Pathworking My Current Past Life (Shadow Work)

This one is a work of inebriated fiction. I was angry, I was upset, I was crying and then? I was telling myself a story.

“You are sure?” I’m certain my face remained blank, but still the demon twitched, almost as if he was hurt.

“Yes milady, you have watched us diligently and you know this true.”

“Yes well, I also expected he would change his mind long before you showed up to enforce the clause.”

“My queen, you knew that would not happen as long as you did not act upon the free will clause.”

“You’re the one who always tells me nothing is set but the benchmarks, and you know I wasn’t sure he knew what he was choosing. There was a time frame given after all to ensure his awareness.”

“Well, as fate would have my queen, he’s aware and he chooses to allow you to suffer.”

The demon must have been acting before, as he did not seem to notice my fist slamming onto the table. “Is there really no other option?”

“We can go over it again, but you know the answer has remained the same. Once enacted upon in this lifetime, you are bound to the agreement. You still have a window of time to enact the free will clause, but once that window has passed, you must choose what you will do. This lifetime was a privilege- an extra but part of the agreement allowing you to take this one, is your commitment to your cause. You must meet the benchmarks, and you must keep this contract as that is your will, and his. You were certain of what you were doing when it was drafted up, to date it’s the most iron clad contract we’ve ever encountered, and you know that is why you were allowed one more before you ascend.”

“Yes well what good is it, if I am only able to meet the benchmarks? If my personal reasons for taking this lovely vacation in paradise, are unable to be met, why the hell did I agree to this? Did I not know it would happen? The Blackfoot have confirmed it, the Greek have confirmed it, the god damned Egyptians have confirmed it- this lifetime was almost entirely planned, and there are only gaps of time that were not set, only a few things that are truly choices!”

“We have began to assume that you did know this my queen, and so did your knight. We believe that is why this clause exist. You can be upset and have tantrums all day long, yet you both agreed that if he ever chose to make you suffer in this lifetime, you would do the same to him or it would cost those near to him, as well as what health he has.”

“I will never accept that.” My lip was probably sticking out as my hands moved from crossing my breast to cover my tear filled eyes. “I can’t do that to him, I can’t hurt him- just because he chooses to hurt me. I can’t, it’s unbearable and it hurts me even worse than the hurt he intentionally inflicts upon me!”

“You don’t have to accept it my queen. It already is, it already was, and it will most certainly be as you both agreed to it previously and this is not the only blood binding lifetime it’s applied to. You know this, and you may not be aware of the skill you have possessed in any lifetime, but if the measly amount of power you flex this life time puts you on edge, you cannot even begin to comprehend the sum of your power when you take your true form.”

“I don’t want it, someone else can have it, it doesn’t make happy, it doesn’t help me out, It’s wasted. I’ve been lazy this entire lifetime and I sure intend to continue to be that way, for as long as I shall suffer, because that’s all I can do.”

“Milady, all want the suffering to end and soon. We’ve felt it for months, we’ve tried to help, to ease it but it seems that the contract prevents us from doing anything effective for you. None of us feel you deserve it, and many of us are aware of accomplishments and generosity. There are truly few that oppose your ascension, for even those who do not mesh are able to recognize you have earned it ten times over with your years of service, sacrifice and skill.”

“You cannot sway me into wanting this life. Not like this, not while I have to suffer. Not while I have to make him suffer or he’ll loose even more than he already has in this life. That is not fair to me, he will never understand or forgive me or understand that was better than allowing his loved ones and health to perish and the console I might be able to take, is that at least when I reach my dying breath, I know he will feel it. I won’t be alone, I’ll never truly be alone, even if he never acknowledges the thread.”

“But you can take away his will my queen.”

“Yes, I am as aware of that, as you are of the test I’ve done to see if that clause truly applied with equality and we are both aware that it does. But what do I gain by taking way his free will? His right to choose? Would I not be doing to him what he is to me, by choosing to make suffer?”

