Person thinks they're Azazel's Wife (more info inside + a question)

While spiritual marriages are a thing, it’s hard to really weed out the legitimate ones, I honestly feel some are probably married to a mimic or fake lol. The greatest humor in spiritual marriages in my opinion is what would happen when they pass on and find out they might of been married to a thoughtform or something. Some will tell them “you’re my one and only” just to tell them what they want to hear lol.


Spiritual marriages are normal, as everyone says.

HOWEVER – to go around claiming that they’re the ONLY spouse is really cringey. Spirits have thousands upon thousands of spouses and lovers in general; you could make armies out of their numbers. That chick isn’t Azazel’s first wife, nor will she be the last.

If one wants the demon dick, one must be willing to share.


This whole topic is eh for me.

Yes I was Azazels lover and submissive. Yes he is very much into BDSM.
Though I’ve never thought I was his one and only.

Yes I am currently married to Set.

I absolutely know I’m not his one and only. Unfortunately, mythology alone tells me he had multiple wives.

I am still extremely close to Azazel. And work with him alot.
I am very happy with Set.

I don’t care if anyone thinks I’m crazy. I’m not here to impress anyone. Either you like me or you don’t. Believe me or dont.

I know who I am and I don’t need anyone else to confirm or deny it for me.

Have a nice day :slight_smile:


Rereading this, I feel the need to clarify a bit as it sounded a bit stand offish to me. I personally do not have a spouse/lover relationship with the spirits i work with. It is more of a business/friendship kinda deal for me. Nothing wrong with either or in my eyes, just how it is in my case and what kind of relationship others have with the spirits they do is not my business in the end. Or that’s my two cents

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Everyone is free to believe whatever they choose. There is one person on this forum who claims to be married to a very powerful spirit whom she was supposedly ”given“ to. Personally speaking, everything she has written reeks of self-aggrandizement and delusion. And I am not the only one one who feels that way. Ok, so what? Who is right, who is wrong, who is married to the real deal, who is projecting their own bloated ego? I have my own answer to that, but I can only speak for myself. That doesn’t make me my spirit husband’s One And Only Chosen Crowned Queen, nor an expert on anything other than my own personal experience that keeps evolving as I keep learning. I find it extremely annoying if someone comes across like they think they’re super extra special and were told some big secrets nobody else is privy to. That’s one of biggest red flags to me.

To get to the actual point of OP‘s question: Spirits have many partners with varying degrees of intimacy, but anyone claiming to be their only spouse is full of :poop:.


There are some crazy LARPers out there…


Then again I don’t believe every entity has many lovers atleast every well known one. Not to say they’re monogamous, just I don’t think people can keep using that excuse as to why they believe they’re one of an entity’s many wives or husbands. However, not that it’s impossible but it’s not out of the scope of possibility. There are a handful of people who are married to entities who you won’t find A name in mythology as well.


True, there are some entities who are intimate with or married to very few people (human or otherwise). They’re all different, some don’t seem picky at all while others are very selective.

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Seems like a waste to me though. I’m too fond of a woman’s sweet flesh to ever conceivably give it up. You probably have to jerk off if you have sex with an entity, that fucking sucks. Unless you get some kind of abductee they can possess, and then screw them. I guess that would be rather kinky. :thinking:

Middernag is now a confirmed cannibal


Personally I prefer physical touch not touch that’s gained through psychic senses. Of course psychic senses can cross to almost physical touch. However, it won’t measure up because most of your senses are here. Unless you’re in a deprivation tank while doing your thing with the entity.

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Cannibalism is a part of it sure, I’ve always wanted to try. And if you’re going to eat someone, you might as well eat someone beautiful right?

I looked into it a while ago, and it seems it’s only the head that I can’t eat.

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This sounds like a really cool idea. Where do I get one?

My point exactly, beautiful soft skin, too important to trade in for psychic pleasures. Though I must confess, I have never tried it, but it doesn’t seem appealing to me either way. I’d much rather just bang a hot female.

I only know of businesses in my area that do deprivation tanks. I want to experience one myself in all honesty.


Think it’s way too civilized for my country, so I’ll probably have to wait another two decades or so for the experience…

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I looked it up it’s in SA, I think it’s called a float tank when I looked it up for there.

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Mostly in Johannesburg and Capetown.

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Damn, what a nice person.

I’m actually only an hour away from Johannesburg, which is the southern City of Gauteng, Pretoria where I live is the northern city and capital.

What’s the link? This the one?

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