Please help a newbie with a love spell šŸ™

I say fuck anybody who treats you or me wrong

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I make my own happiness

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:100:!! Fuck them!!

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You should become a hedonist

I think I already am :joy:

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Great answer. The truth hurts but I would rather hear the truth anyway.
If a guy wonā€™t commit after a few months, he does not love or want you. If it is over that, he wants his cake and to eat it and keep options open.
I think you are worth more than that Sazpot, go no contact and it sounds like you may haver some trauma bond. Trauma bond mimics love as the brain attaches itself to the unstable partner to try and create an attachment for more Dopamine. It is common in Narcissist partnerships.
All the best


I have gone no contact. Itā€™s been 8 months and I canā€™t seem to shake him from my mind :disappointed_relieved:
I think you may be right with the trauma bond- is there anything i can do to help me get over this?
Iv tried dating other men but this just makes me miss him even more :tired_face:

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On a non magical path, go and watch Kim wilsons videos on youtube.
Stay with us on here and learn to be the most powerful version of yourself and you will not want this Man in time and see him as the weakness he is.
I offered my Ex up in a pact a long time ago, I agreed I would not near him again if the spirit took care of the issues he was causing and I worked on MYSELF and my issues with being too soft.
Time will lessen it, in the meantime learn and grow. Read about trauma bondingā€¦ These people know what they are doing when they have you dancing like a puppet on a string for a morsel of love.


Thank you so much :heart:ļø

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I pick up you had issues in childhood in which you had an unsettled upbringing. You have learnt love equals pain.
I think reflection and time on your own to heal these codependency issues will be best for you and I see better things ahead. Keep strong.


I would consider having a good childhood, except my dad was a bad alcoholic. I never really understood how bad it was until years later when my mother would tell me stories. He never offered love in a parental sense, i mean he would pick me up from stores or drive me to friends or make me food, but there was never any love given. I would never say i was mistreated, abused or neglected but do wonder now if that absence of love is why I experience the relationships i do as an adult. I just donā€™t know how to go about working on this :disappointed:

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Alcoholic personality disorderā€¦ you grew up treading on eggshells trying to please and keep the peace. I understand completely.
On a non magical approach, watch youtube videos on co dependency and the Kim wilson ones. Very important. Spend some time weeding out toxic people who make you feel bad or anxious or cause drama.
Build your own self up with good habits and then if this path is for you, work with Lucifer.
Lucifer was instrumental is re moulding me and is very patient. Do this only if you feel it is right and you are ready though. Research and study first before doing anything
The last thing you need is love magicā€¦ You need to build yourself up and move onto being strong with no codependency issues.


Thank you Sasha I will start on the YouTube videos right away. Thank you for your help and understanding :heart:ļø Much love to you x


Good. Mail me if you ever need me for some direction. Good luck


I have had surprisingly great results attracting what and who I want by using my own sexual energy. Make a special night out of loving yourself. I like to start out with a sensual bath and glass of wine. Music is key for me as well, so if thereā€™s a song that you connect to him, play it! Make sure itā€™s a feel good song thatā€™s going to get you in the mood though.

Get yourself relaxed and horny wherever you feel most comfortable. Take it slow- you want this energy to build up. You need to really imagine him there with you- how he looks, feels, smells, what youā€™re doing, what heā€™s doing to you. The hardest part will be staying focused on what you want when you start to cum, but keep him in your mind.

I have had some of my best orgasms doing this and find that I attract more than just the one person I might be hoping for. You can do this as well as a love spell. I just have no info on a good spell for you. Start believing in the power that you have inside you and youā€™ll be amazed at the results.

Take your time and plan. Prepping for any ritual is key for setting your intent. Donā€™t just rush itā€¦buy some special candies, body spray, check the moon phases (New or Full is best), etcā€¦just do whatever you can thatā€™s going to make it a special night.

Good luck!


Thank you :pray:

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Lack of Love is emotional neglect and that is abuse.

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Very true didnā€™t think of it like that

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im incapable of feeling anything but hatefulness and joy and happness when not in conflict so wat deos that mean for me