“Perhaps so, but the clause was agreed upon by both of you.”

“Indeed it was, but I will not take away his right to choose.”

“As you wish My Lady. Consider it done.” The demon in front of me began to fade, yet I could have sworn I heard him whisper in my ear as the last glimpse ended. “Did you do everything you could? Did you truly give it your all? What about revenge my queen?”

My body sunk as I watch the minion exit the scene. “What of it asshole.” My tears fell heavily down my cheeks. My chest tightened. No, I hadn’t done everything. I chose to protect, to deflect and eventually to reflect some of it. I chose to let him have freedom, to let him not suffer because I was. To not curse him with what happened to his son, or plague him with things he wouldn’t be able to handle. He’d demanded that, and I respected it. I suffered alone so that he wouldn’t have to suffer as much. I knew he still suffered to a degree, but as long as I suffered the bulk of it, he would never have to.

I almost laughed out-loud when my thoughts finally drifted to “What about revenge?” Well, what of it? I don’t desire it. It wont help or make me happier. All it does is ensure he hurts and suffers more than he has to. I know the contract allows for it, but why would I do that to the love of my life? The man which caused me to be here this time around? The sum total of my lives is sure he’s worth the suffering so, how could I ever feel better while harming him. That is truth, and I know it within my heart. It’s bad enough as it is, he’s going to suffer because he forces me to suffer. He’s going to struggle and try and fail. Wash and repeat, for as long as he inflicts this upon me. Most of it will even come from me. Not all of it, I know the contract is embued magically and my choice has already began to effect him, though he may yet to be aware of it. I know I will be aware of much of it though. So much of it that it already hurts. It’s really not fair, isn’t it bad enough to feel my own pain and suffering without having to endure his as well?

I was gasping for air but I knew the answer. I had no choice, because I refuse to take away what he holds dear. I refuse to inflict the greater wound, to take away what matters to him. I will not allow him to loose everything because of the choice he makes and I will not allow myself to take his free will. It is done, there is nothing I can do about it. Months have led up to this, and yes there was more I could do, but none of that, was ever someting I would do- for his sake.

Will I ever be able to embrace who I am? Will I ever be able to do this and not feel as if I’m merely a pawn in a game? This lifetime was supposed to be mine. Everything in the contract, everything dredged from the pits of history and brought forward has shown, I earned this lifetime. No one does that. No one gets to negotiate an extra lifetime just because they want one more. I understand I paid dearly for it too, though I’m not even sure how dearly.

I still am not able to fully conceptualize how hierarchy amongst spirits works. I understand that the names are titles and not their real names. Like my name is Aphione and I am moving up to replace Epione. It’s been planned for thousands of years. I’ve completed my training, excelled every lifetime and quite frankly I am a spiritual try hard despite the haters I do occasionally cross in my journeys. I understand that part of my cost was fewer gifts this lifetime, but it still seems like most of them can be unlocked, even if I couldn’t enter with them. I understand in a way that this extra lifetime came at a cost, but yet you can’t just sign up for them when you’re on the brink of ascension so, I even understand how that demonstrates my total sum power in itself.

Not that I’ll ever see what I can do. Not when the suffering runs so deep. Even if it didn’t I don’t think I would ever see it, not while he refuses his role. I know my power doesn’t hinge on his, but it draws upon it, just as his does mine. I would have loved to explore it and theorize and analyze and truly learn what I could do, even with the hobbles in place… But why? Why bother when he destines me to suffer? If I am going to suffer even when I come into what is mine, then I can’t see any reason to put out the effort. I know, it’s a shame. I held a lot of promise for this lifetime even with the hobbles. I’ve done and prove myself this lifetime already. I’ve demonstrated how the hobbles don’t actually hold me back, they just delay the inevitable. I guess I knew that coming in, but it took a while to understand this time around.

