Pact with Paimon

If you’ve read either of these two threads:



Then you know how I do pacts.

Unlike Baba Yaga and Djehuty,Paimon is a spirit I’ve worked with before.Those spirits had been following me,calling me,and they had been indirect allies of me.

I had contacted them,and eventually made a pact with them.But I have a very special bond with Paimon.I’ve been working with this demon since Day 1 of my Black Magick days.

I’ll be going on a boring trip in two days,and when I return,I will seal this pact with Paimon.

Usually,the pacts I make,are lifelong,not very binding,enlightening and empowering,as well as a written affirmation of life long friendships with spirits,dedication of my ascent,or at least parts of it,to them and their tutelage,the ability to become more like them,and finally,their support whenever I need it.

I am in a massive crossroads point in my life.As I enter high school,I’ll need more creativity for my artistic side,and help with studying,both of which Paimon can help provide.I am going to need to bind the will of others to me,and almost everything Paimon does.

He is going to help me do that,and teach me how to do it myself.

My pact will be written up,and then signed.


I sealed the pact.For three days,I’ve been haggling over the details of our working.This morning,I awoke at 9 AM,hard to believe since I was up until 3.However,something urged me to get out of bed,so I just assumed it was him.

I took some chalk,and removed the carpet.I made some devotional art for Paimon,that I would use to channel him,I had myself humming his enn,and EA’s incantations for summoning spirits,recorded on my phone and had that going.

I drew the circle of pacts on the floor,where the carpet was.The circle of pacts being,the one described in the Second or Third Chapter of the Book of Azazel,Koetting’s rendition of Waite’s circle.

I also prepared a sacrifice for Paimon.I’m not comfortable killing anything,or even hurting myself too much(besides the times my ‘‘compulsions’’ take over),so I exploited some wound I had and drained a couple of drops of blood into a bowl(a cauldron).

I added cranberry juice and water to it,and I consecrated it,to be blood symbolically.In doing so,it was blood,through transubstantiation.I evoked Paimon.As always,darkness was my sole manifestation base.

Two candles were there,and the circle had the Universal Circle’s incantation written on it.I made my demands,and made my agreement with the King Paimon.His patronage for this new journey in my life,has been ensured.

On every non-holiday weekday in my school year,I will summon Paimon and receive his tutelage.His familiars and silent influence will line up things in my life,by making other people cooperate with my wishes.

I,in turn,had promised to honor him,and to share as much of his teachings,in this very thread.

He has also assured me that all will proceed for the greater good.He told me not to worry about the wording or forgetting to add something,or who knows what else.

The pact is simply a written version of our agreement made in Alanya,and it is a mere formality for my mind.Will report more here.


August 30th 2015,Day One,

I evoked Paimon.I didn’t use any circle,or triangle,or other implements.Paimon came swiftly,with a chuckle,and took his place in a chair I left for him in front of me.

The evocation process involved meditating on his enn,circumambulating deosil,and oddly enough,ceremonial dancing.

The chair morphed,in my inner visions,into a mass of serpents,all tied together and coiling.I took my seat on a chair I had set for myself and began taking notes,although as I progressed it was less necessary.

Paimon asked me why I was anxious,and I told him about a bunch of stuff,the main one being the fact that tomorrow was my first day of high school,in a room full of strangers.

The only people I’d know,was a friend from my old French school,and two boys who,in grade school,went out of their way to embarrass me because they have no control over their sexual desires.

After my brief presentation,Paimon told me that I had no reason to be worried.We practiced rhetorics,posture,and he laid on me his blessing,for charisma,which would accumulate momentum with each evocation.

Finally,he and I went to my room where I picked out my clothes for tomorrow,and he helped me convince my parents to actually let me wear it.We decided on another as a compromise to align with my parents not wanting me to feel too hot tomorrow(it’s gonna be a very warm day)

I then went out for a walk and continued my conversation with Paimon,wherein we discussed my plans for my empire,namely what I wanted to achieve through this pact,and with myself and how he’d help me.

He told me I was more determined,and less indecisive than he had imagined,but the details remain fuzzy.I hope to continue evoking this demon to gain further contact.

I am going to be running a small journal on this thread of my experiences,so that you guys know what I’ve been up to with him.


September 1st 2015,Day Two,

I evoked Paimon in the early morning hours,and he helped me lift some of my stress.He told me to start walking,an hour and a half earlier than I had intended,and I was confused.

I went and walked,and on several instances,he insisted that I take a seat on a bench and meditate.I did this for several times,until all the anxiety of the whole social circumstances faded away.

I arrived,and saw no familiar faces.Kids gathered in large groups,while I stood under a pillar to avoid the sunlight.I took notice of the people,and whenever I got intimidated I fed on them.

Then came the weird part,I didn’t know who or what I was feeding on.Apparently,I had tapped into a collected consciousness of the group,pulling energy from anyone.

I was not paired up with the two boys from my old school,but I was paired up with the old friend I had.She was in a foul mood so our conversation was minimal.

The rest of the day had nothing noteworthy from a magical perspective,except for the fact that Thoth came to me,with ‘‘good luck’’ wishes,along with his promise to stay by me.


September 1st 2015,Day Two,

When I was done with my work today,I tried contacting some of my friends,from my old school but few would answer their phones.One of them,in fact,may even be angry with me,for reasons unknown to me,as she isn’t answering her phone.

My other friends are being either incredibly vague and at a lack of words,unenthusiastic and glum,very bored,or in some other ways seeking to end every conversation fast,not responding to texts,and simply not producing much conversation.

I cast a spell on the friend who seems to ignore me.A black magician will always put a plan into effect,.I forgot about the spell,very fast,and in no less than seven hours,Quesonir,a familiar I had received from Azazel,came to me,informing me that the spell had failed,Paimon was to blame.

