3 2 1, monday is gone.
Honestly I wouldnt even look into spells I would read a lot of theory first but thats just me
No, my question is if all of you are the trolls
The question that intrigues me the most, Is why is magic not popular, why normies wont use it or know about it? Im skeptic of magic being real because if it would be real i imagine it would be used by everyone and applied in schools everywhere
Its like rocket science. Theoretically, anyone can learn, but practically its just not the case. Magick really contains the power to absolutely destroy your life, many start the path, and either get thrown off, lost, or drop it all together. And those are just the lucky ones.
But im just LARPing lol ignore me
Hello there (the angel from my nightmare, the shadow in the background of the morgue)
Maybe this thread could be of interest for you:
Oh it’s really popular, especially with those who are willing to try it long enough to get results and, you know, not argue against the possibility of it working.
Because any magickal action requires will. And many people seem to know will only in a context of a name
But it is.
It’s not like Harry Potter or Hollywood.
Our reality is made of a projection of all the different energies we have collected from density ranging from body to spirit so you are just altering the projection which alters the reality
Yeah, count me in. I’m a perpetual LARPer. I’ve even got a deluxe Harry Potter wand (with a light in it). We just tell each other tall tales and massage our egos. That’s why Magick as a discipline has found practitioners in every generation - because it’s all bull-cookies.
That make sense?
Yes it’s true don’t need faith and belief to make it work, all you need to do is to be open to the possibility of it being real and working. If you completely reject the possibility then you are delusional, so it’s a logical approach. The first bunch of rituals I did worked while I didn’t have faith or belief in magick yet.
I’d suggest starting with ‘Words of Power’ by Damon Brand, that’s what I started with. Otherwise perhaps ‘Archangels of Magick’ by Damon Brand.
Lol that’s not how schizophrenia works. Schizophrenia is far different.
TMW people have been LARPing with the same thing since practically the stone age.
Are u being serious?
Another quote for you “magick is the art of lying to yourself so hard even the universe starts to believe it”
Lol I don’t know where you live man but magick and divination is extremely popular, especially with all these New Agers going around. Almost everyone I know knows about the Tarot.
But with magic being part of fiction like Dungeons and Dragons, Harry Potter etc. people have come to associate the fictional sense of magic with actual magic, so most people take it as make-believe. But not too long ago in most places practically everyone believed in these kind of spiritual practices, and many have been killed for it or even just being accused of it.
Find a banishing ritual. There’s lots on-line. Learn it then rehearse it. Then do it with everything you’ve got - like you’re acting in a movie. You keep at it and you’ll feel energy movements. You keep at it and these get stronger. Research Elhaz body posture/energy collection and direction on these boards, then do it!
After these two exercises you’ll know if Magick is real or not. And of course, the more you do the better you get.
I pretend to use the force, That’s why I dress as Darth Vader every day.
I look like Geoffrey Bayldon as Catweazle.
You know, many people think that magick is “gone” nowadays, but it isn’t. It can’t be “gone”. The world was a ball even before people believed it.
Also, yes, people here might not be believing the old stories about the headless rider in the forest nearby anymore. But would they dare go to the stone where he is said to appear at midnight? Hell no.
Many might be in denial because the current Zeitgeist tells us to “only believe in what we can see”, bit they can’t erase it.