So many things I understand or can grasp the corner of yet, I can’t understand an unbreakable contract. Even with basic conceptualization of my sum power, how am I that good. How is there not an entity that can break or remove this. I understand he’s more than he thinks he is, but he can’t do it either, even if he believes so. It will be futile, this is iron clad. I’ve seen generation contracts that were able to be broken, yet somehow if ours was acted upon on, in this lifetime- the option to nullify it is removed.

Unless I can find a way out, and the best of the best have not-I may truly be destined to make the one I love suffer for the rest of my lifetime, simply because he forces me too in choice. Because if I don’t then another clause is enacted, and I will wear the weight of his health and his family on my shoulders as well.

I don’t care if my office is that of Soothing Comfort or not. I simply can’t do that to him. I will not allow it.

I hear, “Is he worth it?” from somewhere in the distance. It sounds physical and yet I know that it is not. I waved both hands in the air, unsure if he could hear me, “It doesn’t even matter. You don’t have to believe and honestly no one does. He has chosen. I have chosen. We have both chosen and it is done.”

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I don’t feel it yet, but I know I will.



I’m sitting here, ranting in my mind. I’m working through some things, thinking through others and the things others around me don’t know, and then I finally sat down for a smoke and I had to ask why I did it. I had to reconcile my actions with my mind, even though I knew they were right.

I had to do it for me. I had to step away in case I want this place later. Most days I’m certain I no longer need this place. I’m not really sure if I ever did, but it’s fostered accelerated learning, getting out of my shell about what I do, speaking for myself amongst simply being able to speak and think in theoretics. After all, aren’t the theoretics the most important part of my life? Maybe not, but they often lead to learning the mechanics, and knowing the mechanics means that I don’t need to flounder around and wonder which things will work when, it means I know, or I can figure it out. It means I can apply how the human mind and emotions, and magic works and I can make the best possible decisions.

I know that the quality of Renewal, from the Angel Overlords just ended yesterday, but it seems to be lingering longer than I am used to. Perhaps because it was aimed at renewing a different aspect of my life and it just happened to bleed into the next step of my life. The actual aim of that quality has yet to come in, but with the bleeding of the energy into other areas of my life, it’s pretty easy to see that it will come in, in it’s own time. The cards and spirits have been clear for weeks, that no only did I need to get a hold of my emotions and decided where I was going, but that I needed to cut things loose that no longer served me.

But how do you know what no longer serves you? Sometimes it’s obvious, but other times it’s really not. This time most of it was not, so I chose to ignore it. I didn’t take stock or step back and evaluate the people and things in my life to determine if I truly needed them or if I was stringing them along just in case. I like to have a few back pocket cards, well because a back up plan is how I’ve always rolled. If if plan A doesn’t work out, in the midst of the situation I can adapt and pull up plan K, because I can now see it’s better suited for the situation, now that I have more awareness and facts.

It wasn’t a huge surprise, though it was slightly annoying, to see that I didn’t really get a choice this time. I could either A let people walk all over me, or B stand for me and cut them loose. So for the same reasons I will plead guilty to crimes I’m not exactly guilty of, but because his mother is the secretary for the warden of the state prison, if I don’t win, he’ll own me. Damned if anyone will own me again and I’ve always been really good at running people off and burning bridges to the point they can’t be repaired so, it wasn’t like I wasn’t aware every step of the way, once these people pushed me into those corners.

I just hadn’t expected them to push. I thought I’d sidelined them and worked round it, so that I could keep them in that back pocket, just in case. But when I think of those people I’ve cut out over the last 11 days, not one of them will missed. Not one of them knew me, or about what I do or who I am, or the traumas I’ve faced in this life or how I got through them and I am still up and going meeting life one blow at a time. Not one of them has any idea what it’s like to sit here and know that I am in interim. I am waiting, or life is. I’m not really sure which it is, just that I know whatever it is I want in this life, I can have it- I just have to take the actions to get it. Dozens of opportunities lay before me, from my own work taking off like I never expected to random job offers from people I barely know. Options for friends that I can be mostly me around and options in the sex department are far from few as well. I merely have to choose my path.