I soul traveled to this friend,and she felt my presence(though,as a muggle,she’ll dismiss it as nothing,and she doesn’t know of my workings),so now,in my room,at 22 h,I summon Paimon,and ask him about it.

I asked him about it,and he pointed to our pact,saying that he had the right to rearrange some circumstances in my life,if it doesn’t cause me displeasure,so that I could be happier.I told him that that didn’t mean he could severe my attachments,and he told me that he hadn’t ended any friendships,neither are my friends all bored with me,nor is that one friend angry at me.

I asked him to explain,and he told me that he simply wanted to revamp my friends,and improve their quality.He was isolating them,in order to let them adapt to their new environment,and undergo a transformation that would render them more mature.

I too,he claims,would undergo such a transformation,and so it would be best to leave them be.I trust the demon,and am sure he will lead me to success simply if I surrender circumstances into his hands.

Beyond this severing,I am to make new friends,a task that Paimon will be helping me with,as well as academic goals.I have a quartz crystal charged to ensure prosperity in the first endeavor,and Djehuty there to help Paimon in the second.

I have also Soul Traveled to Master Sunham,and gained permission to go with him tomorrow to the Formative Plane,now as I ascend my way back through the macrocosm.

Paimon has told me that his advice,comes to me now,and here.P will represent Paimon,F will represent me (Feđa)

P:And you will work.You need not work fast,and you need not work hard.You simply need to learn,to grow,and to express that growth and knowledge through active action.That is what I am helping you with.I teach you,and permit you to grow,so that you may express it.

F:And I thank you for your help,mighty king.Tell me,though,what is it that I need to work on?

P:Do what thou wilt,as they say.In my opinion,the true thing you need to know is to learn to organize your time.Since you exited that abyss of your life,time has stepped out,as your single and uttermost valuable commodity,something you speak about much.Do not waste it.When you entered under my tutelage,you were already much better at seeing how to spend your time.The more you progress,the better you’ll be at it,and grow.That is what I’ve done,and yours is to express it.Learn to see something lovely,and something good in even the dullest things that you study,or do,and you will know true power.

F:Yes,of course.

P:What do you want to do tomorrow,if I may ask?

F:I would rather not share my entire schedule to the BALG forum.So I will tell you of my plans,and we will wrap up the discussion off-screen,if you please.

P:I have no qualms with it.

(I’ve outlined my day with Paimon tomorrow,and we added a thing that I needed to get back to.He said he’d help make my day tomorrow amazing.)

P:There is a power in thought,that makes it an action in and of itself.

F:Yes indeed,as we’ve demonstrated many times.Do I need to do anything in particular for tomorrow?

P:Be good to others and they will be good to you.

F:I’m always good to others.

P:I’ve noticed.

F:Paimon,do you have any questions for me?

P:How do you see yourself,in the nearer future?

F:This is another question I am not answering on the BALG forum,but that I will tell you.

I am sorry,guys,I am going to end this channeling session here,but it was fun.I hope some of this helped.Please,do not judge some of the things I ask,or Paimon says,very few people have exact details of where I am right now in my life,even though you’re perfectly aware of my hardships there is a lot in this life I don’t share,with you.

And there’s stuff I share with you that I don’t share with the rest of the world(like everything magickal I post!),so the spirit guides I have are some of the few people who know almost everything about me,and even they are in the dark on some stuff.

Thank you for tuning in,I will post once more tomorrow.


September 2nd 2015,Day Three,

Not much has happened today,as Paimon didn’t come to me in school,nor did I feel the urge to call on him.I just came back from a half an hour long ritual.

The guy who went with me to grade school,happened to have been something of a ladies man.THis is problematic,because while he isn’t in the same grade as I am,he is in the same grade as a girl I’ve had my eye on,who,as you might imagine,isn’t in my grade.

I deemed it was time for some sort of magical action,especially when it was all in it’s infancy.I made a simply poppet of him,took a piece of black yarn,and started binding him,when Paimon yelled at me,and said stop!

What followed was a ritual I performed,to bind someone,who may have an eye on the same person as you,and then to get that person to like you.Mind you,I have NO idea whether it worked or not,and I usually suck at Love Magic,but I have a VERY good feeling about this particular working.

I laid out two candles,one in the northwest corner,and one in the southeast corner.No circle was drawn.A poppet,and black yarn stood wherever(ideally,this would be placed on your altar),and a kettle of water,was put,where I could heat it,and finally,a small bay leaf(which I will explain together).

I opened my chakras and meditated,sinking through the rings of reality pushing it through the rapture state,until I was at the Crossroads.Barely breathing,I simply whispered:‘‘Linan tesa jedan Paimon’’,over and over,and over again until the rhythm swept me away.

Finally,I saw a figure materialize in the northwest corner,right behind the candle.In fact,he was coming out of the candle,this was Paimon.I called out to Paimon by all his qualities and traits.

In the southeast,I did the same with Hekate.She was known as an excellent binder.Not only that,she could help me with the girl,because of her innate sway over feminine energies.

I called out to them both,gazed into the poppet,and commanded the boy,by his full name,to fill the poppet,and be bound by my magic.Apparently,I felt some sort of resistance.

He’s kind of religious.It wouldn’t surprise me if he had some sort of apotropaics warding the magick off,but that was swiftly bypassed when I waved my RIGHT hand,over the poppet,and I simply began to wrap the yarn around whispering,‘‘you are bound,you are bound,you are bound…’’

After which,I told the poppet,what I wanted it(or rather DIDN’T want) it to do.I bound him,in black chains in my mind,keeping him from acting.My exact words were,‘‘any sparks that may have ensued,let them die.Any fires that may burn,let them be quenched.Fires of lust,will be shallow and devoid of pleasure.Fires of love,will be weak,and devoid of affection.I command thee to detach…’’

And then the weird part happened.This part is a completely unplanned part.I CRUSHED the poppet,in my right arm,and I said:‘‘By the Right Hand of God,and God is me,by the right hand of judgement,of light and compassion,my will is done.’’

