic Gods.

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Well, the actual Morrigan is a different species, true.
The spirit / soul is the same.


A lot about Morgan le Fey in folklore is taken and twisted. While I have my own personal ties to the Morrigan I don’t really speak to her about the idea of Morgan le fey but I think it’s fine.

Strength comes in many forms there’s no one race stronger than the other but individual strengths. Many fae can do more damage in one way or another than a demon. In mythology fae are actually insanely gruesome compared to others but many views paint fae in a cringy way but the reality of it fae are as cruel or can be as cruel as nature when you look further into it instead of from an “ooo pretty” point of view.


Lol they can be tricksters but I mean when they’re actually pissed or want to make you suffer lol. Other than that they’re pretty great imo

From what I’ve learnt, the Fae fuck with humans more than demons. They are powerful and there are many kinds, just like there different types of other beings, spirits, etc. Don’t anger the Fae, they really can take offence and I reckon you need to tread carefully, more so than with a lot of other entities. However, if they accept you, you are very well protected.


Seelie and Unseelie Fae you could try experiencing with ;3

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Given your post. The fae are around me too because my stuff miraculously goes missing at random times as well.
It’s a funny thing spirits do to us mages who pay attention but there is an underlying reason for all of it

Definitely learn about the Seelie and Unseelie courts. One is friendlier than the other, i.e. one is “dark”. In the case of approaching beings who humans fear, that is perfect! How else can we learn about their true nature and undo the lies we have been told? In actual fact, many so called “dark” beings are not all dark and have many “positive” aspects; also, you need to understand things in context of their nature, roles and how they were perceived in ancient times – for example, war deities, war is something that has always been around and there were some tribes that were always fighting. You need a strong deity on your side.

I’ve had the Fae messing around with me playfully for a while now, they have thrown stuff at me, just light weight things and no harm or damage, just playing, they have undone lids of bottles in my laundry, I actually heard a lid being unscrewed and went in to find no-one had been there/no-one was there and I just took it as a reminder that I had a large pile of washing, LOL. Strangely, often I get messages connected with water from them - emotions? Anyway, if you approach with respect, like with the demonic, surely you are starting off on the right footing.

I must like into these fairy coin pod thingies, they look pretty cool!

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I’ve had the seelie and unseelie fae around me since I was a kid, one use to help me with mundane stuff, teach me what to do and not to do when I use to play alone lol. Seelie courts consist of Spring and Summer courts and Unseelie of Autumn and Winter courts, with their own nobility, ideals, customs, and so forth.

Unseelie are often considered dark due to their ruling over the darker aspects of nature and it’s phases (winter and autumn) but also because of their energy, while seelie rule over the lighter more sunnier aspects of nature and well their energy. They use to be a singular group until different ideals caused the unseelie court to come into existence but they are often in peace with one another with few conflicts like any other civilizations.

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That’s excellent information, the darker part of the year, I hadn’t considered that. Unfortunately, some sources give erroneous information. I’ve been trying to overcome fears and such about different beings but get caught out sometimes in that I absorb some of the wrong information. You live and learn.

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Understandable, I agree a lot of the sources are really cliche light vs dark, good vs evil, rather than any thought pulling information lol.

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Silly of me really, I’ve managed to see the Morrigan for the wonderful Goddess She is and also understand that Lucifer is not bad, the Devil is not evil plus many other of those beings are not bad at all. So, now I need to understand the Fae better and I owe them that.

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what i know, faes can’t tolerate iron, try to use iron item on ur doors or windows, like horseshoes or rattles or any item that can be make of iron, and the faes won’t come

I think the iron idea is a myth, atleast for the fae I’ve come across. Because the iron is also said to harm demons, witches, as well as ghosts.