I’ve since done that, but instinct prevents me from revealing most of it to anyone. Quite simply while I would swear most days my intuition is top notch, and I can spot who to avoid from the moment they pop up, I’m not always right- Sometimes I still get fooled. Not usually, but I’m at the point in life where I’m not willing to risk it, or at least not most of it. Hell one of those people I ran off this week I’ve not seen in ten years. I had no reason to trust my gut on them, yet. I found myself in a paranoid inebriated state covering all the possible things it could be that my gut was screaming about…so I just asked. Turns out people still think the broken, divorced and lonely woman won’t stand for herself. Sadly he was wrong and I was clear and now he’s gone. It was actually pretty simple, though it amused me the first like 6 hours of so of him trying to change my mind.

I figure at least he was honest when he was asked, even if he thought he could play his way out of it. That’s more than I’ve gotten from a lot of peeps in life. I mean hell, the boyfriend in Washington knew. He used to even ask about how it worked and I can’t explain it. Minor things often don’t ping my radar but the harder someone tries to hide something from me, the more likely I am to find out. I great example is the boyfriend hiding he was building a tiny house on his parents property. I’m sure I’ve told this story a dozen times, but it still amuses me how he never quite got it. See he was afraid then, as we’d only been dating something like 3 or 4 weeks, of what I would think of him building a tiny house of his own on his mothers land.

So he hid it so hard, that I dreamed about it. I dreamed we were in that tiny house- fucking, and I could look out and see her house through the window. Turned out in reality the windows were not where you could see her house, but there was really a tiny house being built not far away from theres. I’d never been there, never heard about it and the answer I got when I told him about the dream. I don’t remember his exact words, but he was over by the end of the day tell me about it and how freaked out he was. It happened many times, but the thing he didn’t ever quite get was, the harder you hide it, the more details I get. It’s way easier to just tell me, or not try to hide it. It won’t ping my radar that way.

I’m not inebriated tonight and I still lost my point. I think I was headed towards why, did I remove myself from the forum? I’ve cut many ties over the last 11 days and not one of them has mattered enough for me to feel any bit of sadness, remorse or any of that, so why do I give a shit about the forum? I’m not even sure. I guess that’s why I was letting my thoughts roam, I was trying to figure it out. I just know, I knew that I had to step back or I was going to end up without having a choice-even if I’m not sure I need the choice.

That’s price you know, when you stand up and take away someones lesson for them. Why do I do it? Why do I save people? Why do I intervene? Something in me and this whole working for the goddess of soothing comfort I guess. I always try to lesson the blows for those I care about. I won’t do it for just anyone, but sometimes I hear the calling deep inside me, and I stand up and take that blow for someone else. They didn’t deserve it or they were innocent, or they shouldn’t have to go through that or whatever. But it cost me. Every single time it’s come at a price. They didn’t have to go through the lesson, but I ended up having to suffer for it, in one way or another.

I guess I stepped away, because this isn’t my lesson. It’s someone else’s and if I took that blow for them, I’d be the one who had to pay for it. I’d be taking away my right to choose, and even if I don’t know that I need or want this, it’s still my damned right to choose and they aren’t worth it and have shown me that a few times. They quite simply don’t deserve another chance to prove me wrong about them. So my instinct to protect and save and make things easier runs deep, but I’m learning to choose my battles. Sometimes that might mean locking myself away where I can’t see it or react to it and I can pretend it’s not there, even though I won’t, I’ll worry and think on it a few more times but it’s done- I choose for me, and they can have their lesson ready or not. It isn’t my problem if they don’t see the lesson, I tried to point it out but it’s not on me to do so. Goodness knows I’m certain I have one or even a few of them coming my way anyways.

How could I not lessons coming, when Loki, Lilith, Samedi, Kalfu and my ubi walk up with a proposal. I mean I sat here and laughed at myself for like three days. Does this not promise to be a shit show like I’ve never seen before? It’s damned sure to be. I’m almost certain of it. But I choose my path, and I somehow, deep inside know that at the end of this stretch, it won’t seem as bad as it does now, or as hard as it was walk through the shit show and make it out the other side.