I threw the poppet to the floor,violently,and said:‘‘Seal.’’ and immediately,the poppet was beginning to take effect,he was sealed.

But it went farther.My right hand,still in a fist,and my left hand,in this weird claw thing,I circumambulated deosil,saying:‘‘Hecate,oh Triple Goddess,Paimon,oh mighty guardian of mine,join me in my celebration!’’

I hoped around while I circled,and I could FEEL both of the ancient gods who I had called,that were there simply to lend me a hand and let my magic flow,they started running around with me.We continued this,until both of them bound the poppet.ANd then I made a big self empowerment speech that went something like.

‘‘By my right hand,I am the Divine,the Light that will never fade,and the purest of the holy.By my left hand,I am the Shadow that burns,and the Devil that rises.By my Mind,I am the Creator and the Destroyer,and by my will,I will it be done.’’

Then,my battle for consciousness ensued as the trance overtook me.I wrote the name of the girl in question on the bay leaf,and charged it.Then I threw it into the kettle,and began to boil the water inside.

The water boiled,and the vapours rose.I use those vapours for the materialization of the spirit,this time,I was materializing her by pushing my will,and calling out to her.

I had done the Devil’s Stone ritual many many times,and Paimon knew I was experimenting with it a lot in the past few weeks,but even now,the use for it is not somethign I’ve done before.

Despite the fact that she materialized quickly,I kept solidifying her in the next five minutes or so,and then commanded that she come to me,and blah blah blah.

I had expressed a ton of emotions,and threw them into the construct that I had structured,literally exhausting all of my feelings.At that point I fell to the floor and almost blacked out.Wouldn’t be the first time,though.

I got up,because while sleepy,I did not want to go just yet.I threw the poppet in the garbage(best way for me to forget about it completely,it had served it’s purpose to me),and laid out a cup of tea,using the water from the bay leaf as the water.

According to Paimon,the tea is a ceremonial beverage,which will seal the spell,and detach me of the lingering emotions that make all of my other love magics backfire.He told me not to talk to the girl until a certain point.

The tea smells icky and I have yet to drink it,but if it will empower me as much…

Anyways,bay leaves have a strong significance,because by writing a wish on the bay leaf and burning it that wish will come true.

Paimon and I go way back in our usage of watery magics.Water is just as viable a magical gateway as fire,if not more potent.I learned to replace candles with bowls of water since I started in my magic.

I guess that by burning it,you’re sending your wishes to the other side,which is more or less the same thing I did by getting the bay leaf boiled.

Finally,since Paimon is in the West,and seems(at least to me) to associate with the element of water A LOT,I’ve been told to research ceremonial beverages,and elixirs.I will report further when I’ve dug deeper.

Tonight is a blood moon,so odds are my lessons with this demon aren’t complete for today.

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Im a bit confused, but why did Paimon say stop?

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Because I was about to cast a half-baked binding spell,with my own black magick,and he came in and said something like(I’m paraphrasing):‘‘Stop what you’re doing,that’s not how we’re gonna bind someone,let me show you a real binding ritual!’’

I mean,I was gonna visualize the guy being bound,with the intention,and wrap a poppet in yarn,but Paimon,he gave me a very intense experience,and a more sophisticated spell.

I also forgot to mention that I got my ancestors involved a bit,calling out to them BY NAME.

People dead that I hadn’t even met came to my mind,and I called to them,and I felt the room gather as I commanded them from their graves.


Good for you. Reading your post I had to comment in a Unfair World like this, we are put into a System where Black Magick is True Justice. If we were to work said Black Magick, instead of jumping through the ordinary hoops we would be told all sorts of garbage to keep us from doing it. But most importantly, there is nothing wrong with the regular things society set out for us to use; what is wrong with it though is it is highly manipulated in a number of ways. So I see Black Magick as a sort of Equalizer.


September 3rd 2015,Day Four,

Today’s experience with King Paimon was actually very brief.A long time ago,I had visited Paimon’s kingdom,through a special gateway he had given me.He had promised me,the gateway would be used again,and I would go there again.Paimon’s realm was an interesting one for me.

I remember a sky that was between scarlet,and crimson,but it was definitively red.There was sand…pink sand,and a lot of pillars.They looked doric in nature,almost like Greek,but the writings on them looked more Aramatic(plus doric pillars don’t have any inscriptions).The pillars went around a platform,that housed drawings,Egyptian.Finally,the place itself carried an altar,which looked Persian.It felt like all of the Middle Eastern Cultures were mashed up into one.

I journeyed to an Oasis in this world,where I was soon met by many steps,and several glass constructs.There,hidden in a small bayou,with butterflies surrounding him,I saw a man,dark-skinned,with slightly Asian features,jet-black hair,a beard and a red robe.In a way,he reminded me of a friendly version of Lo Pan,from Big Trouble in Little China.

I asked the spirit the simply question of who he was,but he replied by saying he was no demon.He was no angel.This man,was a man.He was an Ascendant Master,and according to him,taught the mysteries of spirit evocation.

Mind you,this was last Fall.Now,that I have made my pact,King Paimon reached out to me,and something told me I had to visit this master.I evoked Paimon,in the nocturnal air,simply to have a brief conversation.

He told me that this master,was named Master Kalaras.In the Zagros mountains,in Iran,Kurdistan and Eastern Turkey,there was a very secluded temple,much like Sunham’s,and Darshwan’s,and all the other masters.

