Pictures of Altars

Is that a picture of kakashi sensei? I couldn’t help but ask why.


@mrbungle I tried to make kakashi into a personal servitor for emotional reason’s :joy:

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Understandable :relieved:

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My altar


I think we got it all wrong, including myself. Most of us created a nice altar, with a black tablecloth and drawed a pentragram , put the candles there and some sigils.
It’s wrong.

  • it’s needed to have a carpet or something already destined for that, with a white circle drawed/painted on it , ENOUGH big for the magician to sat inside it
  • with 4 white candles, pointing to north/east/west/south, for Belial, Lucifer, Leviathan and Flereous respectively
  • the altar goes inside the circle, with you. The altar is basically where you put the offerings, sigils and images.

An alternative:

  • same thing, but you get to buy a carpet with the Tetragrammaton symbol and put 5 candles instead of 4
  • and put a scrying mirror in the outside of the Tetragrammaton

But I think we got it wrong (hell, I am doing it like this since 2019), just sitting in a chair facing the altar I did, with the 4 candles in the altar + sigils + offerings. It’s wrong, the altar is not made for that.


This is my alter it might be changed in the future but yeah, underneath I keep my universal circle and all my books and tarot decks, my azazel triangle just came in today (thanks micheal)

Whenever I do rituals I take the stuff I need outside into a desolate area and get to work

I frequently clean it up and looks like my alter needs a cleaning and reorganization😅


This is my altar XD


Where did you get that Sigil of Baphomet and the small Azazel Triangle of Manifestation?

I’m redecorating my alter and i just realized how many books I have ;-;


The one with the statues and other tools is my main altar. The one with the insects and the deer is to honor the animals and the dead and the one with the plants and feathers is for offering things and lighting incense. I use some of the herbs and flowers in my spells and other work so they got thwir own place on my altar :sparkling_heart:
I wanted to make another one for Lucifer, but I’m working on it. I have to make my own tools since no one sells them here.



From a posting on Facebook by Svshi Gvcci :


My altar, as of a few months ago.
In a tight little corner of the room, away from the windows (and cats).


We like your altar. Good job.

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That sword tho😍


Great point about altars and whether it’s done wrong or right .
The only exception I can see is if you are a demon worshipper/demonolator/theistic satanist or luciferian or whatnot.
In this way, it’s more a shrine setup as opposed to a full altar of working


Some beautiful altars. In old journal photos here, you can see a seeing table that I used as my altar for several years. It was left behind, and now I have no altar.

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pretty cool :smiley: i’m not too familiar with that sigil in the middle tho, what entity is it for?

Where did you get that sigil of baphomet on the floor?

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