Funny, spirits can be so clear some days, and yet give you actually no information to go on. If I had all those little missing pieces, I wouldn’t have sat here laughing at myself before I decided to answer that call. But then, they know me. How could I not answer and possibly give up might lead to new gains, to a new place, to a new life. Isn’t that what I want, a new life? I keep saying I’d give anything to be anywhere but here- take me back a year, take me forward, I just want away from here, because while it’s not that bad, being stuck in my mind certainly leaves you wondering if it might be. I handle it alright most days, but some days… I’m not suicidal and I can’t stand pain but if I could choose to just stop existing, I damned sure would, so. How could I not answer the call and see what this shit show is going to be about? At least I can bitch if it’s not what I hoped for, but if I just ignored it and stayed here in interim…. Gosh how much can you complain about your own unwillingness to choose what the fck you want in life? I don’t think I could, at least not beyond the few people I’m willing to talk to it about. They get it, everything is there for them too, options and all but it’s hard to take actions when you’re not sure what you want so they too sit in interim, waiting for something to decide for them.

So I decided. I thought about it long and hard and about what I want this life to be like and now, I just have to go get it. Some of it’s not even that hard, seems like the act of simply deciding has opened some of the doors I wasn’t sure about. I didn’t plan out the minute details, but rather the overall scene. It’s pretty clear now that I know where I want to go. Handy, I like when things are easy almost as much as I like when they are falling apart and I have to rely on instinct to keep it together. Ah yes. I thrive in chaos. I don’t understand it, I actually hate it, yet… that is where I thrive and a look at the spirits that approached me, and something in me says they kinda do too. I don’t know them all that well, only some of them but I’m starting to look forward to the shit show, goodness only knows for sure what it’s going to bring my way.

Side note, I started the next step of my shadow working and of my path, and but it’s very much current life, so I’m separating that out to a new journal here: The Keys of Ocat: A Necromantic Journey


2/12/21 AM

I was sitting here, reflecting. I guess you could call it that, I was thinking about the things I know, and the things I want and damned. Nothings impossible. But then I was thinking about how I was kinda glad I’m pretty much out of lifetimes on this world cuz just my lifetime things have changed. The things the future is going to hold, man I’m not sure I’d want to deal with it. I don’t know what any of it is, but I just don’t think I’ll want to deal with it. Luckily for me I won’t have to. I mean I kinda like life and learning and growing but it’s not exactly easy and this whole hobbling myself to make it more challenging…

Yeah, it’s me for sure. That or it’s someone pretending to be me, cuz that’s how I am. I make everything more challenging on purpose. My mindless games, I give myself extra objectives and goals and my crafts, if I stick with one craft I’ll make it so job like that I burn out. Doesn’t matter if it’s knitting or whatever it is. I will burn myself out by being too goal orientated because eventually I make the goals impossible. So I have to be careful about these things, if I like something and want to keep around. So it definitely sounds like it was me that made these calls and decisions and had to make it harder to prove a point.

But then, they changed the rules for me. Extra lifetimes in exchange for the hobbling. What does that even mean? Sounds impossibly crazy so I’m sure I’m buying it. It seems way more likely I pissed someone off, so this is payment for it. I mean that’s a little bit shit crazy too, but it still seems way more logical to my mind. Then I get to how it doesn’t matter. I’ve spent months trying to find that key to unhobbling myself, because someone brought up the question of, could it be done and if so how. The answer was to ask me and well quite frankly I don’t know. But, that means it might be possible, doesn’t it?

Then I continued on and got lost in this where I want to go and where should my path be taking me and all of those random future things. I ended up telling myself something to the effect of, It doesn’t even matter. Whoa, say what? That’s right. I told it to myself again, because- I had to think about it. What does that even fcking mean. It does not even matter. Oh. Fck me. It doesn’t.