This one,was literally IN the mountains.As in,it was INSIDE the mountains,according to Paimon.I had never heard of this mountain range in my entire life,and having googled it right after my experiences,I am stunned,that these mountains,are a very real very physical place.And I know that like many places in the Middle East,the veil is mostly torn there.

I closed my eyes,breathed out,and stepped out of my body.I closed my spiritual eyes,and brought my mind to the temple on the insides.I saw pillars,red in color,inside a cavernous construct poorly illuminated by torches.

The ground was mostly cracked stones,but it was clear that someone had made them.And as I walked there,I noticed one thing I never EVER saw with Sunham,or with Darshwan…this place was EMPTY.No one had come there,in Soul Travel or flesh.

I saw the same master as I had in the vision.I turned to my right,and saw a man,dressed like what can only be called a supreme padishah,in opulent clothing,a sort of moustache that reminded me of the Kaiser Franz Joseph I of Austria.Despite the extravagant Oriental clothing,the crown on this blue-eyed fellow,was very European.Despite the facial hair,his facial features,were incredibly effeminate,especially his lips and cheekbones. knew this was King Paimon.In the same manifestation he had always manifested for me.

‘‘You have visited him in my realm,now you will visit him in yours.’’

He told me.

I did the same as I would in the flesh and shook Master Kalaras’s hand,and made my introduction,presenting myself by name,and title,and such.He told me that he is there to teach me to be better at evocation,for even I,according to him,have a lot to learn.

Evocation has always been one of my favorite magical arts,and the one I use most often.I’ve learned to do more than just evoke spirits,and see spirits.We’re talking binding spirits to fetish items,the Devil’s Stone ritual,and full blown possession,and exorcism,but I know that practice isn’t the only thing I needed in evocation.I needed more depths,I needed to revamp my methods,and to strengthen myself.

The first thing,this master told me,was that to begin,we will start at the root of it all.Fortify the mind.To do this,I am to meditate daily.I already told him that I do meditate daily,already.And constantly.Today,I meditated like five times.He told me that that’s great.This time he wanted me to visualize being surrounded by violet fire.

Violet fire,that I would breathe into myself and absorb,like those exercises of assuming an element in Elemental Magic.Except,I would breathe in the fire.Once it was in me,I would pull it’s power out.And then,he told me,I’d breathe out ordinary fire,leaving the violet part inside and releasing the fiery.

He told me to do this for a week,after which my mind will not only strenghten,and my visualizations,but 'd be able to pull energy from within,as this will also enhance the Ze’al chakra.

I invite anyone else to try this with me.

I’ve also received results from yesterday’s binding spell,that are going to keep on growing I am told.The boy,that I bound,had already found a new girlfriend(before you ask,‘‘isn’t it just day three?’’ yes,yes it is.I did mention he was ladies man?),and the girl,who I had NOT COMPELLED through love spell,but who I had BROUGHT FORTH through the Devil’s Stone ritual,shot glances at me.

The glances in question weren’t flirtatious,or even necessarily positive emotions.But they were glances.I also looked at her aura today,which was in a powerful state of serenity,and it was GREEN.

This pleases me.I also divined her spirit animal.Something odd,because I’ve never done that for anyone before.Her spirit animal is a cat.The way this manifested was that when I scried at her(courtesy of looking at her aura),the first vision to come was of a big grey nebelung,and then an egyptian mau,and cats repeating themselves.

So as I breathed the visions forth to see what would happen,I did happen to notice it,to a degree that now it seems…obvious actually.For a brief moment,I could describe her facial features as ‘‘feline’’ whatever the hell that meant,and I could tell it by the way she glanced and moved,with the non-attachment of cats(as far as I’ve noticed,a lot of the times,it seems to cats like it’s a coincidence you’re in the same room as it).

This brings up a curious prospect,on whether or not I can go to her dreamscape,or even communicate with her,through her spirit animal.And get access,to her spirit animal,via mine.I would have to experiment with some stuff relating to shamanic core-journeying,which has for now,been mostly about me going deep INSIDE OF MYSELF in order to produce something OUTSIDE OF MYSELF.Hmm…I’ll have to talk to Lady Eva about communicating with another person’s spirit animal,and such…Eva if you’re reading this,would love to hear an answer.

FINALLY,Paimon told me to start evoking the Dark Fay more.According to him,during the Blood Moon they were all in a more silent state,to perform their own rituals,but now they’re in full sway.

I will work with them,and get details that I promised in my thread ‘‘Pathworking with the Fay’’ safe to say I’ve had a lot on my plate and HAVE NOT forgotten about it!


September 4th 2015,Day Five,

I have not communed with Paimon today,besides a brief conversation we had.The conversation went like this:

F:Paimon,what are the Akashic Records?

P:They are a set of records,detailing information,not just on humanity,but on everything as a whole.The imprint left by any motion in the Universe leavs some sort of imprint,which when gathered into the world of the mental,formulate the House of Akashic Records.

F:I’ve visited the House with Master Quarz,but I still wonder whether I’d be ready to visit it on my own,or with you.What advice would you give me,when accepting the information?

P:To remember a few things.The first is not to swallow all of the information at once,and another is to,make sure that you remember,it takes weeks for it to distill into the mind.All daydreaming,is devoted to the information,so if you do so for an examination or the likes,you are going to plan in advance.At which point,the mundane act of studying,when coupled with this magical application is useful.

F:Should I start?

P:Not until you’ve done the Master Kalaras’s meditation for at least five days.

F:Today is day one,and it already went splendidly,what do you believe we should talk about now?

P:When you are in need of knowledge,you will summon me.

At this point,Paimon’s voice faded away,and his presence disappeared,so I dismissed him with:‘‘Thank you for being with me,King Paimon,blessings on you.’’

