I have a standing offer from Ebuhuel to help anyone needing to to get out of the Earth’s sphere of influence after the 2nd death if you’re interested.
Ebuhuel is a being specializing in healing from Jared Tempest’s Angels of Omnipotence book.
If you communicate with him in this life he can discuss strategy and options with you. This is just my UPG so far so I’d love to hear about it if you try this whatever you find, yay or nay.
You don’t need a pact, those are for within this life ideally and so don’t apply. This guy just makes a point of helping humans understand their situation and options. Almost a freedom fighter, you could say, though that’s not at all how he’s put it.
I don’t know, but as far as I can tell this entity is an egregore that is fully linked with humanity on Earth, so pacting with her would probably imply staying on Earth and probably as a highly sexual primate species, of which homo sapiens is one. Dolphins are also highly sexual and a good option.
I would say, it’s not so much an “after” life as much as “next” life. If you want sex you pretty much are going to want a physical body with sex hormones that all work.