I’m getting results. I’m doing damned well and things are on trajectory to land me right where I want to be. Wherever that may be. I said I picked what I wanted, but I mean it’s a little loose yet, and I’m not sure if I’ve accepted it anyways. Acceptance is a bitch ya know. I much prefer to avoid acceptance, my coping skills aren’t that great.

But I know they aren’t all that great so I cope really well, by refusing to cope at all. Eventually it passes and I don’t have to cope anymore so… it works out. I promise, just give me space to do my thing, and it’ll all come out alright. I might be taking the hard way, but I like to make things more challenging ya know? It doesn’t seem like it’s the harder way anyways, it just feels like my way instead of your way, so I’m okay with it- even if it’s the hard way.

Oh ya. It doesn’t even matter. It’s my damned life not yours. But even more. It doesn’t even matter if I can’t unhobble myself. I don’t need to. I can go where ever the fck I want to, and I don’t even need it to do so. Fck ya’ll for putting me on this stupid quest that I couldn’t finish. I didn’t have to. How dare you trick me into thinking it mattered, because it fcking doesn’t. I don’t need that to be what I want to be. Fck me for not seeing it sooner. Dammit all.

Ya’ll can keep it. I got this just like I am, and I may not have even realized it but I’ve got this, just the way I am. If I could be all that I could be, goodness knows I’d probably go on a rage fit tirade and teach everyone lessons they really didn’t anyways, so keep it. I’m good just the way I am and I don’t even need it to be this way.


2/12/21 PM

I’m sitting here inebriated, of course and I turned on my computer fans, like the four of them instead of the normal two that cycle through on their own. I wasn’t planning on gaming, but I know I haven’t played Cod, since the last patch so. I turned it on to update and I could have sworn I heard like… a static turn on too. It’s crazy and I’m inebriated so it’s just one of those things to dismiss. But I had this crazy thought.
It went something like this:

I should be careful what I say and do when I turn my computer fans on, because I left the house the other day and their could be bugs in my computer that are so loud they can only be hidden when my computer fans are on, so they turn on when the fans do. So I should try not to use the fans.

It’s bat shit crazy because I’ve not ever done anything that would attract anyone putting bugs in my home. So, it’s crazy but. It kinda feels real, like I’ve been there before, even though I’m sure I haven’t.

I think I’ve lived that life once. Maybe in a dream, because sometimes I have bat shit crazy dreams. But, I think it was with my mother. She was always rambling about how the fbi and cia were watching us, and checking for bugs and all sorts of crazy things like that. It wasn’t real and I know I wasn’t sure at first it wasn’t real, but I eventually worked out it wasn’t real. It was all in her mind, but to her it was real and no one in the world could ever change her mind about it, so no one tried. So we lived like it was real, because that was all we could do.

So no, I know it’s not real, but that’s how deeply it effected me. That for a split second in my inebriated state, I was there again. Amazing how the new energies are bringing about what the entire purpose of this journal is about- Facing my current past life.

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I’m lowkey going through some shit- Just in case you missed that memo.


How’s it going today? I hope better. :two_hearts:

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I’d have to be awake for that :slight_smile: I slept from like 10 am till nearly 10pm other than potty breaks.


Maybe. Sure is starting to seem like it, so maybe.


It is a promise of new hope dear. :kissing_heart:

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:eyes: If only I knew what all this hope was for…

It’s a joke. Read it like a joke.


Being alone most of the time over the last two years, has naturally led to a lot of inner work. A lot of confronting how and why I do and think the things I do. This past nine months or so has essentially revolved around shadow work, though it’s rarely actually my intention. I tend to think that things will come up when I need to work through them, when I’m ready to accept that part of myself.

I’ve been bitching a lot lately, mostly about men from my past jobs and life’s, showing up in facebook messages or texts and essentially wanting me to hook up with them. They have this nasty tendency of not being able to take a hint, even when it comes across like a blunt force object, whamming them right between the eyes.