This conversation occured several minutes ago.I meditated this morning,on the violet flame,and the results were staggering.Which is to say,that today’s circumstances aligned for me in a way that I’ve seldom experienced with meditation.I experienced much disappointment today,over overly personal topics,and by the end of it,I felt disappointed,disgusted,ecstatic,excited,anxious,angry,happy and just fine.

Puberty may be to blame for some of those,but overall,even after a mostly ordinary day,I find ways to make it much less ordinary.I believe that under Master Kalaras,I will be experimenting more with the Devil’s Stone.


Pardon my intrusion on your post, just wanted to say I have enjoyed reading this because some of the things you wrote that I have experienced too, match up with my own encounters so it has served to further verify that I was in contact with the same spirit as you and not a figment of my imagination.


слава! King Paimon!

I wonder about… him is he, well lets left this unspoken for now.

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Intrusions mean more to me than mere likes. This small journal is a project I’m doing thati may end up compiling into a Book Of Azazel type thing. Also this pact is going to be followed om every weekday ao nothing.during weekends.

However, Paimon he pulled.some strings mot.just in my life but the lives of others as I requested. A friend of a clown,one of the last ones around. H today. He got some media attention, did an.interview on TV people are more and more in.need of a clown so his business skyrocketed,and his son’s health improved dramatically.

According to him,all.of this happened in.the past few weeks,when.the pact was signed and Paimon.took credit.

Please,tell me where our experiences match up as I LOVE hearing that.

As for Black Flame yes!Slava.Paimonu! Hail Paimon!

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Uh, I really hope we both do not have the same idea in mind because I am currently finishing up my other book but I have started a second book which I have not spoken about publicly and this was something I agreed to do with King Paimon and as you said, it is supposed to be like a Book of Azazel type thing but featuring him instead. Surely, he did not give us both the same idea? That’s cool, but if you do follow thru with this as a book, it would not surprise me to see us both come up with the exact same name for our two separate books.

I went into a deep meditation the other night far beyond just visuals to the point I started astral walking. I found myself in the usual astral temple that I always seem to go to and there was some furniture to make it more inviting to the human mind, droves of books all around me on every wall and there was King Paimon presented to me in the form of a giant, not really the type of giant from a fairy tale but he was giant compared to my size like 9 feet tall big burly muscular man, human like appearance with a goatee beard. His outfit was Arabian style, white and gold and he was wearing something that looked like a turban on his head.

He actually reminded me of a Djinn or Genie the way he was dressed or possibly Arabian royalty. He always appears to me in the form of a large muscular body guard. But anyway, my ears start to buzz as if I have bees on each side of my head buzzing in a low hum, and the sound in the room around me becomes muffled like I suddenly had ear plugs in and I hear this loud echoing voice that reminded me of the cave of wonders in the Aladdin movie, deep and powerful, the sand dune that opens up and says “who disturbs my slumber?” it sounded like that. He says “Welcome my child”. I said hello, what is this place exactly because I have been here before during my astral journeys.

He tells me it was a hall of knowledge, a temple of education and magick, a place to discover locked portions of my mind, body, and soul, an esoteric temple. He tells me to make myself at home and feel free to use any of the books contained within to reveal their secrets. That entire library room was made of wood in but some things were accented in marble that alternated from light gray to a deep gray/navy blue mix. There was this outside walkway with marble floors and a roof overtop and giant marble pillars lined up on each side that connected to a separate building and from that walkway I could see a garden on each side, both gardens were mirror images of each other, beautiful mazes and statues made of neatly trimmed hedges and bushes, fountains, stone benches.

He told me there was an altar room in that temple as well that can be used to do ritual from inside of the temple but to find it I had to complete some tasks first to unlock the privelage of going in that room, otherwise the room would remain invisible because only a small portion of the temple was revealed to me, the rest of the building had a magickal wall in place that kept me from going further. So the only thing I have access to right now is the upper and lower level book rooms and the gardens outside.

There is also an office type room that says Administrator on the door so I asked who is in charge here and was told “you are”. I said, so If I’m in charge then why don’t I have access to the entire temple, why is half of this place sealed off to me? He says, “Because one can be in charge but still hold responsibility for the boundaries and barriers which limit them.” So basically, I was the reason the other half of the temple was sealed off to me, no one was keeping me locked out of those forbidden rooms but myself which I took to mean I need to overcome some challenges to truly embrace the entirety of my inner sanctuary. And I started breathing in these purple flames and literally felt the heat in my lungs and the tingle from the flames on my body. It was not a deep purple color, more like a pinkish purple color flame.


September 7th,Day Six,

Evoked King Paimon to full physical materialization,in pure darkness,towards midnight yestereve.Paimon readily agreed to fulfill several of my requests,something that shocked me,since I was being a whiny and demanding brat.

We discussed not just what doors he can open for me in the near future,but also how and when I may step through such doors.He offered me a flower.The flower was visible purely to my spiritual senses,and I could not touch it clearly,but it was an astral flower nonetheless.

He told me to keep on working with Master Kalaras.I Soul traveled to him today,and Kalaras told me that I wasn’t ready for my next teaching until I had done the violet flame meditation five times in a week.So,into the fire,I go.

I have a good feeling about this week.I will also consecrate tea,today,to grant me strength to get me through the day.My ordinarily poor appetite has weakened as well.This worries me,as I would like nothing more than to be more hungry,more often,and gain more weight,as I am underweight,through no fault of my own.

I will have to ask King Paimon about that.


[quote=“Arcane, post:6, topic:5992”]September 2nd 2015,Day Three,

Not much has happened today,as Paimon didn’t come to me in school,nor did I feel the urge to call on him.I just came back from a half an hour long ritual.

The guy who went with me to grade school,happened to have been something of a ladies man.THis is problematic,because while he isn’t in the same grade as I am,he is in the same grade as a girl I’ve had my eye on,who,as you might imagine,isn’t in my grade.

I deemed it was time for some sort of magical action,especially when it was all in it’s infancy.I made a simply poppet of him,took a piece of black yarn,and started binding him,when Paimon yelled at me,and said stop!

What followed was a ritual I performed,to bind someone,who may have an eye on the same person as you,and then to get that person to like you.Mind you,I have NO idea whether it worked or not,and I usually suck at Love Magic,but I have a VERY good feeling about this particular working.

I laid out two candles,one in the northwest corner,and one in the southeast corner.No circle was drawn.A poppet,and black yarn stood wherever(ideally,this would be placed on your altar),and a kettle of water,was put,where I could heat it,and finally,a small bay leaf(which I will explain together).

I opened my chakras and meditated,sinking through the rings of reality pushing it through the rapture state,until I was at the Crossroads.Barely breathing,I simply whispered:‘‘Linan tesa jedan Paimon’’,over and over,and over again until the rhythm swept me away.

Finally,I saw a figure materialize in the northwest corner,right behind the candle.In fact,he was coming out of the candle,this was Paimon.I called out to Paimon by all his qualities and traits.

In the southeast,I did the same with Hekate.She was known as an excellent binder.Not only that,she could help me with the girl,because of her innate sway over feminine energies.

I called out to them both,gazed into the poppet,and commanded the boy,by his full name,to fill the poppet,and be bound by my magic.Apparently,I felt some sort of resistance.

He’s kind of religious.It wouldn’t surprise me if he had some sort of apotropaics warding the magick off,but that was swiftly bypassed when I waved my RIGHT hand,over the poppet,and I simply began to wrap the yarn around whispering,‘‘you are bound,you are bound,you are bound…’’

After which,I told the poppet,what I wanted it(or rather DIDN’T want) it to do.I bound him,in black chains in my mind,keeping him from acting.My exact words were,‘‘any sparks that may have ensued,let them die.Any fires that may burn,let them be quenched.Fires of lust,will be shallow and devoid of pleasure.Fires of love,will be weak,and devoid of affection.I command thee to detach…’’

And then the weird part happened.This part is a completely unplanned part.I CRUSHED the poppet,in my right arm,and I said:‘‘By the Right Hand of God,and God is me,by the right hand of judgement,of light and compassion,my will is done.’’

I threw the poppet to the floor,violently,and said:‘‘Seal.’’ and immediately,the poppet was beginning to take effect,he was sealed.

But it went farther.My right hand,still in a fist,and my left hand,in this weird claw thing,I circumambulated deosil,saying:‘‘Hecate,oh Triple Goddess,Paimon,oh mighty guardian of mine,join me in my celebration!’’

I hoped around while I circled,and I could FEEL both of the ancient gods who I had called,that were there simply to lend me a hand and let my magic flow,they started running around with me.We continued this,until both of them bound the poppet.ANd then I made a big self empowerment speech that went something like.

‘‘By my right hand,I am the Divine,the Light that will never fade,and the purest of the holy.By my left hand,I am the Shadow that burns,and the Devil that rises.By my Mind,I am the Creator and the Destroyer,and by my will,I will it be done.’’

Then,my battle for consciousness ensued as the trance overtook me.I wrote the name of the girl in question on the bay leaf,and charged it.Then I threw it into the kettle,and began to boil the water inside.

The water boiled,and the vapours rose.I use those vapours for the materialization of the spirit,this time,I was materializing her by pushing my will,and calling out to her.

I had done the Devil’s Stone ritual many many times,and Paimon knew I was experimenting with it a lot in the past few weeks,but even now,the use for it is not somethign I’ve done before.

Despite the fact that she materialized quickly,I kept solidifying her in the next five minutes or so,and then commanded that she come to me,and blah blah blah.

I had expressed a ton of emotions,and threw them into the construct that I had structured,literally exhausting all of my feelings.At that point I fell to the floor and almost blacked out.Wouldn’t be the first time,though.

I got up,because while sleepy,I did not want to go just yet.I threw the poppet in the garbage(best way for me to forget about it completely,it had served it’s purpose to me),and laid out a cup of tea,using the water from the bay leaf as the water.

According to Paimon,the tea is a ceremonial beverage,which will seal the spell,and detach me of the lingering emotions that make all of my other love magics backfire.He told me not to talk to the girl until a certain point.

The tea smells icky and I have yet to drink it,but if it will empower me as much…

Anyways,bay leaves have a strong significance,because by writing a wish on the bay leaf and burning it that wish will come true.

Paimon and I go way back in our usage of watery magics.Water is just as viable a magical gateway as fire,if not more potent.I learned to replace candles with bowls of water since I started in my magic.

I guess that by burning it,you’re sending your wishes to the other side,which is more or less the same thing I did by getting the bay leaf boiled.

Finally,since Paimon is in the West,and seems(at least to me) to associate with the element of water A LOT,I’ve been told to research ceremonial beverages,and elixirs.I will report further when I’ve dug deeper.

Tonight is a blood moon,so odds are my lessons with this demon aren’t complete for today.[/quote]I’m not quite on your level of communication with King Paimon since recently signing a pact with him. I followed your ritual last night. I have never worked with goddess Hecate. I brought her grapes and a cigar for King Paimon. After summoning her from the south east(as you indicated) she manifested as I got lighter in my body & mind told me she likes the fragrance of the honeysuckle candle I had nearby. Without hesitation,I little the candle and humbly offered it to her as an offering. She appeared to me as a young beautiful woman. She resembles the Japanese anime cartoons only so lifelike ! She assured me that the work of King Paimon is manifesting. She said as the King persuades her mind,she on the other hand will touch her heart/emotions. I took the male poppet(husband) after binding him,put him in a plastic bag and threw him in the garbage can out by the ally,lol! King Paimon instructed me to do no more rituals pertaining to this working & forget about it. Oh,I forgot to add that I followed up burning the bay leaf after it was boiled and willed my desire deep into the manifesting towards the woman of my wish. I have to tell you guys I felt so good about this outcome that it put a big smile on my face. Thanks brother Arcane for sharing that ritual !


