Performing a ‘freestyle’ ceremony in the bathtub

I’m a newb and I am wanting to do something on the new moon to call in energy or spirits to assist me in opening up my psychic senses. I’m short on space (and privacy) and my idea was to set up a small portable altar next to my bathtub and do this while sitting in the water. I’m wondering what more experienced people think… am I opening myself up to negative things by not having a proper circle, being in water? I am a Pisces and relate strongly to the element of water and thought it might add to the experience. But I also don’t want to insult any entities by having my own version of ceremonial space and not following any specific book.


I don’t ever use a circle. As far as the rest, just do you- that’s what I do. Example of a ritual done in the bath:

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I love doing journeying work in the bath. I don’t use an altar but I do use music and candlelight for the mood and vibes. You can get into a really good space.

My tub is metal and I feel it acts as a circle by itself, however, I often use the circle as a way to focus energies, e.g., from the directions (all 7 of them - we are in 3D not 2D, so I use the compass points + above below and center) not as a protective shield per se.

The entities are not that lightweight. :joy_cat: Be civil, expect civility back, don’t put up with any bs.
Getting offended over “not following random dudes book”? that’s bullshit… nobody made that dude the occult police.

Those books are someone else’s version, the benefit is that hopefully they tested the ideas and got feedback from other mages on them being successful before publishing - that doesn’t actually always happen.
Older works should have more discussion and feedback about how they worked out for people, such as the traditional medieval stuff, you can look out for blinds and tests, edit around them, and then you’ve changed ritual from the book anyway. So don’t worry about using your initiative, that’s a good thing.

When in doubt, try it yourself, keep what works, discard what doesn’t.


Thank you both for your responses. I definitely want to follow my own path and am trying not to think of myself as a beginner, to give myself permission to be powerful and follow my own intuition. But when it comes to potentially making contact with an entity… it’s a little intimidating so I don’t want to half-ass it.

Are there any deities or spirits that are noted for being helpful towards beginners, or for assisting in opening the psychic senses, making communication easier?

I felt the same way, I was very intimidated and had a hard time with wanting to call on spirits due to my strict Christian upbringing…but once I took the plunge and called on them, my life has changed for the better. Once you see and feel for yourself the power you have, you won’t be intimidated anymore.

A beginner friendly spirit, maybe call on King Paimon.

I remember one of my first posts on here

I explained that I couldn’t maintain a trance very easily if I was getting up and moving around

Whoever it was, I’ve forgotten but it was really helpful to be told I could simply visualise myself doing whatever the ritual was at the time

It’s pretty much how I currently do everything now as it’s easy to stay in an altered state or trance that way

Works for me! Find what works for you

If a :bath: bathtub is what works, why not?

Edit: probably should clarify that I still say/vibrate any magickal words aloud! I just avoid moving myself so much that I get to the point I’m doing some kind of bizarre excercise moves and losing my trance entirely. Still needed to physically practice it to get it in my mind how to actually visualise it to be able to do it the way I do it now

The desire to call on them is strong… just trying to work myself over the fear!

Thanks for the recommendation of King Paimon, do you work with him personally?

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Dude I’m pisces too and I totally relate to your affinity to water.

Water is the bridge between all things. I see nothing wrong with your idea at all in fact just being in the tub may help you get physically relaxed enough to go into trance and communicate with a spirit.

Just be sure to banish before and after.
Kudos for having a clever creative thought.

Dude King Paimon is awesome. His element is water also. I just worked with him he was wise powerful and gentle.