I don’t suppose I should really be surprised however. I know it’s driving my new boyfriend crazy, but you see- technically it’s all my fault.

I should probably explain myself quickly here, before he goes off the deep end, thinking I’ve solicited the attention as I have, but I haven’t at this point in time. See, I was always the kid made fun of in school, I had one boyfriend when I was 13 and didn’t date again until my senior year of high school, and it considering I only did since I managed to land one that didn’t comprehend the word no, on prom night- I probably would not have dated for at least another year or so after graduating.

I’m not sure that’s relevant, but it kinda is. I remember as a small child, looking in the mirror and telling myself, that I was not pretty this lifetime on purpose. I was plain, and flawed because it was my goal in this life, to prove to everyone and myself that beauty came from within and I didn’t need to be beautiful, to be loved. Unfortunately, I let humans cause me to forget that, fairly early into my life.

As an adult, I’ve had this nasty habit of being a player. I’m only ever interested in the chase and quite honestly until two years ago I assumed I was just like my daddy, who had more relationships than I have had during the 19 years of my life he was alive, and I just simply could not love anyone that did not come out of my VaJayJay and enter this life as my child.

I learned pretty quickly, after I escaped the first bad relationship of my adulthood, that I quite simply only enjoyed the chase. It’s almost like a challenge in my life, and once I know I can have a man, I no longer them want and in fact tend to be disgusted by them. It didn’t take very many times regretting fcking someone just for conquest, before I learned to burn my bridges rather than let it go that far.

My next major relationship ended up being 13 years of mostly verbal and mental abuse, with a man who was incapable of being faithful to me. It didn’t take very many of his fck ups, to send me right back on the hunt- only to rarely act upon the conquest once I’d obtained it. There’s been many times I’ve thought that I could have essentially any man I decided I wanted, I only had to decided and then make it so.

The trouble is I never wanted them after I could have them, and fcking them always left me feeling cheap, dirty, like I was being used and like I was using them. With some, I teased them with titty pictures or sexting, but many I never had to do anything more than be myself. I have a perverted and sick twisted sense of humor and I tend to get along with guys better than women, on top of the whole empath thing. It really isn’t very hard for me to get into someone’s mind, and to use their feelings about whatever is going on in life, to convince them that they want me- without ever needing to use words to do so. It’s really very similar to the fact I’ve never had an interview that I wasn’t hired for whatever position was on the table- You see I can get into their minds and quite literally feel what they are looking for, then very quickly find where my life or experience relates, and give them whatever answer it takes to be exactly the person they need for that job.

It’s very manipulative, it does take some skill however and over the years I’ve developed that rather well. I am sure I’m not the best at it, but I’m vain enough to recognize it falls into my skill set, even if I rarely use it today. I don’t need or want people in my life that I need to use it on, and so I tend to actively avoid tapping into it. Rest assured I will use it anytime I need to save my own ass, to help my children etc, but I rarely use it anymore simply because it benefits me to do so.

I know I seem to be rambling again, but the point is… I rarely use now, I have a few times this past 9 months and a few times in Washington, but I’ve cut my bridges before it could become anything, I’ve stopped myself from doing it out of boredom simply for something to do, and I’ve recognized that me being miserable in life- is where I have the biggest tendencies to do it without considering what I am doing.

Lol Yeah. I used this skill set hard and loosely. See, I like to think I’m stronger than most women, and even than most men. I’ve had more traumas, more near death experiences, and just a downright shitty life in comparison to most. A lot of it has been my own choices, 13 years of mental, verbal and emotional abuse and neglect is at least as much my fault as his. I stayed you know, thinking well I’m suffering but he’s a good father, I can’t provide on my own for my kids etc etc. I felt trapped, caged and many worse things. I got to hear all about my bodies imperfections and then you know what? He’d tell me how he was joking, except his actions backed up his words. Being touched once every 3-4 months, always less than a few minutes at a time, not being allowed on his side of the bed, or the couch and all of that. Sure makes ya feel good about yourself ya know?

