Pictures of Altars

This is my altar XD


Where did you get that Sigil of Baphomet and the small Azazel Triangle of Manifestation?

I’m redecorating my alter and i just realized how many books I have ;-;


The one with the statues and other tools is my main altar. The one with the insects and the deer is to honor the animals and the dead and the one with the plants and feathers is for offering things and lighting incense. I use some of the herbs and flowers in my spells and other work so they got thwir own place on my altar :sparkling_heart:
I wanted to make another one for Lucifer, but I’m working on it. I have to make my own tools since no one sells them here.



From a posting on Facebook by Svshi Gvcci :


My altar, as of a few months ago.
In a tight little corner of the room, away from the windows (and cats).


We like your altar. Good job.

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That sword tho😍


Great point about altars and whether it’s done wrong or right .
The only exception I can see is if you are a demon worshipper/demonolator/theistic satanist or luciferian or whatnot.
In this way, it’s more a shrine setup as opposed to a full altar of working


Some beautiful altars. In old journal photos here, you can see a seeing table that I used as my altar for several years. It was left behind, and now I have no altar.

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pretty cool :smiley: i’m not too familiar with that sigil in the middle tho, what entity is it for?

Where did you get that sigil of baphomet on the floor?

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Love the sword XD its a rapier i think?

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Yep! Correct! A spanish rapier.

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What’s that big book I’m intrigued

That is the combined Satanic Bible with Satanic Rituals hardcover edition. The two books in one, and slightly larger so it’s a lot easier to read mid-ritual.

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Current altar! Also my first post in like forever


ooh i love it, especially the lighting :smiley:

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I know it’s a bit messy. I’m working out of the storage basement and there’s a lot of stuff but most of the time I make it work. The first one is a devotional altar for Beelzebub, who I’ve been working with for the past year.
The next two are my (messy) altar. The past few weeks have been really hectic and I will clean it as soon as midterms are over. I dunno why the last photo turned out like that- it looked normal when I took the picture :woman_shrugging:t2:
The circle is made of various stones, human bones, antlers, seashells…