[quote=“pinoyboyz, post:17, topic:5992”][quote=“Arcane, post:6, topic:5992”]September 2nd 2015,Day Three,

Not much has happened today,as Paimon didn’t come to me in school,nor did I feel the urge to call on him.I just came back from a half an hour long ritual.

The guy who went with me to grade school,happened to have been something of a ladies man.THis is problematic,because while he isn’t in the same grade as I am,he is in the same grade as a girl I’ve had my eye on,who,as you might imagine,isn’t in my grade.

I deemed it was time for some sort of magical action,especially when it was all in it’s infancy.I made a simply poppet of him,took a piece of black yarn,and started binding him,when Paimon yelled at me,and said stop!

What followed was a ritual I performed,to bind someone,who may have an eye on the same person as you,and then to get that person to like you.Mind you,I have NO idea whether it worked or not,and I usually suck at Love Magic,but I have a VERY good feeling about this particular working.

I laid out two candles,one in the northwest corner,and one in the southeast corner.No circle was drawn.A poppet,and black yarn stood wherever(ideally,this would be placed on your altar),and a kettle of water,was put,where I could heat it,and finally,a small bay leaf(which I will explain together).

I opened my chakras and meditated,sinking through the rings of reality pushing it through the rapture state,until I was at the Crossroads.Barely breathing,I simply whispered:‘‘Linan tesa jedan Paimon’’,over and over,and over again until the rhythm swept me away.

Finally,I saw a figure materialize in the northwest corner,right behind the candle.In fact,he was coming out of the candle,this was Paimon.I called out to Paimon by all his qualities and traits.

In the southeast,I did the same with Hekate.She was known as an excellent binder.Not only that,she could help me with the girl,because of her innate sway over feminine energies.

I called out to them both,gazed into the poppet,and commanded the boy,by his full name,to fill the poppet,and be bound by my magic.Apparently,I felt some sort of resistance.

He’s kind of religious.It wouldn’t surprise me if he had some sort of apotropaics warding the magick off,but that was swiftly bypassed when I waved my RIGHT hand,over the poppet,and I simply began to wrap the yarn around whispering,‘‘you are bound,you are bound,you are bound…’’

After which,I told the poppet,what I wanted it(or rather DIDN’T want) it to do.I bound him,in black chains in my mind,keeping him from acting.My exact words were,‘‘any sparks that may have ensued,let them die.Any fires that may burn,let them be quenched.Fires of lust,will be shallow and devoid of pleasure.Fires of love,will be weak,and devoid of affection.I command thee to detach…’’

And then the weird part happened.This part is a completely unplanned part.I CRUSHED the poppet,in my right arm,and I said:‘‘By the Right Hand of God,and God is me,by the right hand of judgement,of light and compassion,my will is done.’’

I threw the poppet to the floor,violently,and said:‘‘Seal.’’ and immediately,the poppet was beginning to take effect,he was sealed.

But it went farther.My right hand,still in a fist,and my left hand,in this weird claw thing,I circumambulated deosil,saying:‘‘Hecate,oh Triple Goddess,Paimon,oh mighty guardian of mine,join me in my celebration!’’

I hoped around while I circled,and I could FEEL both of the ancient gods who I had called,that were there simply to lend me a hand and let my magic flow,they started running around with me.We continued this,until both of them bound the poppet.ANd then I made a big self empowerment speech that went something like.

‘‘By my right hand,I am the Divine,the Light that will never fade,and the purest of the holy.By my left hand,I am the Shadow that burns,and the Devil that rises.By my Mind,I am the Creator and the Destroyer,and by my will,I will it be done.’’

Then,my battle for consciousness ensued as the trance overtook me.I wrote the name of the girl in question on the bay leaf,and charged it.Then I threw it into the kettle,and began to boil the water inside.

The water boiled,and the vapours rose.I use those vapours for the materialization of the spirit,this time,I was materializing her by pushing my will,and calling out to her.

I had done the Devil’s Stone ritual many many times,and Paimon knew I was experimenting with it a lot in the past few weeks,but even now,the use for it is not somethign I’ve done before.

Despite the fact that she materialized quickly,I kept solidifying her in the next five minutes or so,and then commanded that she come to me,and blah blah blah.

I had expressed a ton of emotions,and threw them into the construct that I had structured,literally exhausting all of my feelings.At that point I fell to the floor and almost blacked out.Wouldn’t be the first time,though.

I got up,because while sleepy,I did not want to go just yet.I threw the poppet in the garbage(best way for me to forget about it completely,it had served it’s purpose to me),and laid out a cup of tea,using the water from the bay leaf as the water.

According to Paimon,the tea is a ceremonial beverage,which will seal the spell,and detach me of the lingering emotions that make all of my other love magics backfire.He told me not to talk to the girl until a certain point.

The tea smells icky and I have yet to drink it,but if it will empower me as much…

Anyways,bay leaves have a strong significance,because by writing a wish on the bay leaf and burning it that wish will come true.

Paimon and I go way back in our usage of watery magics.Water is just as viable a magical gateway as fire,if not more potent.I learned to replace candles with bowls of water since I started in my magic.

I guess that by burning it,you’re sending your wishes to the other side,which is more or less the same thing I did by getting the bay leaf boiled.

Finally,since Paimon is in the West,and seems(at least to me) to associate with the element of water A LOT,I’ve been told to research ceremonial beverages,and elixirs.I will report further when I’ve dug deeper.

Tonight is a blood moon,so odds are my lessons with this demon aren’t complete for today.[/quote]I’m not quite on your level of communication with King Paimon since recently signing a pact with him. I followed your ritual last night. I have never worked with goddess Hecate. I brought her grapes and a cigar for King Paimon. After summoning her from the south east(as you indicated) she manifested as I got lighter in my body & mind told me she likes the fragrance of the honeysuckle candle I had nearby. Without hesitation,I little the candle and humbly offered it to her as an offering. She appeared to me as a young beautiful woman. She resembles the Japanese anime cartoons only so lifelike ! She assured me that the work of King Paimon is manifesting. She said as the King persuades her mind,she on the other hand will touch her heart/emotions. I took the male poppet(husband) after binding him,put him in a plastic bag and threw him in the garbage can out by the ally,lol! King Paimon instructed me to do no more rituals pertaining to this working & forget about it. Oh,I forgot to add that I followed up burning the bay leaf after it was boiled and willed my desire deep into the manifesting towards the woman of my wish. I have to tell you guys I felt so good about this outcome that it put a big smile on my face. Thanks brother Arcane for sharing that ritual ![/quote]

You’ll be shocked at how flattered and happy this makes me!I won’t ask what the ritual was for,it isn’t any of my business to question the morality of breaking up a married couple,or if I misread that I do not know.

I just know that I,I mean we,gave you a spell,that is being put into effect,and has empowered you this much.Btw,great choice of offering,grapes are something I love to offer up to the Greco-Roman gods.

Overall,thank you,good luck and you’re welcome!


September 8th,Day Seven,

Today was another,yet amazing,day.The first odd thing,is that yesterday,my biology teacher,recognized me,despite the fact that I had never met this woman.When I asked her how she knew of me,she claimed it was by reputation alone.

I had apparently made a positive reputation among teachers,in less than four days,that had been rather impressive.I take French,because when I was younger,I went to a French school.But in some of the past years,I studied German,so my application for this high school reads German/French as my third language.

I climbed up with a couple of colleagues,for French class.The interesting part,was the story I heard when I got back down.According to them,the German teacher had asked,almost right after the class started:‘‘Wait,where is Feđa?’’

Before being informed that I was at French.Again,this too seems to be reputation alone.Discipline,as well as schoolwork from my grade school unite,along with what the charisma I’ve had over the past few days alone could make of me.

Feel free to call me a teacher’s pet,but I reiterate that this is not only teachers.

There’s people,I’ve met in the distant past,in places enjoyable,and miserable,happy or sad,light or dark,that go to this school,and only seldom do such people recognize me.So I’ve done the work for them,I happily went to say hi to everyone I knew,who are in higher grades,and outside.

These people,even those who didn’t even like me much at the time,now seem instantly pleased with my presence,as though I’ve literally grown a glow around myself.

As the cherry on top,I will add that I finally,went ahead and introduced myself to the girl that I had had my eye on.Mind you,she wasn’t alone,she had a friend with her.Nevertheless,I know that few would’ve done it the way I did it.Paimon told me that he’d open the door at some point,and that I’d simply have to walk him,and that he’d inform me when such a door would be opened,while it was being opened.

What I hadn’t anticipated the build-up he prepared.He didn’t just say ‘‘go talk to her!’’ in one instant.He knew that if he had done that,I’d spend a half hour contemplating on what to say,and simply end up ripping myself to shreds.So,he went down the road,of bringing us very close,and making me think about her.

This,in turn,coupled with some of my regular mood swings,until I was jumping from happy to miserable.The light-headedness,and stomach butterflies don’t even begin to describe what I was going through,because my throat was sore,and most oddly,my eyes constantly gravitated to the place where the ceiling and the wall met.

I could still keep track of the class,despite the fact that the topic at hand was something I had already mastered and the teacher was extremely boring.I knew how odd I looked,almost constantly moving,sometimes twitching,rocking back and forth,etc. but I genuinely believe that I had entered into a rapture state,in the middle of class,as I had gotten to evoke Baba Yaga during a break.

The solidity of her materialization was brilliant,and such a trance has proved reproduceable.During the slightly larger break,I went ahead and presented myself to her,and all of that Jazz.Nevertheless,I am not fully content,I expect the solidification of those results,and my own application of the resources both the limited and mundane ones,as well as the spiritual and limitless ones.

The fact still remains,though,that I’ve grown in success,achievement,reputation,popularity,fame(although,one can argue these are all the same thing),and such,in the past week,and I just wish to emphasize that what helped me in this was more than anything,the Left Hand Path mindset.

The mindset that whenever there is any crisis to avert,or any kind of issue,or even anything I want,I can begin putting forth a plan,to do it.I’ve also been obsessed recently,with spending my time well,with managing my time successfully,and with using that currency.

This obsession with time management,is something I used to loathe.Back in my old dark ages,time always went by fast,and I never had any of it.I felt that time hated me,and that all the awful moments would last forever.When I got rid of those dysfunctional bits,time went by so slowly,and became so much more valuable.

The spirits that I’ve worked with have all urged me to spend my time wisely.The spirits that I’ve worked with in real signed written pacts,Baba Yaga,Thoth,Paimon(well this one more or less),have some tie to Time.Time is a magician’s most valuable commodity,because he can never get any of it back.

Money that’s wasted can be returned with magic.An ex can be returned with magic(many people,especially adhi can testify to how hard that is but certainly possible).Lost things can be restored with Chamuel,but time is the one thing you can speed up,slow down,play around with,but never truly get back.

I evoke Paimon,and he tells me to report my story for this day,and showed me some concepts I had been pondering,so not much new about that here.


One of my favorite quotes from Napolean: “Space I can recover, but time never.”

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