So abused my skill set, and I abused it hard. The last man I was with, wasn’t with me very long before he told me that he was damned near certain, that I’d never been in the same room with a man who hadn’t wanted me. He was of course wrong, but it didn’t take too many times being out and about shopping, for me to notice how quickly he shifted feel wise, into protecting his woman mode, as he tended to pick up on the attention I got- that I had long since stopped noticing.

I am skilled at making them mine if that’s what I want, but in many cases I don’t even have to. I don’t understand it since I’m not beautiful, I have some nice features but they sure aren’t my face or stretch mark covered tits, and I make a man stop and stare with a sway of my hips, but just when I’m out and about and not putting any effort into it- men and women are still drawn to something about me. Maybe it’s my energy, that’s what someone I know with over 60 years experience in this shit told me once, but I have no idea. I can tap into the mindset and the feels-but I can’t seem to trace back where they originate from.

Now I am rambling. The point was all this recent male attention from old acquaintances, is my fault. These are seeds I’ve sown in the past, leading them on, letting them think they had a chance with me… but oh if only I was single. Now I’m back here locally, in a super small town, but with many other towns around and well. People talk. I’m single, I’m broke and beaten and I’ve been alone a while… Yeah I can see where they for some reason never let go of that seed I planted. Hell, the one I actually spent some time with was clearly a player and I found it highly amusing how stunned he was to realize that he got played. I’m not sure why it’s so difficult for them to get a clue, but then…

Obsession magic is a real thing ya know. We talk about it around here all the time and about how we can affect others with our energy and well. I’m fairly decent with energy, even if I have not fully comprehended that it was even possible until a few years ago. Sitting here pondering it, and about how my old targets keep showing up in my life, for me to once again toss aside, I have to wonder if that’s not exactly why the still have these wants and feelings for me years later, when they never even had me to begin with.

Maybe I need to do a reversal or something, recall all the energy I wasted on random guys that never had a chance…Though I do find it amusing my new boyfriend gets all worked up about it. I kinda like him a lot, and I’m sure he’s tired of hearing about how great things were with my last guy, but as long this one gets to me before the last one shows up- it’s going to be great. In fact he’s an upgrade in a lot of ways, when you count he’ll play my game, and no momma witches and a few other things I don’t really want to get into atm. I’ve seen far enough to know it can be really pretty amazing, I’m actually happy for the first time in like 9 and half months, and…

The encounters we have and things we talk about and stuff that comes up, it’s almost like living the happiest year of my mother fcking life, all over again- but from the start without any past traumas or hurts.

I’m not really sure where I’m going with this, other than to just let you guys know that I’ve closed another chapter while path working my current past life, and I’m actually pretty happy about it- though I know I’m different from everyone else in how I behave with things like this. I have to take a moment and decided what I feel, and what I think about what I feel, and I’ve been known to downright disappear, to make people think I’ve ghosted them, because I couldn’t handle being around them while I decided.

I’m not going to disappear this time, it wasn’t as difficult to decide what I feel, as it has sometimes been in my current past lives.


I told you not to talk down about yourself so much. You’re not at fault for dumb people who can’t take a hint or are shitty. You’re a beautiful person and I’m glad to be your boyfriend.

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Damn, I feel this so much it hurts. I only need two fingers to count how many times I’ve been called beautiful in my life, but literally need all my toes and fingers to count how many times ive been called ugly to my face, or otherwise over the years. I spent years not being able to look in the mirror for more than 5 seconds… It’s gotten better now but still its something I seriously need to work on. Was hoping to work with lophiel or Haniel someday on this subject, actually.

Relationships for me never happened until I was 25. Im 30 now and still in the same one, but its not glamorous at all, and honestly if we broke up I dont think I’d ever bother looking for another one. They’re too much of an energy drain and I just never can connect to people for very long. I fall hard and lose interest too quickly, for a healthy one. Im glad you found someone though and I hope things stay positive for you. Good luck.