Paranormal Investigator Enthusiast ( Ghost Hunting đź‘»)

Anybody from this forum who is interested to talk about paranormal investigation.

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Have you used the search function? There are other threads on this topic already.

Not very good active threads

Minimum Gadgets Required For Ghost and Spirit Hunting

1 - PSB 7 Spirit Box
2 - Sensitive Audio Recorder ( Sony or Olympus are the best for that )
3 - K2 Meter is optional but would be great if you could get one

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One Valuable Advice:
Use AM frequency in reverse instead of FM in reverse
Because FM has high interference than AM.

This is not really magick though, and the way most ghost “hunters” approach the subject, it’s a sensationalist thrill ride not about spirituality either, they’re tourists gawking at the unfortunate or just making shit up for clicks.

To make this on topic for our forum, as a mage how would you enhance your ghost hunting and make it actually about magick or the spiritual and not cheap horror entertainment?


I got into investigating the paranormal because I wanted to understand why there was so much activity in my home.

I’m an investigator by nature as well as trade, and when people are reporting hearing noises, seeing apparitions, things are being knocked off of walls and shelves, trying to open doors, a black mass appearing, my animals reacting (like my Boston Terrier investigating the spot where that mass appeared the following morning, figuring out something wasn’t kosher, and marking the floor where it had appeared), and one spirit in particular who just loved doing fly-bys (an orb that looked like a blue spark and could be seen with the naked eye) in the bathroom whenever my partner was going pee, not to mention something trying to pull me out of bed, I kind of just wanted to know wtf was going on.

I approached the topic with the respect and seriousness that I would any investigation or research project, even if I couldn’t take a disinterested role. I mean, I was the one paying the mortgage. I think they understood that for the most part.

I can already hear the voiceover intro for our next episode on the Travel Channel: @Agni_Mitra, @DarkestKnight, and myself will be in the Happy Sunshine room on the main level attempting to communicate with spirits using a SB-7 spirit box while @Mulberry spends six hours alone with a voice recorder in the (code 187) room in the far corner of a basement that was designed by carnies in 1902 to mimic a fun house.

(Sorry, I couldn’t resist) ((For those who don’t know, that was basically what happened to Aaron on Ghost Adventures, moreso as the series went on))

In all seriousness though, conducting these paranormal investigations was the catalyst that started me down my current path which brought me here.

If I was able to get hard evidence - not just evidence but intelligent responses to questions being asked - something others were able to do as well - it’s time to check one’s premises, not to mention challenging what we’ve been taught bout the nature of the universe.


To this specifically: While those are nice, the last time I picked up activity and voices, I wasn’t even “ghost hunting.” I was shooting video in an old house for the very mundane reason that it was just a cool looking house.

My setup:

  • Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra

  • DJI Osmo 3 (gimbal)

  • Samsung Galaxy Buds 2

Back when I was rocking the iPhone 6 I remember not picking up any EVPs with it and having to use a good digital voice recorder. I’d still opt for the oice recorder over the phone, but in a pinch today’s flagship phones can work.

(On Topic: Consequently, me being there was how I crossed paths with a local Reike practitioner, which was the first time I networked with someone who was into one of these areas of study IRL).


No voice recorder, magickally this is merely a crutch for muggles and unhelpful because what you get is mostly bullshit.

I’d communicate directly as a medium would, using the same techniques people do in evocations… so, nobody really needs equipment and I don’t trust that what you get is not random or not something else, including your own parasites that you attract doing this activity or brought with you. So, old houses are chock full of multiple entities and they all talk at once, they all feel at once, they all fight each other and the whole thing’s a mess. With equipment you get the tip of the iceberg and completely lose all sense information except for a bit of random text that comes through out of context, and this is very limiting.

I consider modern “hunting” largely role play and utterly useless in most cases. It’s people entertaining themselves at the spirits expense like visiting a zoo.

Many of these spirits are asking for help, and instead they are not listened to, used for amusement given false hope and left to rot. So ghost “hunting” doesn’t exactly impress me from a kindness or integrity standpoint either. Its’ pretty sociopathic. These are often real people we’re talking about, trapped, in pain, and being poked at for fun.

I’m a psychopomp, if a ghost reached out to me I help them across and then there’s no ghost any more, and they can get unstuck and continue their spiritual evolution. I just don’t see many ghost hunters taking that attitude… it’s in the name - they are “hunting” not helping. Some bring mediums to try to help and those I appreciate, at least they tried.


I’d choose to be Amy Allan (Dead Files) over Zak Bagans too. I just didn’t think she was an option for this topic :slightly_smiling_face:

There is a difference between trying to get a thrill or ratings and helping people out. The operative word is “hunting.” Ironically the Ghost Hunters (Roto-Rooter guys) would go around and help families who were experiencing activity, a lot of times debunking the paranormal claims. It was the “Ghost Adventures” crew who were going around to famously haunted places and hunting down ghosts, sometimes intentionally provoking them in the process.

I imagine some of that had to do with the fact they were on the Travel Channel, but your point is still valid.

Again, to be fair, some were attempting to help. Their focus was just on the living.

Going to do a separate reply for personal experiences.

I feel like this is how you end up on the path to Necromancy :smiley: