Person thinks they're Azazel's Wife (more info inside + a question)

Thanks bud, always helping me out. Have a pleasant day.

Regardie referred to his reader and the magician in general as “student”, on a broader field there is the term “spiritual researcher” and coming to currents of an high, more or less scientific magick, such words are probably favoured… Here’s where that certain “middle ground” requiring caution about the issue would appear; although surely it’s not like these schools of thought are the only ones.

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Who said being intimate with spirits means you cant also be with someone in the flesh? In my experience most of the spirits I have relations with have no issue with me being with someone physically. In fact I can think of only one who ever did have an issue.

Hail Discordia! :kissing_heart:

I hate sharing :joy: if I mark you then you’re mine lol and vice versa.

Also just saying Ive never seen anyone more beautiful that Eris.

I think that the idea of “exclusive rights” loses its charm when being faced with a vast existence of thousands of years :joy: To be fair, most spirits do return the favour and will leave you the freedom of chosing whoever catches your eye, too. So its even, I would say.


Lol that’s true

If that’s the case, why don’t you apply that lack of consensus view to human/human marriages as well, considering the high rate of divorces that happens every year? “Mimics” and “fakes” doesn’t last in any relationship, whether it’s spirits or humans.

…and how do we perceive physical touch with another physical being? Through our nervous system!

Physically dependant spirits have to have access to our nervous system and the part of our brain that makes it possible for us to respond to physical stimuli and touches that arouse us and makes us horny.

If you haven’t experienced a physical encounter with a spirit and how they operate to make us able to feel them on a physical level, you shouldn’t try to compare any “supposed” differences or “supposed” similarities, either. If there’s no reference to that claim, why even compare?

The stronger the connection is with the spirit, and the stronger your senses are, it’s even more physical than with another human. If you only masturbate and believe you have sex with a spirit while doing so, you’re doing it wrong and there’s nothing about it worth promoting or pass on to others.


You could but then again a handful of occultists can’t tell the difference from the real entity from a mimic or thoughtform unless it starts demanding odd things that make them question, but even then there would be some that are even questioning of if the entity is just demanding not that it’s a fake.

However I’ve tried physical and spiritual touch and still prefer the former, however even then even two physical people can do their thing spiritually while doing it physically so either or both.

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Sure, you have a point, my entire point though, was that it seemed strange, and from what limited experience I do have with spirits, having felt them touch me, it’s not the same as the human touch.

If you could properly read you would know, that since I haven’t been desperate enough to reduce immortal beings to having sex with a mortal, I merely contemplated that it would require visualization. I’m not promoting anything, I was giving my honest perception regarding the subject.

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Wow. I assure you I’m not desperate. And I do have sex with spirits. They enjoy it as much as we do and generally aproach the subject first.


Just as much as a handful of occultists stay with the same spirits for a decade to know the difference between a fake/mimic and a real entity, right? It seems most occultists change spirits as often as they change their underwear, depending on what goals they have to call them, of course.

Same for me, but I prefer the latter just as much as you prefer the former. Now, I see nothing wrong with that and I hope you don’t as well.

The touches between these two are different and it gives a different physical stimulation, yet the end result and the goal is the same: Orgasm.
A human touch is on the surface of the skin, but the touch of a spirit and an entity is beneath the layer of our skin. It goes through our blood, veins and nerves and through anything else that carries electricity, like the textile fabric of our clothes, bedsheets and even water.

…but there’s a common denominator, despite the differences of how the touches occurs: The brain and our nervous system.

I never said it was the same. I said it was similar, and the process that leads to the ability to react to physical stimuli is also simular.

What makes you think sex with spirits and non-human entities are an act of desperation? Sex with spirits doesn’t require visualization. For that, porn makes more sense. You need to be able to FEEL spirits and entities on a physical and an emotional level, if you want the best experience. That’s my point of view, anyway.


They approach the subject, fair point. Are you sure you’re not projecting your own desires onto them? I don’t know you enough to determine whether you’re desperate or not, however judging by the fact that you had to come and start an argument because you felt offended, I’m going to adopt a very low opinion of you.

Offense is taken, not given, I’d say your reaction says more about you than you’d like to confess.

This is a subjective claim, for somebody trying to “prove” he’s right, you seem to be lacking a lot of proof for what you’re trying to project onto me. That’s what you’re really doing, isn’t it? Projecting your subjective experience onto another because they don’t subscribe to your delusions. Maybe they aren’t delusions, but then again, I have no proof of that. I’m not going to take your word over my experience. Don’t flatter yourself.

I’d say that if it is initiated by a human, then it’s an act of desperation stemming for the lack of intercourse with living humans. Do I have proof of this? Nope, just seems to be the type of people that don’t exercise much that turn to this practice from my experience.

From my perspective though, why would an immortal being, want to waste time on a bald mortal ape, that’s what all humans are, just apes, in the first place? I just don’t get it. Unless it’s predatory in nature, and it’s vamping you.

I’ll take your subjective classification of how sex with a spirit works with a grain of salt though, because once again all you’re doing is spewing senseless drivel, expecting somebody who doesn’t know you to believe what you say.

Here’s some advice, maybe people would take you more seriously if you didn’t get so triggered.

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:thinking: The right what? You threatening me?

You mean however, not ever how. I don’t mind teaching you some English, since I’m a nice person. :rose:


Have a nice day :kiss:


And then you resort to trying to curse me in that PM. How… predictable.

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I knew this thread would be like a chicken on fire running and clucking. I’ve always had a humble approach on subjects like this, because I know I am not the only one in a relationship with the Diety, which actually makes me feel a little secure about who I am considering how that strange that is. I have a real life partner who I have sex with and sometimes through the Diety as well. Though I don’t think of myself “special” or selected out of the many. I’m not really egotistical in our relationship, yet I do have a certain amount of respect for myself and respect Him and what he tells me. Im pretty laid back, awkward as fuck and a little clumsy. Straight weirdo. But I guess relationships with Gods would make anybody feel special just to feel loved …

At same time, I found this relationship to be all in all interesting learning experience, because Ive never believed in shit like this, nor did I believe in feeling any love from these Gods, which they happen to love and feel similarly like we do. I was always gaurding my heart. Still do, but hey. They are like us, they understand humans and human desire.


How do you know @Goddess_Astarte is cursing you

Mumbled some strange tongue and said, “have fun with your mind.” :rofl:

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