Pore breathing questionnaire

i have a few questions about pore breathing: is there a practical way/ method to pore breathe with the different elements? can it be done anywhere at any time? are there prerequisite skills needed to activate this gift? can pore breathing be used to charge food/water with intent? any book recommendations? if any insight can be shared i appreciate it thank you.

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I don’t have the book on me at the moment but Franz Barron’s “initiation into hermetics” has a whole section on pore breathing.

Part of that is brushing your skin with a stiff brush (such as boar bristle) to open the pores up I believe.


Practice visualization, remembering sounds, scents etc. Yes, it may be done anytime in any place and used to charge food and drinks. For example, in order to pore breath water you may visualize it realistically (liquid and transparent) then create in your body a sensation of inhalation, visualize and feel Water entering all your pores, being absorbed; perhaps continue until you’re filled with the element.

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thank you for the reply, i just started recently reading that book and better conceptualize the pore breathing

thank you for this information it really resonated with me! another question i have is are there physical correspondences to the elemental breathing? so say i wanted to pore breathe fire & i was doing the visualization and becoming aware of the sensations… over time would it physically manifest in the body sweating?

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Yes, it seems like if not all at least some elements are potentially dangerous. For example Fire shouldn’t theoretically be inhaled more than 7 times.

I learned “full body breathing” in qigong which sounds interchangeable with this. When you breathe in, it’s like every pore is a little mouth also breathing in energy with your inbreath.

Visualise the element and how it feels while breathing in it’s energy. If I want to cool down, I imagine being in the Arctic, if I want to warm up I imagine being inside the sun

Not really. Breathing able to breathe in through your mouth and out through your nose is nice.

I would use sword fingers, but you could adapt what @DarkestKnight said in the above linked post to do this.

It’s a technique that’s part of a system. For the Hermetics approach the book noted above seems to be the source of this in western occultism… If you want energy working, I like The Root of Chinese Qigong by Jwing Ming Yang as a big reference manual, and Mantak Chia’s Inner Smile, or Basic Practices books will teach you the important basics.

The nice thing about Jwing Ming Yang’s work is it will tell you how to spot if you are becoming unbalanced and how to fix it.


I can confirm its the exact same thing. Bardon took a lot from the eastern methods.

Excellent suggestion, seconded


thank you so much this was really helpful, a few days ago i learned that developing clairsentience is one of the fastest “spiritual” things you can develop compared to like clairvoyance & clairaudience etc. and i learned that pore breathing is linked to that development. that’s why i’ve been going so hard to make sure i understand the basics.

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I noticed that I also can pull energy in, instead of just merely activating it and feeling it throughout my body. I wonder if that pulling is considered pore breathing? Or should the practitioner only use visualization to pull the energy through the pores?

Just go with what you’re doing, if it works it works. :slight_smile: It’s hard to visualise every pore anyway as you have millions, so you tend to feel it rather than see it.


I agree with mulberry, I can’t visualize at all-period, but I can feel the energy flowing in and out when doing techniques similar to pore breathing. It’s more like your entire energy body expands and contracts- in feeling to me.

Almost like feeling the air around you flow through you.

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Thanks man, last question though Pore breathing
In this thread, the OP describes a technique wherein huge amounts of energy are accumulated. Later another forum member added a differentiation to that method called ‘pore breathing’ anyhow, would you suggest closing the practice by placing/storing all the energy inside the lower dan tian, as opposed to letting it just dissipate?

Yes, I know girl, you already told me that in Pm when you were describing what aphantasia is.
I believe we were talking about your workings with the voodoo current.

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Absolutely. Why waste it if you just worked hard to accumulate it?

Also, if you let it just waft off into you living space, you risk attracting things that will notice the free lunch, and when they munch that up they’ll look for more and oops there you are, the walking all you can eat buffet… it’s like basic camping rules, don’t leave food out and you won’t have a problem with the wildlife. If you don’t want the energy, deliberately push it it deep into the ground to be recycled safely.


So basically you advice to store any energy we work for ourself within the belly dantian?

So basically if i work some attraction elemental magick on me. I would place a firey work into that (rather than placing it in my aura for instance?)

Pretty much… Bring energy to lower Dan Tian to finish up the cultivation. It will balance itself between all three Dan Tian storage centers and the meridians as needed.

A firework? As in, an explosive device, a small bomb? I don’t know that that sounds like a good way to stay balanced - if that stays in your aura it’s probably safer. An aura is only the radiation of energy off your being and is external, it would have an environmental effect on your energy but any damage would be limited. Perhaps this isn’t what you mean.

If you mean, you are cultivating fire energy, you can do that. I don’t recommend it unless you are very very yin and cold for some reason. Like you’re outdoors in winter freezing your ass off, then bring in fire energy and it will warm you up. If I am very cold and need more yang fire energy, then I cultivate by breathing in the energy of the sun. But I’m doing that to balance back to neutral. Similarly if I’ve too hot in summer I will breathe in the energy of cold space, of the Arctic too cool down. (Though lately, I just use exposure like cold baths and saunas to strengthen my body.)

Fire energy can be dangerous as it’s associated with the heart. You only have one heart and heart attacks are the risk of too much yang fire. If you start to sweat, get stomach aches or racing heartbeat, I advise you immediately stop and send the excess energy to the ground. Then rest and sleep and let the body balance itself.

For advanced practices where you are deliberately changing you body’s energy balance, rather than simply running balancing exercises, then I recommend you first learn how to read you energy so you can monitor it’s effects and adjust as you go. You don’t want to use a sledgehammer to crack a nut and find out afterwards you have a smashed nut, be technical and precise with qi.

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I met if i want to “”““enchant””“” myself to be more attractive and i decide to use the fire element. Where should i place that energy in order that doesn’t mess with me.

In that case that’s not qigong cultivation, that’s another kind of magick and I’d say carry on with what you were doing with your aura.

It’s fair to say that healthy people and people with strong qi are naturally more attractive and magnetic to others, but that’s a side effect rather than the intention - the intention is to be balanced, healthy and strong first.

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